Is it kino?

Is it kino?


jesus, his dick is huge.

thank God for institutional racism repressing black males and giving us White privilege because there's no way white men could ever compete otherwise.

Its reported.

You can't even see it.

>tfw you will never fuck a 5/10 white girl with your BBC

did.. like the chick video tape this? Because if i was that guy i wouldnt want people to know.

>it's another white trash gets chimped episode

Who is this fat whore

>You can't even see it.
its the fifth pic and it's at least 9 inches as she is 7 inches above him already.

the average dick size for white males is 5 inches and black men routinely break 8inches? there is no way we'd be able to keep our women on a fair playing field. african males are simply too powerful.

>mfw watching the "plight of a cuck" video

The fuck are you talking about spastic.
It may be 6-7 inches, but it's not fucking 9.

dat ass


>plight of a cuck
Fucking kek why did I just watch that

Is it a celebrity?

is anyone going to post the link or not

what video?

suck his dick bitch


You can get BBC cock extenders. I don't know why guys don't just get them instead letting their wives cheat. She won't leave you for an inanimate object.