Why no one talks about this show? I thought it was pretty interesting, even with James Franco acting

Why no one talks about this show? I thought it was pretty interesting, even with James Franco acting.

It left no impression on me whatsoever.

I guess if im really grasping for meaning i would call it "meh"

Nothing Happens: The Show

More like "the character doesn't know the definition of 'low profile': the show"

i really enjoyed it when i saw it but that was it, never really thought of it after.

i was really angry he didn't go in to get her back too.

sarah gadon is gorgeous.

This. A lot of the mistakes James ran into is because his ass couldn't keep a low profile. That said it was an ok show overall.

I watched half of it then gave up

Ignore all these cynical nitwits so far, we talked about it a lot as it was airing and it was overwhelmingly enjoyed. Franco's nuanced acting, Gadon's angelic Sadie. Clever set up, heart. Very good series.

The only part I didn't like it was the ending. It felt too rushed and it didn't quite explain why the world was so chaotic after he saved Kennedy.

ending sucks dick

It was heart wrenching and personal, which I think the story was ultimately about. The dystopian stuff was a mystery that stood on its own, detailing it would sort of degrade it.

Haven't watched it but I always thought James Franco can act when he wants to.

While is not a breakthrough in television, I think it was pretty damn nice and makes me wish more book were adapted this way, books tend to longer and more detailed, but that has to be highly summarized in a movie, but a series can take its time.

2) I rather enjoyed the idea of an abstract force that tries to prevent future from changing.

I also liked Franco, I think a lot of Sup Forums goers, having rightfully seen more movies than me, imagine him as a goofy actor from the get go, so there's that bias.
Or maybe I am wrong.

It explains it in the book.

Hulu is probably the least popular of the three big streaming services. It really doesn't look like it's worth the subscription fee, at least compared to Netflix and Amazon.

the ending should have been James Franco's buddy being the one who shot Kennedy

He could'd at least went back one more time to save Bill's family from being murdered.

I'm about to drop it now that the CW and Criterion left.

yeah, save bill's family, get the girl, either settle or go back.

that would have meant that history had changed, from what I remember, this is the result of King's studies on the matter, still don't get how in his idea jack ruby would have shot him.

I'm liking FilmStruck. I'll enjoy it more once they get a PlayStation app. Right now I can only watch these movies on my iPhone. David Lynch would be ashamed.

Exactly the same actually, yeah. And Airplay is giving me constant problems. I don't mind watching on an iPhone 6s Plus with a Bluetooth speaker really, it's fine. I love Lynch but "phones" have come a long way. But yeah, eagerly awaiting the PS4 app for convenience.

Yeah, although I find Netflix's shows garbage they win by the quantity.
Amazon is investing hard on good shows and writers and I really enjoyed Hand of God, Goliath and Man in the High Castle.
I look forward for Hulu and Amazon to continue producing these sorts of shows.

Hand of God didn't get great reviews. Why did you like it? I might give it a shot. Catastrophe is highly acclaimed but I couldn't stand it.

The book was okay, the best part was when he ran into the kids from IT, though it was kinda heavy handed.

Mainly for the plot, Ron Perlman's acting and pic related.

Sarah in early sixties style was fucking perfect




i'd watch a supercut of her from this show desu
i'd probably like it better too



I read the book. I saw that they cast James Franco as the MC and instantly noped.



My heart


her hair is horrible, doesn't look real









What made me lose interest was how quickly he got over the fact that there was a time portal in some random closet, well the story itself wasnt very interesting either.


thank you for all the webms user



Everything resets if he leaves.

no it resets if he goes back in.

so after ruining the future, he can go in, save bill's family and spend the rest of his life with a literal angel.

I mean first James Franco has never been a bad actor in anything he's been in.

Second, when the show was on we had threads about it each week.

And finally, Sadie is literally the most attractive woman I've ever seen on tv.

Yes, but considering there is so "mystery" surrounding Kennedy's assasination, they could use the Lost logic of "whatever happened happened" and it was always Bill who shot him, and they can still have Oswald take the fall


jesus christ my heart
how cute can a person be

scary guy

that's not olyphant