Was he, dare I say it, uruk-hai?

Was he, dare I say it, uruk-hai?

great meme

Have you for an attempt.

I chuckled.

Of course he was.. he put meat back on the menu!

Orcposting was too good for this board.

Was he the one that killed Boromir? If so, then no. He killed /our guy/ though.

how did orcs know what a menu was?



You can tell op put a lot of thought into this.

Totally worth it, op. Totally worth it.

I miss this meme

How do I get a physique like Lurtz?

underground interracial breeding grounds

Kek, not bad op

I like it. Keep up the good work


had a good chuckle at this one


Find the Halflings.

Don't you dare say it!

Got more orcposts?