Place beyond the pines

makes me want a motorcycle desu

does that make me a dumb impressionable sheepjock

also whatd you think of this movie and how it was better than Blue Valentine

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Was a good movie. Made me sad what happened to him. His son should've shot the cops faggot son in the end but NOPE we had to go with the happy Hollywood ending

but he rose above!

except you'd just look like an autist on a motorcycle.

ryan gosling is so good looking that he works well for the character.

Good but a tad over long. Could have ended with the son finding his dad's motorcycle and just riding off.

the point was that, despite his father's bike being destroyed he still wanted to follow in the footsteps. it had to happen this way, the son had to make the decision on his own and not just find his dads bike and ride off with it.

the cops destroyed his fathers bike, yet he still chose to pursue that life.

"Snow Angel" makes me tear up every time I hear it, incredibly emotive sequence of music.

This. Amazing stuff.

I really liked the movie, though I do agree it could have been a bit shorter. Ben Mehndelhsohn was great as always.

I wanted Bradley Cooper to tell the kid he held him in his arms as a baby when he had a gun held to his head.Surprised he didn't.

also bradley coopers son was hilarious and played the part well

His accent was weird.

I thought it was very good.

Very good film. I liked the 3 stories arc of the characters, made the film feels a 3 hour movie


>Ryan Gosling is the first man ever to ride a motorcycle and if he does anything, say wear a jacket or drive a car stop it immediately because you look autistic
Take a step back and look how self-concise you fags sound

I like it but I prefer Blue Valentine.

Also the black guy who was with Eva mendes was a major loser.

Motorcycles are pretty good desu

Not some faggy ass dirtrocket like he rides in the film, but a real motorcycle for real people

This. Get a cruiser.

whast wrong with dual sports

dirtbikes are for redneck teens who do ramps in the woods

T'was puré kinòma.

who /raisedwithoutafatherfigure/ here??

so, in others words, who /nigger/ here?

The soundtrack to this is beyond fantastic.

Don't you miss having friends?