Ghost in the Shell

Is this a faithful representation of the Major?

I think they should have cast someone taller but I don't even like GitS so

I'm still mad Batou is not played by Dolph

No, she doesn't have hairy pits

He's going to be Cable in Deadpool for his big comeback

Faithful enough for my dick

Not /fit/ enough.

in before
>she fat

Wasn't she supposed to be Amazonian? She's a womanlet

>Wasn't she supposed to be Amazonian?

She's only 5'7, a little above average for a woman and Major's super strength isn't natural but from her chassis, when she's not hulking out she's has a toned build

She's not that tall but yeah, she's got broad shoulders for a woman and an athletic build.


Would have been perfect tho

Only other choice for me would've been Alexia Ioannides

ScarJo is like 5'3 without heels

Well shit this is the first time ever a movie has cast an actor an actress for a role they weren't tall enough for.

4 inches shorter? fucking animals.

Is she stupid

is she standing on something she is trying to lift in this webm?

They could have cast Tom Cruise

Mind over matter is one of the themes of GiTS, don't worry I thought it was dumb too when I first saw it

She's trying to open a hatch or something.

Still, why the fuck would you do that

He's busy reaching


I used to think Scarjo was so hot.

lmao that physical description gives meyer a run for her money

is jack reacher twilight for masculine gay guys?

Reacher was just Lee Child's homoeroticism

and I love it all

>major is still taller than you

Major, you are a jew?

Why wouldn't they give this to Guillermo for directing? The set design and cinematography of Pacific Rim was more GitS-like then anything in that shitty trailer.

Plus, with Guillermo directing you just know that we would get Ron Perlman as Batau, something which I personally see him as a perfect match for.

is that from Under The Skin? I don't remember this

She was in certain movies.

Perlman would've been perfect. He has the perfect match for facial bone structure, and he's no stranger to acting in fantasy/sci-fi in this type of role. At worst he might need to hit the gym or wear some spanx so he doesn't look quite as frumpy in the body.

The guy playing Batou just doesn't wear any of it naturally, he looks like some random dude at a con's 3rd place Batou cosplay.

Sure looks like the perfect female body for fighting crime and beating up criminals

so what

Yeah my thoughts exactly

Ghost in the Shell is such a deep, serious anime; it's like a more philosophical Tom Clancy novel taking place in a cyberpunk vision of the future.

>finally decide to watch it for the first time

the autism just can't be escaped

Nakedness is a human trait, at the furthest you could push it it's a trait of organic creatures, a piece of machinery can't be naked, that's the point

holy shit she is literally her

Because it's a tank that was shooting at her and inside there is an AI that gained consiousness that's the main "villain" that has to be stopped

Watch SAC or any other version of it if you can't handle that. She is just wearing some suit that matches her skin color in the movie.

>Not Ron Perlman

Some argue that all the nakedness in GitS serve the pupose of reminding how the major is not human and how her body is not her, but just a tool to use, not to glorify nor hide nor care about.
When she dress, it's just because of functional stuff as gear or to normally function in society, but not for a feeling of shame.
Other argue it's just fanservice.

Why is she forcing her bum backwards like that? Her posture looks terrible that way.

>AI that gained consiousness that's the main "villain"
>He did anything wrong...

s c o l i o

Lumbar Lordsis master race

Hillary Clinton Biopic when?

She is.

>futa dick nipple photoshop this quickly

pic is weeks old

Sway Back looks swaggy and comfy as fuck. Cool shit, nigga.

Yes, but why would you break your own body. You get nothing from it.


Wrong pic.

The Major is 5'6"
Scarjo is 5'25''

>tfw when ill never grab have her 8x6

>lumpy jewess


I want better pictures of her naked with more detail like her pussy

How can she put something like this on and think to herself "yeah, this looks fine"? I wouldn't even be seen taking out the garbage looking like the male equivalent of this, whatever that would be.