The Truth About Starship Troopers

They were right.

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Is this pitch-shifted?
Ironside sounds weird

I think they speed it up so it's not blocked.

Is there anything this guy does that isnt based as fuck?

>why are only citizens allowed to vote

Because you live in a racist, white supremacist and fascist country, shitlord.

>Lieutenant Rasczak will never shoot you himself for being a coward, why live.

>me on the right checking my facebook

The book is pretty shit, why was it a Hugo winner?

Path Of Light > Far Right Extremism >>>>>>>>>>>>> Far Left Extremism(the cuckoldry we have now in the west)

>tfw both far right extremism and shitty far left extremism promote multiculturalism and feminism eventually

Starship Troopers is more multicultural and more gender equal than any country on earth you fucking retard

>tfw if have to choose a death, choose DO IT RICO

Such a good movie

>ywn die as good a death as these 2

Why can't we have flicks like this anymore?

Inb4 some she blaming reason

Some sjw*

That's exactly right though

Starship Troopers would explain the far right (it has some evil to it but its better than the far left) and thus it cannot be allowed to go mainstream again

It's like mini-Hitler in terms of triggeredness

this movie does not get old.
its always an enjoyable watch.

Deans in the dark, Meru in the light.
This was the last time they spoke as friends

>The book is pretty shit

kill yourself

>both are in the light AND dark
really makes you think




Top 5 most rewatchable movies ever

agreed, I must have watched it at least 20 times. Considering watching it right now.

>yfw far right extreme fascism is both the Ultimate Evil and Ultimate Good at the same time

Everyone fights
Noone quits
Life is fun but evil
Death is painful but glorious

We are redpilling Sup Forums deeper than /x/ or Sup Forums here guys

This is the origin of yin/yang and ancient knowledge if anyone knows what im talking about when I say this far right extremism is both good/evil at its extremes at the same time

You know too much.

It was accused of championing fascism back when it came out.

If it came out today there'd be riots.

I unironically reiterate this scene in my own Sup Forums views.

However since our cohesion, unity and homogeneous cultural/political beliefs all differ there is no body politic worth defending. Nor are there people who actively can defend it really.

Spot the lazy fucker who probably enjoy getting whipped in the town square

Read it when you get past 15 years of age

FBI visits me once a week

CIA asks me for advice because they dont feel in charge

The pendulum is swinging back

The question is now this:

Do we want balance of reality and enlightenment with God or do we want far right extremist military fascism like Starship Troopers?
It's a tough choice

Paul Veorheven said him and a Texan writer based Starship Troopers in what was happening in Texas during Bush II government.

In SST you can see a Multicultural or at least a Multirracial Fascism, basically a "Progressive Fascism" that sort defines American Empire.

I for one welcome our new fascist galaxy spanning empire

>there is no body politic worth defending.

This. But that wouldn't even matter, during past ages you always had your family to defend, as a motivation to go to war, now families are obsolete and under constant attack by leftists.

Wait, are there people here who take Starship Troopers as a celebration of a militaristic society?

It's supposed to be satire, retards

You're so full of shit.

You wouldn't take arms against anything, you fat neckbeard.

You just enjoy talking shit on the internet and sounding tough. You'd wash out of mandatory military service and you know it. They wouldn't have your fat ass.

It's a fucking movie and yeah there are huge problems in their way of doing things.


I think we should eventually choose peaceful enlightenment after a decade of starship trooperism though

>thinking anyone would "wash out of concription"

Dude, if the military has the law on its side and you are in uniform. They will find a way to make any fat ass pass for a soldier.

Given the conditioning everyone has received in the last 60-70 years, paired with the insatiable human condition. There is no alternative than extreme fascism.

The difference however is that the head of this change is someone who aligns with the beliefs we naturally align to via truth. Ergo the 'red pill'. Someone who understands that the races should be segregated and not mixed, not as an act of malice but of preservation and to return to a level of societal stability.

Most importantly is someone who can fill the role as the 'father' for the nation of his 'children'. He holds truth in both hands and wishes to raise his children properly, both strong in spirit and mind.

Once everything has been equalized, generic Jew lies have been rooted out of the psyche, the priority of the 'home' above all else is back in balance things will start to repair themselves - then we can return to a republic and under the watchful eye of us all be responsible for upholding it's integrity, like the question originally was asked and answered as.

Dont be mean civilian or I'll shut you the fuck up



Except to achieve what you've prescribed we would have to do the opposite of 'equalizing' for all people.

Segregation is the opposite of equality, you fucking idiot. It literally states that people who differ from the norm are lesser citizens. Democracy will always have its flaws, but it enables equal time to all voices given they can convince the majority of a populace. If everyone in that society gets a vote then that's probably the closest we'll ever come to equality in politics.

The rest of your post is conspiracy Trump bullshit.

>sci-fi plebs acting like they're patrician on Sup Forums

that shower scene is pretty based all those free floatin nude bodys.

You have to ask yourself if that's really true when you look at majority black and hispanic areas.

There are problems that won't ever go away (human condition) and this causes unnecessary conflict. By segregating you eradicate ONE problem of hundreds that plague any sense of progress.

It seems ironic that progress is segregation but it is true. Once separated you can isolate inter-racial problems. Blacks surrounded only by blacks will no longer have a wall to bounce off, that 'wall' being problems other than themselves.

This was not always the case, pre-50's given the state of societal norms and the encouragement to maintain them led to blacks holding the same values, principles and morals as whites did. You can blame the Jews for starting a snowball effect that led them to disavow this course and seek a more 'independent' role for themselves, same with women who felt a need for 'independence' which has led them down the path which became modern feminism.

You can argue about liberal freedoms and 'choices' but what does that come down to? The choice to say fuck the tradition, what does that leave you with? The alternative of a functional system is a dysfunctional one, and that's what the evolution of our society has become - dysfunctional.

In order to instill this principle once again, which would be like building a sand castle against the waves, we need to segregate the races, that's one less direction the waves are coming in from. Then proceed to isolate the other destabilising effects such as the compromised lower and higher education system and so forth.

>mfw Sup Forums isnt all retards

>You can blame the Jews

By that implication I'm sure you mean the Jewish-German nationals AND Jewish Bolshevik-cum-Communists that perpetuated subversive destabilization in the Western world post-WWII.

How does that segregation even works? Which race is going to dictate it?

There is multiple nation and races induce the modern misconception if black and white people. What about the overlapping nations? Particularly those ones that include religion?

I mean, hispanics? That's not even a race m8



Fucking Fleet whore, I'm glad she's JUST

>Not making love to her before and after every battle eventually dying side by side with Dizzy on the front lines

Fuck that whore.
Tomboy soldier fembro was much better.


delete this

You know I mean Latins.

Ultimately this is the hard truth - there is no easy, democratic way of looking at this. You have to trust that with the best intentions the original segregation is for the best interests of all races.

We're so deep into a hotpot in most locations it won't be possible, also for this example we will only be looking at the United States.

Segregation isn't a long term solution either, when you think about the practical applications of this it would be like dictating where people need to move to and where they need to stay.

It is however a selective segregation, for rural areas where there are sparse populations of mainly whites with a few other races in there it is fine because the impact of mixing isn't proactive.

There is a direct correlation with the density of a race and their predilictions, the more there are of a certain race, the more comfortable and antagonistic they can become.

Therefore segregation in major cities is where the focus will be, and how does that work? People will have to be displaced, minority whites in black neighborhoods moved to majority whites, and the same for blacks.

Don't forget we're talking about an ultra-fascist government, this won't be an issue. During this time martial law will enforced and agitators will be dealt with to set an example.

In reality this will never work - not without becoming said ultra-fascist government. And although you will try to convince everyone from all races that this is in their best interests, it will not be seen as such because the leader of this ultra-fascist nation state is a fucking white male.

Let's be realistic, could we do it without segregation? It would be harder, but I want to be positive that it is. Truthfully you have to understand that there is such a deep level of conditioning that has penetrated all races that serve different purposes of which all conflict with one another. By 'removing' one 'truth', it contradicts with another races.

Since when does Sup Forums know this

Im moving back to Israel next month fuck this shit

>It's supposed to be satire, retards
verhoeven dun goofed if he was trying to make military dictatorships look bad

the only mistake the government makes in the movie is the initial klendathu invasion. Its not like civilian governments are better at military planning. Plus the dictatorship quickly rectifies the mistake and sacks the old Sky Marshal, without the mess of an eleciton or shit like that.

stay there and take the rest of your tribe with you

Youre right until you go deeper but whatever

I agree militaristic right wing extremism is superior to the retarded ineffective cuckoldry we live in now

>it's s-satire

Ah yes, the "IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO" of older times.

We get it, you're a Nazi

yea, i wouldn't be surprised if the Federation was killing off dissenters and engaging in all sorts of brutal shit behind the scenes, but its up to verhoeven to depict it in his movie. hence why i think he dun goofed if he was trying to smear fascism.

It's unironically thinking like that the keeps this system repeating again and again and again.

One day I hope you see it for yourself, reach that conclusion on your own. Until that point it doesn't matter what anyone tells you, you're already operating on the accumulation of a lifetime of conditioning.

it is satire, but its based on a serious, nonsatirical exploration of the same subject. the fact that the satire cannot fully override the appeal of its subject speaks to the strengths of the original exploration.

This is such a retarded viewpoint.

The only people being cuckolded on this planet are the poor. Relative to wherever you are, whether it's Syria or South Carolina, poor people are being pinched while the rich get richer.

Our problem is that business, money, and government are too closely tied and you idiots just elected a Billionaire with no foreign policy experience to fix it.

The poor in every country share more in common than the global rich. You're more like a refugee than you are like Trump.

>believe strongly in segregation and nationalism
>trying to write scientifically about 'progress' coming from segregation
>blaming Jews for all of society's ills
>calling back to a time in which particular traditions (white traditions) were more important
>believing that the largest problem that faces our species is the fact that our skin color differs slightly
>thinking that all of these views haven't been preached and practiced as propaganda in the past

you're unironically a nazi, m8. fuck off trying to take the high ground with that keep an open mind bullshit.

the end of segregation and the age of global cooperation has led to wonderful inventions, unprecedented peace, and a slowly improving life for most people worldwide.

not an argument

You guys do realize it's satire right?

ITT: If it's all white, it's aaaaalllright.

>blaming Jews for all of society's ills
refer to Look up the Frankfurt School and Yuri Bezmenov. You obviously don't need to look up Soros either, unless you truly are a blind, lapdog.

Not that guy, but I've read the Frankfurt School. I've read Horkheimer and Adorno. Hell, I've taught lessons on the One-Dimensional Man.

Their destabilizations were toward acknowledging that we have a choice in defining for ourselves how we live life, rather than taking cues from absolutist establishments. If you want to follow and adhere strictly to guidelines, be they religion or nationalism or whatever go ahead. But leave other people the option of taking a different route.

Or do you not like living in a free expressionist society?


Adults are talking here kid

No I dont support Trump like you implied you stupid reddshitter

Buenos Aires was a false flag

The Federation just wanted to genocide a peaceful alien race and needed an excuse

You can disagree but I don't care because it's a movie

Sup Forums has risen to power on this

When lie becomes the narrative

Satire pierces it with unstoppable force

God exists (not religion though)

No shit

Have you even seen the movie?

Your definition of "free expressionist society" is so fucking wrong it is pretty much double-speak

>the end of segregation and the age of global cooperation has led to wonderful inventions, unprecedented peace, and a slowly improving life for most people worldwide.

Moshi Moshi, baito desu.

t. high school student who has no grasp of what Islam is

Holy shit! Harry Kim is a time traveler!


Do people think that 1.6 billion muslims don't believe in Islam or something???

It's not wrong and it's not even my term. That's a term Adorno uses to describe a society that avoids the pitfalls of the Mass Culture Industry propagandas of authoritarian politics and cultural hegemony delivered through advertising to instead value open-ended expression that continually morphs culture in order to keep power shifting rather than stagnating in the hands of the wealthy or dynastic.

Are you sure you've read about the Frankfurt School?

It's all there in your post.

>Their destabilizations
>rather than taking cues from absolutist establishments

You don't get it, or maybe you like to aide in furthering the spread critical thought, but the Jews had nothing and we did, their 'Let's all evaluate...' never applied to them.

Then they convince some good goys to spill their peoples blood for them so they can have 'their' own '''''ancestral''''' country that they can end up turning into, guess what, a right wing centric warmongering nation.

Everything they have preached and taught goyim since those day, they do not follow themselves.

The Jewish family is one that adheres tradition and unity, with a strong 'home' structure. They do what they do to remain in control, be it subversion, control of thought via media both news and entertainment and the most important of all, the financial world.

Their greatest achievement is the subversion and brainwashing conducted during post-WWII, it forever has made things - now - impossible to resolve. No one can be held accountable, there are more Jews who aren't even apart of that world that can be considered an unfortunate meat shield, even worse there are people who have been brainwashed enough to act out their fantasies whilst not even gaining themselves.

The liberal youth who can be forgiven for being deceived their whole lives and then there's you. Those who should know better but don't. You either drank the cool-aid or you knowingly perpetuate this.

There is a reason, long before 'human rights' and 'globalism' came around that Jews are always expelled wherever they went.

Nepotists, traditionalists, supremacists. Does that sound like a Nazi? That's ironically also a Jew.

Centuries of people being wise to their shit, you think it's a coincidence? A unified, homogenic people are a natural threat to the Jew. They weren't taking any chances after WWII and here we are.

You're spouting their shit like it's the gospel and calling me the monster.

i dont see gender or color only citizen and civilian

You're pretty nuts, m8.

Practice connecting your thoughts when you write.

Good rebuttal!

ITT: Social alienation social disorders, mental illness and infowars filtered world view

....Starship Troopers came out in 1997, Bush II elected in 2000... your logic falters friend

Not him, but I kinda-sorta stand for what he stands for, and I can almost certainly kick at LEAST 90 percent of Sup Forums's ass.

/fit/izen master race

not an argument.

It's not hard to kick Sup Forums's ass. Most of the posters here are underaged kids that have never hit a weight in their life.

Gosh that chick is sooooooooooo fucking hotttttttttttt

Or the brazilian integralism. Fucking retards read up some world history.

>written in 1996
>released in 1997
>years before bush II happened


Childhood is wanting Denise

Adulthood is realizing Dizzy is better

Sums it up perfectly.

Military service wasn't the only way to become a citizen, a fact the movie conveniently ignores. Infact heinlein said something like only 5-10% of those doing service would be in the military

actually as a kid i wanted dizzy cos i got to see her tits in the movie

now i lament what denise became. i choose to blame the eternal jew for melting her face.

If you want to discuss that go to Sup Forums

Sup Forums's structure makes it hard to continue conversations etc

Matrix came out before 9/11

Same with Back to the Future

With proper societal values and strong monogomous families making perfect children eventually girls become godesses and men become God

We have multicultural and other kinds of genetic destruction going on in most places right now though so that's why so many ugly people