Why is Vincent Vega whined about a $5 milkshake, when he had just bought $300 worth of heroin?

Why is Vincent Vega whined about a $5 milkshake, when he had just bought $300 worth of heroin?

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junky logic

Because 300 is a reasonable price for heroin but 5 bucks was at the time a high amount for a milk shake?

How much do you tip a drug dealer?

heroin is not a milkshake
and he's whiny in general, that's kinda the point of his character

Because he had spent all his money on heroin

He attributes value to things that are not milkshakes.

So like, this movie was a major revival for Travolta's career? He hadn't done anything of relevance since Grease?

And no, Look Who's Talking is not relevant.

Same reason I was annoyed when my beer cost $10 for a glass but didn't mind the $40 steak.

>300 is a reasonable price for heroin
I don't know about 1994, but today that would be an outrageous price, even for top quality heroin.

He lost perspective. Thats why he thought it would have been reasonable for marcellus wallace to throw antoine out of the window, or none of the six bullets to hit during the bonnie situation, or taking a dump and leaving his gun in the kitchen while trying to kill someone.

Was that really all that expensive in 1994?

I wouldn't buy a five dollar milkshake now
Also $5 then is $8.16 now

you spent $800 on a computer, how are you complaining about a 20$ stick of gum?

it was a shot load of STRONG heroin,it killed what's her name,well she was only mostly dead.

Yes, that is correct. This movie is what allowed him to revive his career. And honestly, his acting in this movie is probably the best work he ever did.

That seems like an average price for a dessert at a restaurant.
A goddamn Mcdonalds milkshake probably costs five bucks now.

Why is he complaining about 25 cents when his worthless life was on the line?

they cost like 3 bucks for a large
leave your house sometime

It was a big coin

what gum are we talking?

>$5 milkshake
they put bourbon in it or something?

Most people die from snorting large amounts of H. That's why they keep it in balloons, so nobody mistakes it for cocaine.

I used to wrap my coke in balloons.

Because he's a redneck.

I think the milkshake being expensive was symbolism for the ladys drug of choice cocain which is very expensive for a high. They were at a 50's diner because they are both people who don't fit in with the times. They are two very different people with simaler, but different tastes. Vincent eats steak like a less refined paleted person. Mia Wallace eats a luxurious burger mades of ground beef, vegetables, pickles, sauce, and bread which contains more pleasing flavor in a single bite than an entire steak. Vincent eats to get full. Not for a experience. Mia Wallace lives for the experience. They both eat beef. They both get high. They juste have different tastes for satisfying their cravings. Similar, but different people. Who knows? Maybe vincent would order a 5 dollar shake everytime if he could afford to.

>more refines paleded person
>eats burger over steak

americans everyone
clab clab

Was just about to post this.

>Okay with spending hundreds on drugs because of addiction, don't want to deal with withdrawals. every other purchase feels like a hurdle that gets in the way of getting more.

Would you pay 5k for a new top-tier car? Of course you would.

But 5 bucks is kinda pricey for milkshake that costs 1 dollar at the most in materials.

>leave my house
>to visit mcdonalds
No thanks.

>One dollar at most
Uh, ice-cream, and milk, flavorings. Even cheaper brands all cost over a dollar these days

$8.36 in today's dollars, so, closer to a $10 milkshake.

I'm lovin it

>buying a $40 steak
you got robbed

this .... so much this
he was there to babysit and wanted to know if the shit had alcohol in it and if she was gonna get pissed and be a pain in his ass

The heroin was actually worth it

i dont know where this balloon shit comes from, powder heroin comes in wax bags

If you knew anything bout drugs. The bag he bought was huge. Shit is usually sold in .25 of a gram you fucking child.

>burger is better than steak
You horrible smelly greasy fat cunt.

Because $300 gets your $300 worth of Heroin.

A $5 milkshake when a Milkshake was $.79

i forget how much he bought, wasn't it 3 grams? or 5 grams?

i used to be a dope fiend and 1 gram of 10 baggies was anywhere from $100 to $200

more like $50 of Heroin and a ton of laxatives/babypowder

well written

He is saying that the burger has more ingredients, and the steak is just one. not that one is actually better over the other, its meant to signify more options are better.

not at that volume. that's precut price.

Honestly its been like 10 years since the last time I watched it. Seemed like the size of a golf ball or slightly larger.



Broken Arrow is the best thing Travolta ever fucking did.

im pretty sure its 5 grams because he doesnt just pay the guy $300, he gives the guy a big wad of cash

Mia Wallace was snorting cocaine, she wasn't doing heroin.

she WAS snorting cocaine. the scene she overdoses she's wearing vincent's jacket and mistakes the baggy of heroin he had in his pocket as coke and snorts a huge line of it

TFW you will never fight Richard Grieco on a train to get control of a nuclear weapon...

Well not with that attitude, Mr.

>tfw you won't fist fight your best friend turned arch enemy in a fist fight on a train to get control of a nuclear weapon while the cutie you met on your journey cheers you on and fucks you after

Because that was a good price for the amount he bought

Heroin is illegal and hard to find, it's high price made sense.

Milkshakes are icecream and milk, $5 for that in the 90's was a ripoff.

>the scene she overdoses she's wearing vincent's jacket and mistakes the baggy of heroin he had in his pocket as coke and snorts a huge line of it

oh fuck. never noticed that.

I just assumed she did so much coke she OD'd, cause they show her doing it often.

It's five times as much as the commodity costs. You would expect today to spend 5-10 dollars on a really good milkshake, but that doesn't convert to more than about 80 cents in 1970 dollars. If a janky eatery claimed you should pay 30 bucks for blended ice cream and milk, you SHOULD react, at least to those who choose to bite the bait.

Considering he's "well off" in the sense that he does have at least hundreds of bucks of disposable income at any given time (about 2k for the heroin in 2016 bucks), he's still a guy who cares more about getting himself high, than living the high life.

I know for sure while I'd normally spend maybe 60 bucks for a baggie of weed for normal days, I'd be willing to shell out twice that to know exactly what I was getting, if it included what felt to me as at least more than twice the effect.

But ask me to pay 20 bucks for a beer, and I'll balk, no matter how fancy it is.

I don't tip.

my heroine addict friend is a huge pennypincher. as it turns out, he needs the money for heroine.

it was cocaine you fucking mongs

No, it wasn't, here's your (you), you low quality baiter.

Do you know how much these drug dealers make? They don't make shit

Drug Dealing is the number one occupation for young women without a college degree in the United States.

Fuck all that.

>They don't make shit
How dumb do you have to be to not make money selling drugs. They fucking sell themselves.

I'm surprised most street dealers haven't just set up self service kiosks and replaced these useless dealers already.

>ywn shoot up Panda with Vincent Vega

It's Marcellus's gun in the kitchen. Marcellus has gone out to get something while he's staking out the place with Vincent. That's why Marcellus is crossing the road when Butch drives away in the Honda and runs Marcellus over.

what if it's made with organic grass fed milk, vanilla bean pods, and fresh made ice cream


i think thats prostitution

how fucking old are you?

>>the scene she overdoses she's wearing vincent's jacket and mistakes the baggy of heroin he had in his pocket as coke and snorts a huge line of it

>oh fuck. never noticed that.

>I just assumed she did so much coke she OD'd, cause they show her doing it often.

Go back and re-watch The Empire Strikes Back. pay close attention at the end of Luke's fight with Vader. If you listen carefully, you'll be surprised to find out THAT DARTH VADER IS ACTUALLY LUKE'S FATHER !!! Did I just blow your mind ?!?!?

I don't know but my sister spends 300 dollars a week on weed but complains about every other purchase.

>It's five times as much as the commodity costs. You would expect today to spend 5-10 dollars on a really good milkshake, but that doesn't convert to more than about 80 cents in 1970 dollars. If a janky eatery claimed you should pay 30 bucks for blended ice cream and milk, you SHOULD react, at least to those who choose to bite the bait.

Are you under the impression that "Pulp Fiction" is set in the 70's? If so, you are a fucking dumbshit.


I haven't seen Star Wars yet!

i have some news for you

your sister isn't just spending that $300 per week on weed

sorry for your loss in advance

>never noticed that.
how the fuck could you not? It wasn't subtle

Alright hawk-eye.

Why weren't you on the titanic?

Especially in 1994 dollors