0 rings

>0 rings
>0 conference championships
>0 conference finals appearances
>0 division titles
>0 trips past the second round
Why is this considered a franchise again?

>0 war victories
>0 relevance
>0 influence
>0 money
>0 contributions to science
Why is Canada considered a country again?

>this is what amerifats consider "banter"

they did invented basketball though.

They can go to hell for that.

Rush is a pretty good band.

A Canadian invented insulin, the shit that keeps Americucks alive.

>a hormone secreted by the pancreas
>a canadian literally invented this

- Hornets
+ Sonics

>Still 1 championship
>Didn't trade one of the GOATs for a literal meme player

North Carolina is the GOAT state for college basketball. Everyone here loves it. It's only fitting it has a pro basketball team.

still better than the pelicans

is this the famous american "banter" lads?

Charlotte is the Buffalo of the south

You're welcome.

canada gave us justin beiber tho

>still one championship
Not so fast,they don't own that anymore.

This shit about to change.


>Trudeaufag that was too poor to own a Hornets Starter jacket detected

can't let a market unexploited

>why is Canada considered a country again

Because you got your asses kicked in 1812. Remember?

>United States of Autism

Please no bully. We have nice unis and bojangles.

Whatever you say jacques


because stern gave it to jordan as a compromise for making him retire back in the day.

then was doesnt kentucky have a team too