Will she be forever Star Wars typecast, or will her smugness find a greater range?

Will she be forever Star Wars typecast, or will her smugness find a greater range?

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Apparently no one likes to work with her becuz she's bitchy or what not, so most likely


maybe that smug look is a desperate attempt to stave off awful depression and survive as best can despite a shitty personality and utter cowardice.

I need a massive shit


okay OP...you enjoy cock.

What? Literally everyone in the cast (both SW alumni and newcomers) said she's fun and easygoing. Where are you getting that she's difficult?

As if your going to talk shit about your co workers in public. Behind the scenes, people talk, and what they say isn't very good. Daisie is an aggressive, tactless, rude cunt. Allegedly

>Where are you getting that she's difficult?
his ass

The only type of role she'll get after her fifteen minutes of fame are over is a chav bitch in some Channel 4 show.

I highly doubt her looks will land her any decent parts and her connection to Star Wars is worthless..

She's gonna go far.

>As if your going to talk shit about your co workers in public. Behind the scenes, people talk, and what they say isn't very good.

Oh okay. So the people who talk in public are lying. But the ones you know, deep undercover, dish out the REAL dirt.

Got it, really glad your dad works at Nintendo.

>being this upset over someone more successful than you

Of all the flavors, you chose to be salty.

>you are han SOLOU
She's done

>YWN get it from her ass

>she counts the bar

>tfw no smuggy smugley gf

She would have to at least be able to act in the first place for that to happen

>greater range
She literally has zero range

>She literally has zero range
Agreed. Srs question guys. Why does this happens? I'm quite sure there's a bunch of qt girls who can act, even if they are not knowned, that could have been a better option than her. Why her? Is she related to someone or something I don't know?

According to what they say, JJ was impressed with the audition he saw on tape. And they were going to pay someone 100k and a sandwich anyways so they decided on her. Then the first day of shooting JJ realized she couldnt act.

Salt's a good flavour, user.

>Salt and Vinegar crisps

Not the user you replied to, but you honestly don't think people shit talk one another behind each others backs?

Are you 12?

Nevermind. That tells me everything.

Not him daisy looks like an idiot. But most gossip shit is just bs

do you guys just get off on talking shit because i'm pretty sure none of you actually watched this movie


but they saved 100k and daisy got her sandwich

I worked as a PA on TFA. Daisy Riddley is a fucking cunt, an insufferable CUNT. One time we were short on drivers so I picked her up from her hotel and the bitch say in the back fucking seat and didn't respond when I said hello. She just stared at her script mouthing words. Another time she threw a potted plant at an electrician and hit a gaffer. FUCK this bitch.

No you didn't.

Kek are you shitting me kid? Daisy ridley is the worst actress ive seen besides jlaw and emilia clarke. shes horrendous. She has wide eyes and an agape mouth for 90% of her acting

>people doubting she's a bitch
>literally has a fucked up vagina and is a coke fiend


playing a character in a trilogy doesnt make one typecast

i get the feeling OP doesnt understand what typecast means

i mean unless he actually thinks there a lots of roles for lead actresses in space operas with cheesy dialogue

This someone post the webm

Adam Driver is the only one of the new three to find continued success despite being "ugly." Daisy and John will not be box office draws in any other production.

>adam driver
>box office draw
Lol. Him and Garfield are gonna do nothing for Silence

There is literally no picture of her where I dont want to fuck her mouth


She looks like she can handle a couple of BBCs.
Boy I'd pay to see that.



Why is she so smug, bros?





Rey is cool! COOL!

Quite literally because of the snow haha

Pic related would be a good use of her range

angry white boi

Peak Daisy desu.

>Come to Sup Forums to Daisypost
>See a thread has already been made for me.

Thanks senpai.


Pretty good one. Chuckled.

Idk man, she has the mouth width for it, but those huge teeth are sure to be a hindrance.

all of those public statements are from interviews, user. interviews are 100% a game of praising the movie and everyone who worked on it as much as possible. EVERY actor praises their coworkers in interviews; it's almost a requirement.

What does it feel like to put your penor in a females mouth, asking for a friend .-.

Spit a fuck ton on your hand and start jerking off. Then imagine it isn't a hand and it's a tongue. There you go.

Depends on how her head game is.
Usually it feels amazing if you haven't fapped in a few days.

It's ok, my dick is kinda small.

Thanks for the tip.

You're not the cuck are you?

Also Sup Forums should really allow these actress threads. I'm surprised this is still up.

>Salt and Vinegar crisps

Could go for some Walkers right about now.

I agree they should be allowed.

Also, I could say I'm not a cuck, but why bother? You will just disagree with me. We are at an impasse.


I was talking about if you're this guy because you said something about your small dick and cucks usually do that. I won't judge, whatever floats your boat. I don't really see the harm in these threads either. Trying to go on Sup Forums and having a celeb thread is absolutely terrible so I feel this would be the only good place to do it.

If she will do nudes she will succeed, but otherwise this is the end of the line for her just like so many others. Actually she will probably end up in a Hugh grant romantic comedy.

Not the same dude. I could see how you think he's a cuck. Good for him if he is.

She already did nudes at the first opportunity.

no u

>She already did nudes at the first opportunity.

What a slut.

I know I love it.

I'll never understand this woman. Sometimes I think she looks hideous, then others she turns my dick into fireworks.


Daisy will never slice your balls off, cauterizing the wound instantly and forcing you to be her sissy toilet.

Is there even a reason to continue living?

guk guk guk

Dubs and she dies within 2 years, screencap this.

I did, bro. Posting on r/4chanepicfails right now!



She needs to be typecast as my wife.

She'll either fade away or become the Sam Worthington of females.


And everyone talks about how great the movie is before it released.



I'm talking about every fucking movie ever released.

>Daisy and John will not be box office draws in any other production.

It's too early to tell. "The Hunger Games" made Jennifer Lawrence from an unknown into a star

>that smugface
literary Emma Watson.
Can you imagine Emma as Rey?

she's pretty

I'd actually have been a Reyfag then. Can't stand the Xenomorph, but Hermione would've fooled me into thinking TFA was good.

I bet Watson would shoehorn even more feminism to the character (see Beauty and the beast), however, her name alone would cash in at least $500mil more


nice quads

>Literally making shit up in an attempt to hate on an actress

Holy fuck you people are pathetic


I don't care about this girl and I think TFA was shit but she genuinely seems like a nice person to me.

the amount of smug in this pic is literally irresistible

>the secret underground behind the scenes no name club in the streets talking shit about Daisy Ridley being a bitch on set

lmao great one user

TFA cast will not have the same problem like the prequel cast.

Daisy already has 7 announced movies in the future without counting SW VIII, and those are only the official announcements.

Also you all will be watching Boyega's dindu face in the Pacific Rim 2 as the main lead and I don't even have to list Isaac and Driver's further projects.

Why perpetuate a meme that doesn't even exist.

She has another non-Star Wars movie directed by J.J. Abrams upcoming and she was also voiced Taeko Okajima in the English dub of Only Yesterday.

Apparently no one likes to work with (insert acting professional of your choice here) because he/she is (pick an unfortunate trait), so they'll (insert dire consequences of choice here).

Yes Anons, using this handy template, you too can make shit up and spread dissent just for the everliving, everloving LULZ!

Well at least one part of her is attractive.

She's standing next to Chewbacca - I'd be smug too.

Someone post the ass webm

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