Is Silicon Valley worth a watch?

Is Silicon Valley worth a watch?

General discussion of show

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>network television
>worth a watch
pick one

1st season was good
Its turned to shit now.
The funniest guy in the show, sadly died.

Well I would consider HBO to at least have some credibility

It's TBBT but good

That's how I think about it

I like it
worth a watch if you've got the time

It's a pretty funny show, especially if you're interested in tech.
It's usually pretty consistent but it's low moments almost make it not worth watching, like how one of the main characters will somehow manage to the save the day.

Yeah overall it's pretty good and funny
They handle the business/marketing/finance side of things really well

>actors got scared when they were supposedly called cucks in public

real cool

This. Judge kind of uses each episode as a series of setpiece tech gags.

It's funny, but not deep.

You can see almost all potential stories from the end of season 1, but yeah it's solid.

Thanks for the input guys. The show sounds great. I just watched the first episode and I liked it.

This sounds like damning with incredibly faint praise

If they make fun of Jobs and the entire veneration of him, like OP's pic suggests, I'd watch it.

best comedy on tv right now but I work in tech so there's bias


No. If you look up Reddit tier humor in the dictionary there is a picture of this show.

So do they literally suck Jobs dick or do they bust his balls

I'm not watching this is they treat Jobs as anything more than a slick salesman.

Different characters have different outlooks. One of them is quite butthurt about jobs.

they shit all over him and the character who likes him does over the top parodies of him

So, going by the two other replies to your post, the answer to your question is simply "yes."

Sometimes when I hear Silicon Valley I think of the gap between a woman's fake tits.

It's great go watch it

It was for about two seasons. Then it went down the drain.

It's the same shit that always happens with TV, but seems to happen more nowadays. Show gets successful -> execs ask themselves "how can we prolong this success for as long as possible?" -> show fladerizes all their characters and artificially creates drama out of nothing to extend the series.

The plot structure has basically become a copy of Entourage.

>oh, things are finally going our way after all this time and so many obstacles
>wait, shit, here's this new obstacle that could doom everyone forever


>everything is going to shit, the gang is going to break up, this is really it, everyone is going to have to go back to their old menial jobs
>oh wait, some other character/external factor just came out of nowhere and offered a solution that's going to change everything for the better and make everyone billionaires

The plot got a little dumber in 3 sure, but the jokes, character development and observations on the industry were all still there and just as sharp as previous seasons.

>This sounds like damning with incredibly faint praise
More like "imagine a better version of the concept of TBBT and also it's actually funny"

I've only seen S1, but from what I remember there's one scene where a character is about to make a sort of pitch and he dresses in the black turtle neck without comment, so it kind of does have the outlook you're describing, especially considering the character that does it.

I just finished S1 and really enjoyed it, what am I in for?

This guy fucks

It's awesome and has lots of funny moments, but fuck that Pajeet guy, fucking SJW piece of shit.

>On November 11, Thomas Middleditch and Kumail Nanjiani, two of the stars of the hit HBO comedy series Silicon Valley, were approached at a Los Angeles bar by two young white men—self-proclaimed fans who told the TV stars they were “wrong about Trump.”

>Nanjiani tried to defuse the situation by saying he and Middleditch didn’t want to discuss politics. But the Trump supporter persisted, getting in Middleditch’s face and calling them both “cucks.” (Security kicked him out shortly thereafter.)

>The incident left the actors stunned and bewildered, both by the intensity of the exchange and the man’s use of cuck, a word that was absent from the American vernacular until just two years ago, but went mainstream this election season.

>But just as some Clinton supporters reclaimed Trump’s “nasty woman” comment, some leftie men are attempting to reclaim cuck.

>A day after being accosted in the bar, Thomas Middleditch said he was a proud cuck, and tweeted a link to an online store selling T-shirts that read “KEK AF.”

>was absent from the American vernacular
Fucking sheltered journos I swear

Truly /ourguys/ till the bitter end

I liked bighead. But now his whole arc seems cucked.

I remember when the word cuck first started getting popular here. Crazy how this shit grows.

I found it boring, and I really didn't want to do so. I've always hoped for a good show about my chosen profession, but holy fuck was this dull.

It was never funny. Not once.

2nd clip has a jobs impression followed by a pretty great scene

The first season is a great setup to the greatest dick joke of all time. Watch it.

Also. I work in that industry and can tell you it's scary accurate.

Took this last week at a TV data center. It's actually a real product!

they make fun of the entire silicon valley scene and the pretentious eccentricities of the rich nerds. a very prominent character is a jobs mockery.

If you're a numale cuck sure go for it. Real men on the other hand watch Ballers.