Admittedly I thought this was pretty kino but I have one complaint: we're led to believe that Harry is the chosen one...

Admittedly I thought this was pretty kino but I have one complaint: we're led to believe that Harry is the chosen one which is why he has a knack for dueling, has special powers and all that shit. But this guy is pretty much just as overpowered as Harry, he's a teenager who's a genius at charms and potions and pokemon despite being expelled. None of these talents are explained. It's ridiculous and I dont think we need a luke skywalker for every generation.

>It's ridiculous and I dont think we need a protagonist for every generation.

I'm just saying he's overpowered since he's pretty much harry 2.0 but with beasts, except this time we're not even given a reason for being his overpowered. I went in assuming newt scamander is some regular dude

Harry isn't overpowered at all, he was literally just lucky.
Newt is not a teenager.

this movie fucking sucked and all the characters were written to be retarded (literally in one case)

>Admittedly I thought this was pretty kino
Kill yourself

>(literally in one case)
Which case?

Yates makes wandkino

Harry is not overpowered at all.

He has natural talent due to his parentage and the fact that voldemort imbued him with some of his own magic abilities. But he's not even the best with spells or very intelligent. He's a completely ordinary wizard by all accounts because thats all he wants to be. He could be great if he put his all into it but he doesnt.

Harry gets lucky and has the help of others. The only thing harry is mentioned at being really good at naturally is flying on a broom.

The thing is that Harry is not overpowered, he's just consistently lucky. Are you forgetting the duel at the end where the big bad is completely slapping scamanders shit? Scamanders strength is in his knowledge and friendship with his beasts and that's how it should be. When it comes down to dueling and whatnot, the movies seem to show that whoever has the flickiest wrist will win the fight, so the duels don't seem to be a very good indicator of skill anyways, besides the one with dumbledore and Voldemort in the ministry where they actually used interesting, situational magic instead of flashy lights

>Harry is OP
>He knows how to protect himself from a single niche enemy that almost never leaves one particular place
>He knows how to disarm someone sometimes, and knock someone over occasionally
>He can't brew a potion to save his life
>His charms are utterly average
>absolutely no third eye for divination

He's a jock with a lot of money. He's the kid everyone at school finds easy to hate because literally everything is handed to him because 'muh boy who lived' despite the fact he's only pretty good with a broom and that's about it.

Well you're just supporting my point desu. Scamander seems to be good at everything except actually talking to people I suppose. But shyness shouldn't be his only flaw.

He's not a teenager, he's like 30, wtf

He's not overpowered, he's a fucking autist ffs
He's just smart and got lucky a couple of times
Also, it's said he traveled around the world and studied all that by himself. Autodidacts exist bro.

Also this, Harry was a fucking marty stu that entered the wizard world already being rich and famous and related to the equivalent fucking wizard royalty. At the end he's fucking superman just because.

Scamanders not better than anyone at anything besides beastkeeping which he is also bad at, since a load of his beasts got away and he failed to separate the gay kid from his closet ghost spawn, so in the end the only thing he was really good for was mind wiping all the muggles at the end which in itself is a major plot hole but not the topic at hand, so back to beast keeping which is obviously his meant to be his strength, turned out to be not that useful with regards to the major conflict of the movie

>Sup Forums fags once again assuming Eddie Redmayne is 18 when he's actually 34 years old

why is he so cute?

Harry is the chosen one because Voldemort believed in a prophecy and marked him. The only thing Harry got from that was parseltongue, a piece of Voldemort's soul, and dead parents.

It has nothing to do with his prowess as a wizard. His talents for dueling are his alone.

Besides, as others pointed out, he's not even that special at magic. In any other fields than combat, Hermione is far superiour.

Newt is also the chosen one, in fact Dumbledore's wand chose him

There's tonnes of talented individuals in HP, Hermione, Snape, James Potter, Tom Riddle, Dumbledore.

Harry is carried his entire journey by celebrity, luck, and talented friends.

>None of these talents are explained.

Have you seen how he acts around people? He's the wizard equivalent of the idiot savant, aka he's an autist. He probably only managed to sorta talk Credence out of continuing his rampage because Credence is even more of a tard than he is.

>we're led to believe that Harry is the chosen one [...]

Harry was the chosen one to stop Vodemort (together with Neville). He was chosen for that specific task and was not meant to be the best wizard of all times, ever. Hermione is closer to that title, Harry still fumbles a lot of stuff at school. He's also only a parselmouth because Voldemort accidentally merged part of his own soul to him.

>But this guy is pretty much just as overpowered as Harry

Is he? As far as overpowered goes, I'd nominate Credence "First documented Obscurial to reach young adulthood" Barebone. Also, we all know that Dumbledore will needs must outrank Newt in the final battle.

>he's a teenager who's a genius

He's a grown man with twink looks who's sorta good at zoology.

Newt is an adult who works for the ministry you dumbass.

he looks like an old lady

this movie was bad and you should feel bad

You fuckers told me this was lighthearted wizardkino like the first HP, I would never subject a child to this depression fest.

Newt is a Wizard World War 1 vet who oversaw dragon battalions. You don't do that unless you're a hardcore sumbitch. His brother is also mentioned to be an outright war hero, notable even among wizards, so Newt likely spent some of his post Hogwarts dropout life with that manly Adonis and maybe even acting as a sparring partner leading up to the war. Beyond that, travel toughens you up, going into savage lands and surviving poachers, natives, and beasts. All without killing, since he's a good guy, which is harder than just being able to throw around Killing Curses.

I like Dr. Whowt Scamander quite a bit...but can we talk about Kowalski?

>Expeditionary forces, kept on for several years due to valuable skills, no doubt
>Custom made donut box, swag as fuck
>Can CQC with dangerous beasts while only receiving minor bites
>Takes magic in stride, doesn't hate and fear it
>When confronted with mind reader, proceeds to continue having blatant sexual fantasies while eating dinner with her sister and Rain Man in the room, enough to make a shameless flapper girl be impressed and fall for him

Is Kowalski /our guy/?

>Admittedly I thought this was pretty kino
Why? The cinematography was pretty dull and it looks like all the SFX budget went to the one admittedly great pastry making scene. Redmayne's character was underwhelming and felt like a sedated Matt Smith's Doctor and what's her name was a background character in every scene. The only good parts of the movie were the baker and the mind reader sister.

Newt was probably just a janitor or something, that's why no one remembers him.

I think Jacob seemed more like he wanted to fuck Newt's boipussi seeing as the girls in this movie were hideous

He's likable as fuck and funny too.

This guy gets it

Exactly! He had his mind read for an entire evening and it only excited a woman more.

If you can't appreciate leggy dames who make the best strudel and call you Honey, you deserve to get memed on.

Let's run it down.

>Kowalski shows up to a bank which the head lender thinks he attempted to rob days before with some kind of cheeky wizard man servant (this lender likely was never Obliviated in the chaos)
>Kowalski lays a box of silver alien eggs on the table and says, "All I want is a bakery"
>the absolute madman, why did he come back here, why am I not dead
>he's literally offering me lead or silver decades before that was a thing
>"Y-yes sir"
>Kowalski goes on to make treats in the shape of impossible furry creatures popular, beating Japan to inventing Pokemon
>anyone who tries to run a racket on him either is dealt with personally by his spec ops training hardened by a subconscious lack of fear built during his encounter with beasts, or else is outright blackmailed by his psychic admirer
>Kowalski has an ironclad reputation as someone not to fuck with, just let him run his bakery and pray he doesn't get bored
>He is known as..."The Beast"

I liked the part where the oddly dressed, quirky, clever British traveler with the bigger-on-the-inside-box knew the Thing about the Thing and made a quip about backwards American culture while taking a pretty-yet-capable-girl-with-feelings-for-him on a whirlwind adventure against a mysterious evil force that turns out to be a sympathetic victim of misunderstanding and ignorance.

cept doctor who is a shitty show