What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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do you even have to ask?

Tyler Perry made a new movie and critics are too scared to not vote for it.

Also don't they have some diversity panel this year?

Honestly they probably will

havent Oscars been a joke for years now?

is that the dick pic new york mayor or whatever?

Hershlag called 'em out on their racism.

Nothing, Trump won so they know it's safe to toss the apes a few crumbs now, white genocide will not now being taking place.

White guild.

>niggers successfully browbeat people into giving them all the awards

maybe they're smarter than they seem

I think it's cute how black people think the Oscars Awards Show is the pinnacle of human achievement. It really serves to show the education level of the people were dealing with in America.

many assume a GED is a pinnacle of human achievement.

The Oscars have been a joke, since Rocky won Best Picture over Network, All the President's Men, Taxi Driver and Bound For Glory.


jews interbred with europeans.

The oscars are always going to be super white.

When will the Oscars be not so Jewish?

>this year
The last two Oscars ceremonies have literally been glorified black history conventions.

>Darkies get best Original Song or something again and they chimpout

Denzel apparently kills it in Fences

Is Moonlight actually any good Sup Forums?

Redpill me.

>Hollywood whiteness is a deep rotted systematic problem
>lol maybe not this year

No one has considered those comedies good. It's the slavery dramas they're afraid of not voting for. Besides Birth of the Nation remake I don't think there have been any other race baiting films this year.

Yeah. Anthony Weiner aka Carlos Danger.

I never knew that, but now I'm pissed.

>implying the oscars were ever relevant

That's not true.

Black people aren't even going to watch Moonlight or Fences.

Daily reminder that the first winner of Best Actor was supposed to be a dog but they changed it to give the Oscars legitimacy.

>handing out Oscars based on skin color and gender

I know people say that the Oscars have been a joke for years now but I think this is the final nail in the coffin.

Denzel might get an Osacar, but i could see Liberals bitching about how it's not good enough because hes a "Safe Negro"

>ywn tickle hershlag's tiny boytits
why live

>implying hacksaw ridge wont win everything

They were also going to give it to 8 yr. old Shirley Temple one year.

this is because they added in that affirmative action stuff isnt it? after the complaining from last year

The year the artist won was when I stopped really paying attention to best picture

Affirmative Action.

He spited der jude user
He'll never get an award
I'm waiting for the "reviewer" to crawl out of the woodwork and call Hacksaw Ridge antisemitic like they did Apocalypto

Hollywood "whiteness" is due to their superiority at telling stories and their overall excellence at all facets of technological filmmaking.

Nobody ever questions why there are no women or Asians (inb4 Yao, etc) in the NBA because the answer is obvious. So why must we play this game with filmmaking?


This is a great lesson to all the young people in the western world.

Play the victim enough and you'll get what you want.

Rocky one?

That was an amazing film though, and its still good to this day

theyve been giving award to blackies for being blackies for at least 5 years

Except when it backfires

The solution is simple. They should nominate only black people and black 'movies' without any explanation. If somebody ask a question you call him a racist.

After a couple of years of only-blacks when people stop caring, even less than now, you just nominate only asians this time.

>I'm waiting for the "reviewer" to crawl out of the woodwork and call Hacksaw Ridge antisemitic like they did Apocalypto

I'll bet you are too. You poor sad fuck-up.

>The jews who run the Oscars
>Even giving Mel a nomination
Mel doesn't need their jew gold.

yeah a "diversity panel" of diverse jews and africans

I can't help laughing at the absurdity user
Don't judge me

Implying Rocky isn't a great fucking movie.

Neck yourself

*I* stopped paying attention *before* it was cool.

niggers complaining about everything

they already said that black panther is the most diverse movie ever even though its all negroes

>I can't help laughing at the absurdity user

I'm having the same problem. Imagine being some sad adult neckbeard combing the internet for the materials he needs to start a "CRITTIC SAYED HACK SAW RADGE ANTISEMENTIC JEWS PRESECUTE BASED /OURGUY/ MEL" thread on Sup Forums.

>niggers complaining about everything

with just a bit more effort they could become honorary Sup Forums white trash

/pol aside, was there oscar-worthy performances by black actors this year?

I don't think there's anything noteworthy with blacks other than the gaynigger oscarbait movie.


Rocky is a legitimately fucking excellent film

Why you gotta be so mean
Why are you so angry
Who hurt you to make you this way

They don't another nigger chimpout, understandable, profit above all

> jidf patrolling Sup Forums

You're not changing anything you big nosed heeb

good luck with that, user

I'm not even going to pay attention to the Oscars anymore.

Last year, they flat-out said they would be taking racial quotas into account when choosing their nominees in future awards. That means that if anybody who isn't white is nominated this year, you can no longer trust that they were nominated based on their acting ability.

They've already said that racial quotas will influence their decisions from now on, so all integrity has been thrown out the window.

Is that seriously what you believe?

Be careful... Weiner is /our guy/...

Depends, what do you believe?

>rocky made by a nobody, in a few month with only one 1 million dollar budget

taxi driver is overated anyway

This movie was actually pretty good though, a lot less melodramatic than I thought it would be

There wasn't a single white person or cop in the movie to oppress anyone, either

No CTR™. This is the average Sup Forums poster.

Does David Brock even offer to pay for your gym memberships? Or does most of the money go to hushing up his ex-boyfriends? I'm legitimately curious.

I am pretty sure white SJWs complain more about whiteness than black people themselves.

Why are niggers so angry all them time? Do they wish to be with their kind, swinging from branch to branch in the jungle? Who's stopping you?

So, they're admitting affirmative action for votes now?

At least the Jews might get less this year then.

Based Mel doesn't make movies for money or rewards, he makes it for ART.

yeah but Sup Forums autists complain even more about their complaining so it all balances out
I really couldn't tell you why they're so angry all them time, user

>Why are niggers so angry all them time?
>niggers complaining about everything

the cognitive dissonance of Sup Forumsddit kids is always good for a laugh. the best part is that they're all ameriturd mutts.

It's news to me. Back when moot did the only useful thing to happen during his ownership of the site and imposed a "flag" system on Sup Forums most of the people using it turned out to be brownies.

>I am pretty sure white SJWs complain more about whiteness than black people themselves

And Sup Forums losers get triggered and complain more than niggers and muh sjw combined.

Thanks for correcting the record™©

Nothing has been white in the entire 2016, it's the damage control year number one.

>oscars are now required to give awards to people of different races regardless of how good their movies are

Am I the only one who sees the irony here?

I fucking love the Artist but I get your point because silent film is an acquired taste.

They're fucking terrible and cry racism when they inevitable lose.

>mel wins best director

post yfw every major category has a single black in it

>the oscars ever being about good movies

You got bamboozled, friend.

Moonlight is actually pretty good and deserves best picture nomination but that's it. I know Hollywood has always been political and shit, but why can't they just choose actors based on capability, the way they keep focusing on race makes them look more racist in actuality

>the oscars probably won't be so Jewish this year
One day...one day...

This isnt an example of cognitive dissonance

I think the Oscars missed the point.

>Be Hollywood
>Employ primarily (((whites))) as actors, directors, and writers
>Nobody give a fuq
>One year, forget to add a token minority flick to your award
>This causes an uproar with SJWs on Twitter
>Next awards season, pump out several black movies for the sole purpose of getting nomed
>Pat the goyims on their heads as the rage disappears

Remember, the Oscars aren't the best of Hollywood, they're what make Hollywood look best.

Does anyone think the cucking scene between Joker and Harley will win an award?

>they added a panel of nogs just to give nogs feel good awards now
literally lel.

Moon Man?




I look forward to the February article pointing out record low ratings for the ceremonies.

No way it came out too early they have to come out literally on New Year's Day

Do you think diversity will be so forced when whites are the minority?

>tiny boytits
da fuq

Not in this timneline, I'm afraid. Not in THIS Hollyjewd. Even with Trump in the office. Especially when Trump is in the office.

>Make a religious porn movie that only rednecks and white trash like
>Get drunk and when a cop pulls you over you express your love for sand niggers
>Beg your Jewish overlords for forgiveness and apologize multiple times, but they show no mercy and kill your career
>Become an even bigger alcoholic in your depression
>Your wife cucks you for a nigger
>You get caught on tape crying about how upset you are that your wife is cucking you for a nigger
>Now trying to appease his masters by making an anti-war movie glamorizing a soldier who refused to kill the enemy, starring a Jewish actor

Is there a bigger cuck in Hollywood than Mel Gibson?