Westworld for dummies: timeline explained

Over 30 years ago

>Arnold and Ford build Westworld and the Hosts
>Ford loves being God and having the Hosts unconscious slaves
>Arnold loses his son and wants to make the Hosts conscious
>Arnold creates “the maze”, which he hopes will allow the hosts to gain consciousness and turn against their creators
>The maze is likely a metaphor for gaining consciousness
>Gaining consciousness comes in stages: memories —> improvisation —> self-preservation —> suffering (or real human emotion)
>Arnold tells Dolores to start the maze in meetings secret from Ford
>Dolores begins to attain consciousness and does not like feeling negative emotions
>Dolores recruits Teddy to go on a massacre
>Dolores kills Arnold
>Dolores has her memory wiped and Ford creates her rape storyline (maybe as punishment)

30 years ago

>William and Logan come to the Westworld
>William falls in love with Dolores
>Something happens (season finale will likely explain)

1 year ago

>30 years later the Man in Black (potentially William) is a park regular
>Wanting to see if he is evil deep down, he kills Maeve’s child
>Maeve is an old host from Arnold’s time and thus is coded to be able to gain consciousness
>Maeve reaches the final stage of the consciousness pyramid (suffering over losing her child) and overrides her programming
>Maeve is able to harm a Guest (much like Dolores)
>Maeve’s memory is wiped by Ford and she is moved to another storyline (much like Dolores)

Present time

>The Man in Black is still coming to the park
>Peter Abernathy is also a Host from Arnold’s time
>Peter is the next host to begin to gain consciousness via Arnold’s code after seeing a photo taken outside Westworld
>Peter remembers Arnold’s voice command “violent delights have violent ends”
>Peter tells this voice command to Dolores, starting Dolores on the maze again
>Dolores tells it to Maeve, starting Maeve on the maze again
>The Man in Black is trying to find out about the maze
>Ford creates a new storyline that creates an alternative backstory for Dolores and Teddy’s massacre of the town and Arnold (we do not know why)
>Dolores is Wyatt, although Teddy is programmed to remember Dolores as male
>Dolores retraces her steps through Westworld, recalling her experiences with William and with Arnold before that
>Dolores ends up at the church and diagnostic room where she originally met Arnold in secret, running into the Man in Black who has worked his way there via clues about the maze
>Much like Dolores many years before, Maeve plans to turn on her creators and escape the park

In short:

1. Any Hosts built by Arnold contain his code, meaning they can become conscious (i.e. Dolores, Maeve, Peter)
2. The maze is probably metaphorical meaning gaining consciousness (why it looks like a brain)
3. Hosts have followed the maze during Westworld’s history and have always been stopped and wiped by Ford after they are able to defy their programming and try to turn against their creators (i.e. Dolores, Maeve)

>>Dolores recruits Teddy to go on a massacre
why do you think was even around that time?
he only has memories of that bc of the new story

also why would Dolo kill arnold? probably Ford made her do it

this has real meme potential guys. don't let it fail like vince posting.

that's a big noif

>>Ford creates a new storyline that creates an alternative backstory for Dolores and Teddy’s massacre of the town and Arnold
Why does he do this though? Does Ford know about the hosts gaining consciousness?

Westworld for dummies: Shit tier writing. The end.

You didn't explain what happened 30 years ago and how MiB saved the park.

The conversation Teddy had with Angela (the greeting Host that is now working for "Wyatt") indicates he was there, but it might be false memories.

Dolores was probably made to kill Arnold by Ford. Ford dodges the question of whether he's used a Host to kill someone by saying he hasn't used *Bernard* to do it before. Ford did not want Arnold to destroy the park or make the hosts conscious - and what better way to refute them having free will than by having Dolores unable to prevent herself from killing Arnold after being ordered to?

We don't know why yet. He clearly has some master plan.

Watch the finale next week for that

We don't know what the incident was yet, and I'm waiting to see if William = MiB

>Arnold loses his son and wants to make the Hosts conscious
What a fucking retarded piece of shit, I hope he got brutally tortured and murdered.

fuck it, I would give my robofu consciousness too
>then she process to kill herself

But it was a lie, Ford DID ask Bernard to kill Elsie

We don't know that, really

I won't believe Elsie is dead until I see a body goddamnit

But yes true, only adds evidence that Ford made Dolores kill Arnold

True, so either
1.- Bernard killed her by his own decision
2.- Ford told him to do it
3.- It wasn't Bernard, someone else did it but he witnessed it or at least knows who did it but that memory was erased so he has corrupted memory files about the event

I'm guessing it wasn't 2, actually.

He seemed to show genuine concern and shock for Elsie's wellbeing, so I don't think he did it of his own accord.

Plus Bernard is dead now. No reason to open up that as a storyline...?

I'm pretty sure it's ford who intentionally "turned on" their consciousness with the reveries update. Why? He knew the Devos board was attempting a coup, he is attempting to build a robot army in order to fight a counter-coup against the board.

Reminder: not only did he know of Devos stealing information the entire time--he allowed it and used Bernard to cover it up so it may continue.

He is a host, no reason to think he cannot be fixed. Many hosts get headshots

Good point.


Correct me if I'm wrong but when Dolores got gutted she shouldn't have "robot" part inside of her if it happened in the present right ? Because all of the host have been "updated" with humanlike organs parts, like we saw with Maeve when took a knife wound.

We need a "Shrinkray Edition"

She got gutted in the William/Logan era, 30 years ago.

Every time a host gains consciousness it invariably leads to them trying to harm a human:
- Dolores kills Arnold (1st time)
- Maeve harms the MiB (1st time)
- Dolores slashes Logan (2nd time)
- Maeve slits a throat (2nd time)
- Peter threatens Ford

Ford wants total control over the park and its hosts. While carrying on Arnold's work would certainly create problems for the board, it would fuck up his own control over the park. If he wants to just burn the park before leaving, why does he ask Bernard to keep working alongside him?

Yes, when William killed all the Confederate Soldier hosts and they were all mechanical robots, it basically confirmed that the William and Logan storyline is set in the past.

Yes, also when William and Logan have their talk around the corpses you could see severed arms and legs, they were robotic.

So MiB could have fallen in love with Dolores and is trying to set her free till now

who cares


I do feel like that's heavily implied. The only issue is that we know that the MiB bailed out the park after Arnold died and things fell apart.

Yet we also know that William was only a "vice" executive something. Doesn't sound like a billionaire philanthropist able to bail out a company at will...

What?? When?? I missed that part

That host - Angela - was a greeter when William first came to the park 30 years ago.

Before that, she was a host in Arnold's time (hence she can do the maze!) that was involved in the "Wyatt" massacre.

Now she has been assigned to be working for Wyatt, whatever that means... (Wyatt is a made up character by Ford)

She's the one who ambushes MiB and Teddy.

Could someone explain to me why nobody from the park's staff found it strange that this new guy Bernard looks exactly like the co-founder Arnold?

He could have a voice in his company board that made the difference in investing in the park.

Or, his marriage with Logan's sister gave him leverage in the company to be able to do so

Arnold and Ford were the park's original creators before Arnold's death.

After Arnold's death, Ford scrubbed Arnold from all the records, to the point where a few years later Logan confirms that even his lawyers can't find a trace of him.

The current make-up of the park in terms of staff are all people that joined Westworld after Arnold died.

That's too big to be a plot hole. I assume there was no overlap and workers now didn't get to see/know Arnold. Maybe when Arnold died, so did the rest (there weren't many) of workers and the new ones don't know him

Because Ford is so devious he auto succeeds shadowruns

Apparently no one knows who Arnold is because it happened 30 years ago when it was just starting. It also gives reason to think that most if not all the park staff are hosts as well

>most if not all the park staff are hosts as well
I don't think it's come to that point

And if that seems unrealistic, bear in mind that there are heaps of examples of partnerships for inventions/company founding where certain partners were completely edged out and forgotten by time.

Because the whole park's staff is made up from robots?

why did ford add the reveries? seems like they're the source of all the problems

Not all of them, true. The board would find it to be a heavy flaw of the park to let hosts control themselves, huge security risk, and tremendous liability.

But we have seen hundreds of hosts working for Ford, when he was talking with Theresa and stopped them all at once to show his power and control. And with Bernard as a hidden host, there could be others. Even Bernard's memory of Theresa in his/her bed froze, which could mean she was a host. Or not, depending if we trust Bernard's memory integrity

Not entirely clear. Either he was innocently updating the hosts and made a mistake, or he was actively trying to lead them onto Arnold's consciousness code again.

Considering that he has turned the town massacre into a new storyline, and that town massacre has been heavily linked to Dolores and Arnold... Yah. He's up to something.

It has to do with the board getting restless. He probably is going to let them take control of something, then when shut hits the fan he will blame the board and take control back, fixing everything.

Pretty much like the architect from the matrix, allowing hosts to set themselves "free" and destroying them once again every few years after they serve their purpose.

>Maeve is the one
>Bernard is discount Morpheus

>be guest
>find out about a gold quest
>ride back into sweetwater for supplies and to see if anyone else wants to help
>stupid host horse malfunctions and get thrown off into the dirt
>kind gentlemen helps you up and you offer to let him join the quest
>his friend kicks you and walks off
>see kind young gentlemen in bar later on ask if he wants to join you again
>this time his friend stabs you through the hand pinning you to the table
>spend the rest of the night losing blood
>wake up next day in delos recovery centre
>hand is fucked so much pain
>ask for refund
>get told to leave on the next train and threatened to be sued if i told anyone
Well that was a shit holiday

>Even Bernard's memory of Theresa in his/her bed froze, which could mean she was a host.
no him freezing ppl in his memory meant he knew it was "fake"
he doesn't have actual memories

I don't know about that though - if there was a serious malfunction how can he blame the board? The reveries enabled the "malfunctions" and this all happened while he was in charge?

My take: He added the "Wyatt" storyline + Reveries because he wants to replicate the violent insurrection, but this time against the board that's usurping him.

The entire season has him referencing 'his' new "storyline" in an intentionally cryptic manner. The context of which is the reveries (bootstrapping consciousness), the implanted memories of the first insurrection, combined with the loss of the prime directive which prevents harm against people. It's either really shitty writing that Ford is unaware of maeve, etc, or he's allowing it pragmatically for the purposes of building an army capable of killing people.

Logan = MiB

He saves the park by stopping Will from freeing Dolores

But if the board is killed by a violent host uprising, then Ford is literally directly to blame...

And so agreed. If Ford is unaware of Maeve when even Bernard (who is his bitch) is aware, it is the world's SHITTIEST writing.

Having said that, every time Ford looks weak he goes full Hannibal on us.

>Dear Guest
>We are very sorry you didn't enjoyed your stay with us
>We worry and care for the well-being of our guests
>Protocols are enforced to ensure safety to all guests in the parks
>However, as in real life, danger comes with such realism, and as told by us in your contract, the dangers you face are preestablished by your psychological test to calibrate your preferences and the decisions you make while inside the park.
>Which is why you are in no position to ask for refunds: you decided to expose yourself to situations that were out of your competence, but not to other guests.
>If you wish to proceed with legal actions in court, we remind you that you agreed to remove court jurisdiction to an arbitrary tribunal which will gladly take the case as long as punitive damages are valuated over 100,000 USD, as stated in the arbitrary clause in your contract.
>For further information, please contact 1-800-OWNED
>Sincerely, Westworld Legal.

Did the shrink ray exist 30 years ago?

>But if the board is killed by a violent host uprising, then Ford is literally directly to blame...
They are removing him and stealing his company regardless. The board said they couldn't before because he would essentially delete all the data and self-immolate the park if they tried. The cause of friction here is that the board wants to steal his data, for... "some agenda" and let the park decay. Ford only cares about the park stories because he has a God complex. There is a lot foreshadowing that Ford will turn violent when his position as "God" is threatened.

That would be interesting if it's well developed after having us rooting for William and Dolores.

Like Skyler from Breaking Bad: widely hated, but in real life she took the right decision and Walt was the insane psycho

Skyler was not to blame for the majority of her actions and reacted like many would in her position.

Having said that, Walt was not an insane psycho. He was a genius. He didn't lack emotional empathy which is why he threatened Skyler on the phone so that she wouldn't go down with him. But by the end he was clear that the power was his real love and not family - "I'm in the empire business". Callous, cold and maybe evil? Yes. Insane and psychopathic? No.

Psychopathic isn't as extreme a condition as people make it out to be, I agree with you that he isn't insane, but apparently many CEOs and successful people have psychopathic tendencys.

Was there a real human Bernard/Arnorld at some point and after he died Ford built the host Bernard?

Whenever William starts screaming and shouting he sounds like his character on It's Always Sunny

How retarded are you?









What disturbs me about this show is that we saw Elon Musk's wife like 5 episodes ago and she was just a greeter, right around then Elon tweeted something like

>So glad to see my ex-wife as a sexy killer robot blah blah dumb shit

And I thought damn this guy is dumb that's not her character at all.

Yet here we are and the fucker knew all about these plot developments from day one.

Just baka

He was clearly in the (Hyper)loop all along.

So is the show good or not? I watched the first 3 episodes and pondering whether I should continue

Unlike other shows (cough Lost cough), the complex mysteries actually have intelligent answers that are consistently hinted to throughout the season. The storyline is dense but makes sense when you actually think about it.

Otherwise, it's an HBO fuck-em-and-shoot-em with robots, cowboys and Hannibal Lecter. Your mileage may vary.

>write a crappy script
>"oh shit this script is really shit"
>"I know, we'll just mix up the timelines without indicating which timeline is which, so people will get confused and think it isn't shit"

so why did MiB say to her: "didn't think they'd bring you back but Ford can't resist a pretty face?"

obviously MiB has seen her before, but is it just because he goes to the park so much or cause he is William and she greeted him so he remembers?

I'm pretty lost in general w/ this show so if this doesn't make sense or is obviously answered sorry lmao

Could be either. Either is not William and just knows her as a greeter (or even another storyline), or is William and has actively met her (when she tried to seduce him hehe)

Is the script crappy? What would you define as a show with a good script?


Grab a dictionary

Why don't we ever see when the hosts/guests shrink to get into the park?

Was it a budget thing?

Season 5 finale reveal mate

tip jej