This is who WB hired to write Harley Quinn

Is DC finished?

The fuck does she have to do with Shut In?
Also I have faith in Robbie writing the Harley spin-off.

Nice source man, we really have the best shills Pakistan could offer

Not worried.

It's not like it needed a great writer.

And at the root of it, she only formats the concepts she is mandated by her superiors to include.

She is hired to put into the script what they tell her to, and then once she has written it, they do whatever the fuck they want with it.

Is there really a Harley Quinn movie in the works? What could it even be about?

They should hire whoever wrote her in Suicide Squad, she actually had some funny lines.

Harley Quinn, most likely.

Who even asked for this?

Harley Quinn fans, most likely.

Harley has never been interesting enough to even carry her own 22 minute episode
don't know why she exploded in popularity in the last year. is it because bitches found out there's more to Batman than just Batman? now they have a skank they can "cosplay" as?

Young boys find her hot


Well she's been there and been hot for about 15 years at least, I know she has her young boner fans. That doesn't explain why she's gotten SO much more popular so quickly.
just wait until girls find out about Ivy or Batgirl

It's a direct result of female fascination with the joker translating into attraction. They wanted a character to act as a vessel for these feelings.

It has to do witch cucking, as this new version of the Joker is a cuck so they need someone beautiful like Harley for the cuckolding fetish to be complete.

>le funny cuck meme

*Joker to man with septum piercing, so as he looks like a bull*
What a hunk-a hunk-a you are


>tfw he don't want no beef

And we all know what "beef" is codeword for in the cuckold-community.

You like reddit meme humor