>not giving yourself a semi whilst changing on the off chance that someone catches you naked

im 7 inches erect but ive seen my penis as small as 2 inches before, after a really cold swim or shower, don't remember which one

Do femanons know about shrinkage?

What kind of disease causes a chest like that in a male?

I was Marv El.

Constanza would be my dream daddy bf, if he didn't have that bald spot hair do.

Guys who shave their head are hot as fuck.

That has actually happened to me. That was a sad sad day.

>"pool water magically makes you have a small white penis"
Never understood this episode.

That was the point of the whole show, women don't understand it.


What do you mean? Like laundry?

It's the cold. They retract to keep closer to the body.

You ever had a cold shower that left your skin feeling all tight and retracted afterwards?
It happens to your dick too. Whether or not it actually happened to George though is up for debate.

Gave this show a try.

Meh, really overrated and it didn't age that well. The whole "stand up" bits are fucking horrible and cringeworthy.

Idk why people are sucking it's dick so much.

6 inches erect here, sometimes my flaccid dick looks like it's just an inch, really fuckin weird.

>future generations will only be worse than this faggot

Sometimes when I'm sick it looks like my dick is completely retreating.

>You ever had a cold shower that left your skin feeling all tight and retracted afterwards?
Nope. Can't say I've ever felt that way after a cold shower.

>there are nostalgia faggots worse than this faggots
least we;re not talking about 2001, now THAT movie is fucking overrated, meng!

Get off oldman, there are better shows like Westworld, Game of Thrones, and How I met Your Mother. Take your nostalgia goggles off

Hey, at least you can take comfort in knowing the average penis size is 4 inches.

Just because it shrinks to half its size, it's not a big deal.

>Hey, at least you can take comfort in knowing the average penis size is 4 inches.
In China maybe lol

It's called work out a lot when you're young and then stop working out and live a sedentary lifestyle

Same here, I'm around six inches erect but when I'm cold or exercising or something my dick goes into turtle mode and turns into like a one inch micro penis.

So if I was thin in my entire youth (still pretty thin) I won't get mantits?

Y-yeah mine does too..


If you get fat you'll get fat, man tits and all. But it looks like at one point George Costanza was fit as fuck, but he eventually gave it up. Another example of the deflated man chest is old Arnold.

suddenly gyno

Also, Ben Affleck