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remember when south park was funny? yeah me neither

I'm laughing but they aren't

Haha I think I get it! Haha lol

Haven't laughed at South Park in over 10 years

>itt: triggered babies suddenly turning on south park because it makes fun of something they like

The funniest part about the newest season of South Park was how flagrantly butthurt Matt and Trey were about Hillary losing.


I'm a Sup Forumstard and I didn't even watch two episodes of the last season of South Park when it was devoted entirely to mocking SJWs. It's just not funny anymore, but this season it was palpably ass ravaged on top of that lack of funny.

they were butthurt because it meant they had to rewrite half the season

The member berries are killing it for me. Also don't like the new Cartman.

this episode was hilarious

the current season is not, mainly due to pacing. Even though it does have it's ups

>memba storm troopers?
>ooo I memba!!
>no, the real ones

i laughed

Link pls, my commie-country won't approve and translate it before tomorrow

>Sup Forums is this butthurt


South Park told you it would happen and nobody listened.

How comes they are always right? How do Matt & Trey predict these things so well? Here's Adam Curtis calling South Park the finest documentary airing right now.

>But the true genius is South Park. Every week they report on the world in a really original way. Their recent shows have been all about social media and internet trolling – and it is just wonderful. They make you realise how strange and absurd that world is. But the show I would nominate is the three-parter they did called Imaginationland. It is about how terrorists take over all of our imaginations – and then our imaginations run out of control with dark horror. So the US government decide to nuke our imaginations. But Kyle from South Park confronts the government and makes an epic speech about how what we imagine inside our heads is more real, and has had more effect on the world throughout history than us as just physical beings.

>The whole story is a wonderful attack on the narrow rational utilitarianism of our age that both left and right have bought into. It’s saying: you can make the world anything you want it to be. At its heart, South Park has a touching faith in human beings. That despite their absurdities and flaws, people have the capacity to create a better world. In our conservative times that is the most radical message of all.


>people who claim sp was ever funny


they literally had to rewrite an episode because they didn't think trump would win

Literally tumblr

Everyday until you like it

>I'm a Sup Forumstard

Sure, I do.


you wish
the next 8 years will be glorious


Low energy memeing gets you nowhere

just not for america

Low effort!

You don't win an election by saying how bad your opponent is.
You have to give a reason why you should win.

As bad as Trump is, Hillary is worse


>just not for america
not the faggy parts of america, no

>I'm a Sup Forumstard

>As bad as Trump is, Hillary is worse
Hence why we're a laughing stock to even the fucking UK.

Not their fault that the nation became a parody of itself also they didn't have to change much of anything other than the Bill Clinton gag

Right. Trump is gonna give jobs back to all the farmers and turn the flyover states into a utopia. He totally wasn't just saying anything to win the vote of county rubes.

The only people in the UK who are "laughing" are the ones who voted to stay in the EU.

i.e. delusional children

>You don't win an election by saying how bad your opponent is.
but that's exactly how Trump won

>You have to give a reason why you should win.
So Trump shouldn't have won

Trump barely talked about Hillary.
All he was going on about was bringing back jobs and exporting minorities.
He was very focused on what he was going to do to fix America, no matter how ridiculous those plans were

All Hillary talked about was "Can you live in an America with a MAN like THAT in charge?"

Nope everybody is. At least now they're not the dumbest nation anymore.

He already backpedaled on both locking that bitch up and the "wall" is now "well, maybe a fence instead..."
You were duped. We were all duped.

Trump promised to bring back jobs and make America great again
That's why he won

Hillary lost because she said "America is already great but it'll become worse if you vote for him"

Hillary didn't understand that you need a carrot and a stick.
Not just stick.

Oh, you're one of them.
I see.

How much are the Hilary copies worth? Weren't there also Romney ones that managed to reach shelves too?

>bring back jobs

yes, it's not like he just called her crooked and corrupt every 5 seconds or anything

Pretty much every major Republican that did support him said it was solely because they didn't want Hillary in power. The Christian Right hated him but didn't want Hillary in power
After the election something like 60% of exit polls had the respondents give their reason for supporting Trump as voting against Hillary

It's pretty fucking sad that the only person to recognize that America is tired of oligarchs is a billionaire businessman.
Like, anyone running that platform would have had a huge movement.
A nobody from Vermont could have been huge if he attacked the corporate overlords.

America wants change and is tired of the neo-feudalist system.
Obama promised change
Didn't deliver
Now America jumped on the Trump train because he said that Obama failed and he'd really do it this time

But he'll fail too
I'm just waiting for 4 years when people are going to be pretty fucking pissed that all their leaders have been promising CHANGE and HOPE but no on delivers

remove illegal unskilled laborers to make room for legal unskilled laborers

>Trump barely talked about Hillary

All he did in all 3 debates was to say shit about her, because other than that, he didn't have a clue of what he was doing
You people are fucking delusional

president doesn't have that much power, people need to actually research shit beyond "muh president" instead of cruise controlling their votes


Don't you understand? It doesn't matter whether he does, he just said what people wanted to hear.
It's never been about fucking real policy.
Nixon lost to Kennedy because he was fucking sweaty during a debate

It's never ever been about real issues. It's about naming the problems and saying you'll do something about it

Hillary named racism, sexism, transphobia, as problems that she'll deal with if she's elected

Trump said he'd give people back their livelihoods.
It doesn't matter how.
It just matters to the voters that he said he'd do something about a problem they care about

>It's pretty fucking sad that the only person to recognize that America is tired of oligarchs is a billionaire businessman
no, this has always been an undercurrent in American politics. Ross Perot's entire presidential campaign was based on it. The Tear Party was based on it and that was just 6 years ago
The problem is (as you admit) protest votes never accomplish anything so there's no reason for a political party to back them. It's a risky strategy that at best will win you one term and then collapse immediately

>neo-feudalist system
well at least you're creative in your made up scary labels

PC Principal vs Cartman was okay, but lately it's been pretty boring.

The only thing that had me nearly die of laughter was that mock debate of garrison vs hillary.
>"ok guys let me be honest, i shouldnt be president i dont know what the fuck im doing or how i got this far"
>dont trust my opponent hes a liar
>"what the fuck, get out of your own way"
>"look shes just weird but she probably wants whats best for the country and at least she has some experience and-"
>my opponent is a liar and cant be trusted
>"jesus fucking christ why did it have to be her im so fucked"
Amazingly accurate.

>talking about his opponent
No shit

I'm talking about his rallies and his TV ads.
I'm not a Trump supporter.
But you can see a major difference between their strategies when they're rallying their supporters.

>Trump will bring back jobs*
>*jobs may only pay $2 an hour
truly the future America needs

Reading about Hilary Clinton and I did a lot of it's pretty fascinating just how disliked she has been in her entire political career, even from when she was first lady and going back further when she was a lawyer.

I don't understand what she does that makes people dislike her, even her allies.

You can go back just to 2008 and see that all the problems that democrats had with her, let alone republicans who do truly hate her more than anything.

>I'm not a trumplerina

Oh boy

He lied about the wall. He lied about everything. Fuck the world seriously.

>I'm a Sup Forumstard

That's why there's going to be a reckoning soon.
The amount of people upset about the status quo is growing since the Ross Perot day

The president just won on a "I'm not a politician" platform.
That says a lot about where people are now when it comes to trusting their government

If Trump fails to deliver (and he will), people are going to be motivated to look outside the political system for change


>I don't understand what she does that makes people dislike her, even her allies.
She's a massive cunt, for starters. That book from a secret service agent who used to work for her was a great read.

There's also her flagrant and open corruption.
>gets massive donation to her """charity""" at the same time her state department sells our uranium production to russia
MERE COINCIDENCE, RIGHT HILL SHILLS? There are countless fucking coincidences.

>But you can see a major difference between their strategies when they're rallying their supporters.
but that's the key difference. The debates are what was aimed at the undecided public and what win votes. Trump could eat a live baby at one of his rallies and I doubt it would sway that many people there

And don't forget that for a few weeks there, the Trump campaign focus was talking about how badly Bill Clinton treated women so they could guilt-by-association Hillary to it. His campaign was always about primarily attacking Clinton


You must feel pretty fucking stupid right now, as you should

Did rednecks seriously vote for a business tycoon from New York because he promised to bring them jobs? He deserves to be president based purely off the fact that he conned half a nation.

Actually Trump can literally ban mudshits from coming here and send all the illegals home without so much as consulting congress.

If he wants to revoke birthright citizenship or build a wall is when things get complicated.

The president can't do anything you just said.

then why isn't it doing that right now with the illegals? The free market doesn't care if you're a citizen or not.
If people earning $2 an hour were an untapped market and businesses would make money from appealing to them, they would have already lowered their prices and reaped the benefits

>The amount of people upset about the status quo is growing since the Ross Perot day
nigger this stuff has been going since America started. crack open a textbook and there's a new massive protest vote every 20 years. William Jennings Bryant immediately comes to mind, and Andrew Jackson would probably fit in there too. All of them were disastrous (except Jackson who had the unique opportunity to expand the electorate massively to give him a shit ton of new voters)

I can assure you that there are plenty of Leave voters who wouldn't have voted for Donald Trump. Very possibly the majority of them.


>Butthurt Sup Forumstard

But the last season of South Park with PC Principle was great. The latest season has been pure horseshit, however. No idea how they managed to lose it so hard.

Yes he can, please learn how government works before commenting on it. The president can unilaterally ban people from coming here based on country of origin for any reason he wants. Our laws on illegals are also clearly defined, just not enforced. Trump could start operation wetback 2.0 if he felt like it.

Yep, the whole member berries is the worst forced meme in history.

And making it a serial story line has meant that there isn't any stand out episodes such as 'bat dad'.

'member when liberals were the overly-offended pussies?

this season sucks because they're repeating the same jokes again and again all season

they're still pushing the member berries joke, theyre still pushing the woman are smart and funny joke theyre still pushing the trump joke.

they could have had 1 episode of them trashing trump, they could have had 1 episode trashing hillary, they could have had 1 episode about trolls and sjw's

instead matt and trey extended these jokes for the entire season which made them stale as fuck.

>nigger this stuff has been going since America started. crack open a textbook and there's a new massive protest vote every 20 years. William Jennings Bryant immediately comes to mind, and Andrew Jackson would probably fit in there too. All of them were disastrous (except Jackson who had the unique opportunity to expand the electorate massively to give him a shit ton of new voters)
How is that relevant?

It comes in cycles and now the cycle is reaching a peak
The current zeitgeist has nothing to do with things over a 100 years ago despite superficial similarities.

People are more upset now than they've been in a very long time
It's only going to grow until there's outlet.
That's probably why Hillary was gunning for a war with Russia

yeah, it was like watching a put down contest in middle school

theyre doing 1 season where they show how you make a meme on Sup Forums

As usual, the left have to steal like parasites from the more talented.

Come up with your own memes for once, I dare you. I know it'll never happen, I've seen /leftypol/'s attempts in the past. You people are pathologically incapable of being funny.

>Actually Trump can literally ban mudshits from coming here
no. At best he can ban people from a specific country but that's not going to accomplish shit. What was the last terrorist that attacked America after directly coming from the Middle East? Most of them are either homegrown (which no immigration policy will help) or come from Europe so good luck refusing visas to anyone from the UK
>and send all the illegals home without so much as consulting congress.
because moving 10 million people with no documents overnight is easy

>If he wants to revoke birthright citizenship
literally impossible without a Constitutional change
>or build a wall is when things get complicated.
just needs funding and permission from the state governments, not that bad except for California

It's amazing how Hillary and her team could spend decades in politics and not understand obvious Campaigning 101 shit like what you outlined.

Wait what. What new cartman? I havent watched it in a while but if hes some good guy now I won't pick it back up.

He's literally the only reason I bother to watch it.

>It comes in cycles and now the cycle is reaching a peak
yes, and the cycle always has nothing good coming out if it

>That's probably why Hillary was gunning for a war with Russia
oh you're a complete retard who believes Sup Forums memes, that explains it

You're a laughing stock to us because your grammar is poor enough to redundantly attach "why" to the end of "hence" in a sentence.

>yes, and the cycle always has nothing good coming out if it
Yes, that's what I'm saying.

Why are you even complaining about what I'm saying when we're both saying the same thing?

"Muslim" is not a country of origin. The Orlando attack and the San Bernardino attack were both done by US born Muslims.

He can't deal with the Muslim situation without changing the constitution. Which won't be happening.

And the recent OSU attack was done by an immigrant

Curtailing Muslims won't stop attacks, but they'll slow them
The two example you gave are descendants of Muslims anyways
It's not like they were Muslim converts

the funny thing is she did pretty well campaigning and positioning herself in the muh feels department. As much shit as the campaign polling gets in the election it was mostly correct and agreed with the exit polls

The thing that surprised everyone was the overall low turnout which primarily effected Democrat voters. If you look at the turnout for the swing states, the ones that were surprises all had huge drops in overall turnout.


When he sniffed the poppers like le tenia I literally pissed myself laughing

Yes, he can. Banning anyone from muslim majority countries stops them from coming here, which cuts down on terrorism.
>b-but he cant do something that you didnt even say he could do
oh fuck off you stupid nigger.

Yeah, it was something like 10 million fewer democrats voted this election than for Obama

Another difference is that during the final weeks, Hillary went to solid blue states to campaign but Trump went to swing states.

Gee, that sounds like a good idea

>Posting stock images

It's like you actually went out of your way to prove my point.

>The two example you gave are descendants of Muslims anyways
so how is Trump's plan going to help then? We end all Muslim immigration today and then in 20 years we begin to see the rewards because there's no more young Muslims in the country?

>Curtailing Muslims won't stop attacks, but they'll slow them
they really won't. It will just give more reasons for the Muslims already living here to feel America hates their religion and lash out violently


>Another difference is that during the final weeks, Hillary went to solid blue states to campaign but Trump went to swing states.
Campaign internal polling is always more reliable and gives results earlier than the public polls so it was obvious she knew what was about to happen. And she spent a lot of time in swing states, Pennsylvania and NC especially (not that it did much good)

Matt and trey have gotten lazy and are clearly biased.

>Garrisom putting on trump hair like darth vader GET IT GUYS!?

They could have showed garrison having all of these outrageous solutions to complex problems that actually works much to everyone's disbelief.

It would have been better if they actually portrayed hillary as a lizard person who is so diconnected from reality and is trying desperatly to appear human.

There's so much good comedic material that 2016 has provided us yet Matt and trey are taking the easy safe route.

>We end all Muslim immigration today and then in 20 years we begin to see the rewards because there's no more young Muslims in the country?
Wisdom is planting a tree that only your children will be able enjoy the shade of

>show shoves political propaganda in your face
>complaining about it makes you alt-right
Nigga pls.

>it was obvious she knew what was about to happen
I doubt it
She didn't even have a concession speech ready