>he still watches movies at x1.00 speed

who dis sd

>tfw to intelligent for movies


elsa jean

why is she so smug?

I wouldn't speed up a movie. Recently watched Deep Space Nine though, mostly at x1.2 except for a few select episodes. Saves you 10mins per episode and actually peps things up a bit.

>Has blacked photos saved on his computer

>not even a natural blonde

>not watching movies at .10x speed to fully absorb every aspect of every frame.

you fuckers are missing out on some shit

I like to put on some DS9 at night.

It helps me sleep. Really comfy show.

>watching movies
>not just reading the script

I didn't realize I was on leddit

Because she sees you don't have a BBC.

>the tfw wen to teligent fore spied

She only fucks white guys.

i watch youtube videos at 2x speed and follow through everything just fine but i tried simpsons and south park at 1.25x speed and even that was hard ;_;

o shit waddup


Oh shit waddup


Flicks: 8x speed, muted with your own music playing if you so choose
Movies: 4x speed, and it is recommended having a tab open in the background filled with nude pictures of the actresses from the movie
Film: 2x speed, no boards other than Sup Forums and Sup Forums may be browsed whilst watching
Cinema: 1.25x speed, limit of 3 Sup Forums tabs open at any one time
Kino: 1x speed, full screen in the dark, no distractions or breaks
Charme Discret: 0.5x speed, with only /r/truefilm allowed open in the background

>Autism: The Post

o shit waddup

o shit waddup

>he doesnt watch Harry Potter in black and white sometimes
>he doesnt sacrifice livestock during the graveyard scene

I hate the filters and lighting BLACKED uses.

Nice i hate filters meme you dicklet

How long till she gets COKED?



>changing speeds
Everything I watch is kino

lose weight, gain height, have sex

>watching one movie at a time
>when you have two eyes

o shit waddup

o shit waddup

o shit waddup

Someone post OPs moms Facebook again.

quinten, cuckpost one more time and I'm calling your mother.

The best way to watch movies is making the speed 1/100 of your IQ, so the average IQ is 100 and they'll watch it at regular speed. Higher IQ's like mine which is 138, will watch it faster and my brain can process it easier when it's at 1.38x speed. Retards like cunnyposters or cuckposters will watch it at the .70x to .80x speed.

Oh shit waddup

I will associate Elsa with interracial sex for the rest of my life.

o shit waddup

O shit whaddup pls no dismember

o shit waddup boi

mia malkova too from now on