
ITT we point out problems with this series.

>contemporary music in the saloons, kills the immersion.

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Guests don't never have a phone in their hand.

Too popular

Guests can easily kill each other with knives before a host could even react

This. How am I supposed to enjoy a show if I know that other people are out there enjoying it too?

Weak bait

Keeping the shrink ray reveal for season 2

Not really, violence is monitored, if they detect two humans are fighting hosts will be sent to intervene, like Teddy did when MiB threatened Ford with a knife

The dialogue is terrible besides Mib and Ford's lines


The plot and all the stupid twists take precedent over the characters. So everything comes off as heartless.

The show was is so predictable people figured out all of the reveals by the 2nd episode.

There are zero stakes. Half the characters are robots that are essentially immortal. The other half of characters are working towards vague mysterious goals that we have no clue about. We have no idea what the repercussions will be of them achieving these goals so why would we care?

It's classic Nolan writing. He gets so into his shitty high concept ideas he forgets about the characters.

Hopkins is cool though.

Young Mib could've easily slice up his brother–in–law

>kills the immersion.

how? no memes for answers please

Mauve's whole story arc. So many plot-holes and couple that with her whole smug 'Aren't I a clever one' shtick, means that I usually fast forward her scenes.

Because when you go to the "old west" you should hear old music, not Black Hole Sun.

>people figured out all of the reveals by the 2nd episode

>working towards vague mysterious goals that we have no clue about

It's taken most people far too long to realize that the show is a poorly executed mess with zero stakes, characters, and effective storytelling.

apart from Hopkins (due to his excellent acting), every male character is a complete asshole or a complete cuck.

it's a funny witty remark, you will not worry about music when you are killing/raping/pillaging

It a park! Where modern people go, who gives a fuck if the old time piano is playing radiohead, it's subtle and for the guests. It's not like the hosts care.

>who is Ed Harris

I quite like security bro.

It's not the old west though, it's a theme park pretending to be the old west


When did it play black hole sun? I've only hear House of the Rising Sun which seems to fit

People can kill each other anywhere, not the park's fault. However if someone were to accidentally get stabbed they have advanced medical technology enough so knife wounds aren't really that bad, eg sylvester

Kills the immersion for you or the guests? You should know nothing is taking place in the actual wild west and it's all a theme park with nice production values. The guests, this could be taking place in the year 2100 for all we know; most guests probably wouldn't notice much between if it was playing Camptown Races or something from the 1990's.

I agree actually. The covers aren't all that interesting/well done either. They should have used songs with country/americana structure (like HotRS, that was good) rather than grunge or whatever the fuck.

nice thing you did there

>kills the immersion.
You know that's the point, right? The writers have talked about it a few times. They threw in modern music to remind the audience that they're watching a show about a theme park, not something actually set in the old west.

I don't get one thing people think MIB is william or logan the problem is both of them are manlets while MIB is way too tall to be one of them and considering people shrink up a little when they get old not get taller

>The plot and all the stupid twists take precedent over the characters. So everything comes off as heartless.


i felt nothing so far. it feels like the creators are trying to create feeling through making us sympathize with the hosts, but nobody feels that way.

Who is this?

the maeve storyline is so bad that it takes some real mental gymnastics to defend it

Can agree with this as well, it's really hard to sympathize with anyone. It hit me hard when Bernard got offed, I realized I'm not rooting for anyone here.

>show dumbs itself down
>this makes it better

The maze, turns out Maze is the name of host zero.

>The plot and all the stupid twists take precedent over the characters. So everything comes off as heartless.
>The show was is so predictable people figured out all of the reveals by the 2nd episode.
I think people who make criticisms like this are projecting too much onto the show. We're used to media like this trying to shove twists and plot contrivances down our throats, but that's not what Westworld is doing. It's a fairly simple story that uses a nonlinear structures to convey certain plot points. In that way it's a lot like Memento (another Nolan project with a simple story that people projected convolutions onto).

The reason it's predictable is that it's telling a set story. It's all foreshadowing and hints to drive home the idea that how the park works and how the hosts gain sentience works cyclically. Being able to guess whats going to happen isn't a flaw, it's supposed to be that way. If you stop expecting the show to be something it's not, you might be able to appreciate the plot more.

Pretty much everyone hates her. She is a walking plot device. She exists only so that ford isn't all powerful.

Because of her ford will at some point not be able to snap his fingers and win something. Fuck it's obvious though.

also different eye colours, even different facial structure.

How is that dumbing it down? It's making a point that you're not watching a show about the old west, just like the guests aren't actually in the old west. It's pointing out the illusion of immersion that exists when people expect reality from something like the park or a TV show. It's not real, and it's not about the old west, it's a scripted show about people pretending they're in the old west.

Whether or not you think it fits is a separate matter. The music is used as a sort of post-modern criticism of the watcher.

>a Nolan and Bad Robot collaboration
I am surprised there are any characters at all in this "Mystery Box!" story.

But I am enjoying Wood's, Hopkins' and Harris's characters

Emporer's new clothes: the show

Nothing happens, nothing matters, when something does happen it's contrived as fuck and then things go back to the status quo.

You make a good point. Much of the show is self-referential/meta so that wouldn't be out of the ordinary

>millions for robots
>no money for era-correct hats

Nobody who made the show put in even half the time as you did analyzing the music choices. Someone just went "oh yeah lets put these songs in. too expensive? ok, how bout some shitty covers of them? done"

You don't get it. The anachronisms are merely a commentary on the inauthentic view we have of history and "the wild west". Fucking plen

This, its set in the future, guests probably think its "LOL DUDE MEMBER THIS SONG XD" or don't notice/care at all. It's not immersion breaking if it's not set in the actual Wild West. It's not anachronistic in this case.

basically none of the characters are that good
that's the biggest problem.

Maybe autistic nolan fanboys figured out most of the twists, but normies who don't spend all day on eskimo igloo engineering bbs all day are clueless.

I was in a meeting at work yesterday and all the normies were yammering about wtf happened. They were still coming to grips about bernie being a bot from ep 8

oh give me a fucking break, even disneyland has theme music when you go to the country bears section et. al.

it's just shitty producing

>Dead guy working, no one notices

Bernard looks exactly like Arnold.
Arnold one of the creators of the park and no one in the company notices that a guy that looks exactly like him also works there.
It would be impossible to hide. The show goes on some time in the near future, that would mean it would be easy to look him up on the internet. Ford has somehow made him disappear, deleted all photographic traces of him.

fuck, people talk about him, know who he was, but not what he looks like,

Biggest plothole, or.........
they all are hosts

>Arnold one of the creators of the park and no one in the company notices that a guy that looks exactly like him also works there.
>It would be impossible to hide. The show goes on some time in the near future, that would mean it would be easy to look him up on the internet. Ford has somehow made him disappear, deleted all photographic traces of him.
because he was just a brilliant technician, not the CEO or public face of the company. He cared about tinkering with his robots, I doubt that many people outside the design team even talked to him.

If you work at SpaceX, you know Elon Musk, you don't know the name or the face of the guy in charge of designing the rockets. I searched google and I couldn't get anything on it, and this is current-day stuff.
No one is going to join a company and dig deep to figure out what some technician who was alive 30 years ago looked like

>Maeve's storyline requires too much plot contrivance to happen without Ford having deliberately orchestrated it.
>Hosts being made entirely out of biological material and being 'identical' to human bodies would never be cheaper or easier to build than synthetic mechanical bodies. Clearly done to make the hosts more 'human' and sympathetic in the eyes of viewers. Similar to blade runner.
>Implying that a human level self-aware AGI would develop on its own in a human-head sized computer that's part of a theme park ride without having first been developed in a supercomputer clinical setting out in the real world.
>Implying that robots could pass the Turing test in year 1 of the park but intelligent humanoid robots never become a common everyday sight outside of the park even 30 years later. By that time it's more likely that they'd be as common as smartphones are now.

Arnold was killed before the park went public and there was a coverup. Just a few years after he died, high level executives from Delos didn't even know his name, only a story about him killing himself.

It's really not that far-fetched. Most of the other people who knew Arnold were probably killed at the the same time he was, and it was years before Bernard was built. There would be no one around to know what he looks like; he was just an obscure figure from before anyone knew about the park.

Someone just brought up Disneyland. Think about Arnold like Ub Iwerks. Have you heard of him before? Most people haven't, and the guy fucking invented Mickey Mouse. He was Walt Disney's partner, and the main creative guy in the early days of Disney. Since he wasn't the public figure, no one knows who he is. I bet almost no one would be able to identify a picture of him. Imagine if Walt had purposefully suppressed his existence. That's what happened to Arnold.

The girls are ugly. No huge natural boobs. Only new Clementine is hot and she's a background character

Or her gaining power has been part of Ford's plan the entire time. Perhaps he is using Maeve to recreate what "Wyatt" perpetrated.

Westworld isn't Disneyland. Might be shitty producing but it's an even shittier "complaint"

You're not allowed to take anything into the park.

Plus the show is set in the future, radiohead could be unpopular and just some old band somebody in the park's music team liked.

Dolores' Aryan look is hot.

I'm up to episode 4 with the old man - I can't believe how rote and overbearing the score is. I saw people on AVclub waxing lyrical about the 'incredibly, hybrid score', but it is sentimental and manipulative. I don't like it. In fact, this show has failed to grab me by the pussy. Does it get better?

They have magic future tools that 3d print skin tissue. That's how they fixed his wound.

But the music IS old for the timeframe

Its western styled old music

Do you go to Disneyland to actually meet Mickey and Donald, or do you just go for the rides?

It's not my analysis. It's what the writers and composer have said it several interviews. If you don't want to believe it was their intention, that's fine, but they've been consistent that it's what they had in mind. And like said, it's a choice that fits the themes of the show.

>Does it get better?
Well there's a big twist but besides that it basically gets worse. They spend a TON of time on a really boring and plot hole-filled plotline and you just have to wonder what the fuck they were thinking

It's that fucking hack game of thrones composer.

I HATE that maudlin violin score that they keep using in both shows. The best track from season 7 was when the red witch took her necklace off and hopped into bed, it was like a eerie plucking sound.

Honestly, I'm hugely disappointed with the show, another $100 million blunder from HBO. What will they have left after this? Girls is ending, The Brink is cancelled, Vinyl cost $100+mil and is cancelled after 1 season, Ballers is shit etc.

>does it get any better
A twenty-something year-old black girl is in charge of the entire operation.

I'll see it through, but it's hard not to pick up the laptop and just shitpost with it playing in the background, as it just slogs along.

I've never liked Jonathon Nolan's work nor writing, and I've despised every film Bad Robot has produced, on a visual level. It's that sterile, shiny and derivative view of technology that has been a cancer in Hollywood since Spielberg's AI and Minority Report.

Westworld is no different.

I'll keep going, I'm not blasted about that stuff, unless they allude to social politics.

whoever wrote that character should be sent to the middle of the desert as punishment

What pisses me off is the main theme for both shows. The main melody lines are so simplistic and mindless. Maybe it makes sense with Westworld to have a main theme sound robotic, I still dislike it.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the theme and opening credits, because they're so forgettable. Black Sails did the model-esque renders way better and the theme song gets you so hyped.


i dropped westworld after the first episode. honestly i felt like i had already seen everything it had to offer. none of the characters were interesting. none of the themes were interesting. hopefully we can stop pretending HBO is good now.

Awful pacing, thin characters, no real interaction between the characters, four plots (one of which is barely there in the first place, and two others are ludicrous and getting stupider every episode) that are either bland or extremely stupid.

If the show really did try its best to come off as a superweird sci-fi show, I could see and accept that, but the tone is different from that and subtle about it at best. So it just seems stupid and doesn't really go too far. It is wacky and shit, but only a little bit

I find it hilarious that here we are, on Sup Forums, honestly discussing the show, whereas shitholes like Reddit and AVclub are claiming this is an incredible show, and won't hear any criticism - just like Stranger Things.

I think the critics were right: middle-of-the-road.

>show was is so predictable

>mysterious goals that we have no clue about

Nice post

Well, these people also like


So, there is that.
AFAIK, both shows did dumb twists as they moved along and even used a setting they barely did much with after the first few episodes (island / robots).

To be fair, "everyone could be a robot" was rather clear after the first episode. That it would get into this "everything's a conspiracy, probably, trust no one" thematic wasn't out of place after the second or third episode either.

I was emotionally invested in Bernard until the first tweest revealed he's a host. Then when he realized he was Arnold I was back on rooting for him... but he offed himself.

Now I'm on the security bro bandwagon... if he doesn't make it, I'll quit this show

>not staying ride or die with Ford

It's genuinely sad that the security bro is the only character worth rooting for at this point. He's only had a dozen lines over all of the episodes and yet he's still more sympathetic than William who is the only other candidate for somebody to root for.

>not admiring Thandie's perky cone tits...

Are you a faggot?

>You're not allowed to take anything into the park.
except pictures of your sister in Times Square

Easier to sneak in a photograph than an electronic device.

Ford said that the scene with bernard had happend before, so in all likely hood, he will be rebuilt with a memory wipe.

>everything's a conspiracy, probably, trust no one" thematic wasn't out of place after the second or third episode either
so, to be clear, the fact that you expected a surprise means the surprise was predictable

bernarnold isn't gone. why does everyone think that a headshot is gg? that happens all the time. maeve gonna rez him because ford is white and BlackBotsMatter

just cheap and stupid. But I wouldn't really know what actually surprised me in the first place, besides Bernard being Arnold after all.

> I didn't understand it so there's nothing to understand

>Imagine if Walt had purposefully suppressed his existence

he came as close as he could get away with

She's 33, sorry she doesn't age like milk like your mom did

>>You're not allowed to take anything into the park.
>except pictures of your sister in Times Square

Can someone explain how papa Abernathy found this photo in the first episode?
Is there really 2 timelines and where can I read up on this?

> i need screaming dagos to consider something good


wherever Logan's going to drop that pic eventually becomes the Abernathy ranch and the miracles of science keep the picture from rotting to dust under dirt for 30 years

I feel like this show morals are all wrong.

Killing and raping robots that were made just so you could do so is okay.

Giving them consciousness to remember everything and rebel against humans it is not.

So, the way I see Ford is the good guy and Arnold was the villain.

Without the conflict between the two "brothers," the show's entire premise would fail to exist and instead we'd have to have another BEEP BOOP I CANNOT DO THAT HAL BEEP BOOP plot.

Kind of like that whole dialogue that went south the last time:
> what about free will

Seriously. As we go into the finale, who am I rooting for? William (present timeline)?

What the fuck are you talking about shitstain motherfucker