He totally did it

He totally did it

>that look in his eyes, you just know

>cunny sniper doesn't get her revenge

what an ending

if you'd look like mads, you could get away with shit like that too.

It's hard to take any female seriously when they accuse a guy of sexual assault. The guy could've handed her a juicebox and accidentally touched her fingers.

how did she know about cocks tho?

you saying he tried to hand her a juicebox and accidentally handed her his erect penis?

>missed the point

Yeah, I mean there is just no other logical explanation.

so what?
LIttle harlot was asking for it.

Wasn't there some weird shit with her brother?

Haven't seen it in ages

Her brother shows her that shit online. It's literally in the movie.

Christ I swear you faggots are stupid on purpose.

Kids hear about that stuff. Plus little kids show each other their privates a lot of the time.

leading questions

Movie literally shows you that he didn't.

This is information we, the audience, have. The people in the movie don't know that happened.

did you watch the fucking movie?

unreliable narrator

What the fuck does this have to do with what that post asked?

The poster I replied to obviously didn't understand the post he replied to was talking from the perspective of the people accusing Lucas, not from his own.

>that supermarket scene
I cried tears of rage, great movie.

We, the audience, know the girl knows about cocks cos of her brothers showing her the porn.

The people in the film merely assume she knows about cocks cos Lucas showed her his HARD MEATY CLUB

That fucking guy from the government or whatever had quite a few leading questions


The most hated person in this movie for me is the dude that asks her the questions. Like holy fuck how fucking bad at your job do you have to be to asks questions that lead that fucking hard.


He was obviously the actual pedophile.

are you retarded?


Its not her brother. Its two random kids.

In her house. Pretty sure one of them was her brother.
Or maybe I need to go see it again.

what are two random kids doing in her house?

Her brother's retarded friends showed her a dick.

>He doesn't know about Danish Kindhuis where all the children in town come to your house to eat your cakes and cookies

Am I the only one who thought he could have by this look?

you people are fucking disgusting trivializing sexual assault

You need to go back

don't reply to me again

Yep he's ugly old man with thin greasy hair
Standard pedophile profile


He did just get his ass kicked. I mean by the direction of the church scene before he goes up to his friend i honestly did t know if he was guilty or not

The whole movie is about a pedo in denial and just how he convinced himself that he didn't do it to fool society around him.
Its like what Bill Nye always say : always believe the lies you sell