
I like seeing how different celebrities reacted to the same interviewer trying to bait them

Acts like a whiny child

Quits the interview

Demolishes the cunt

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Channel 4 News is the gift that keeps on giving.



>Demolishes the cunt
Just banter, Bit of a laugh.

This guy's hilarious in Darkplace.

Never seen Cathy get flustered like this before she's usually great desu


Women cant debate fags because their last refuge in a debate is "I guess you're just unattractive and that's why you're bitter/against XYZ policy"

But with the fag, they have to debate facts

Watch as the woman shouts "I've been found out! I have no factual basis for my emotional diatribe!"


Holy shit he slam-dunked feminism good.

what the hell was thaqt?

She had Gavin McInnes on too to talk about the Terry Richardson sexual assault case.

He kept on groaning when the other guest spoke so they constantly had to mute him lol.


he said he identifies with 2nd wave feminism.

Good god, Ayoade is amazing.

you must be easily amazed

The anti porn wave?

For shutting down that retard autist like that for every political frame he tried to hang on Ayoade and dreg an opinion out of him not sustainable for his career?

Yeah no, that's not amazing, to see people actually getting exactly what they deserve and get their general ignorance and hypocritical values trodden on without mercy.

what "general ignorance and hypocritical values"???

Krishnan just tried to get him to talk about current events because it's a NEWS program and promotion is contractually not allowed.

Ayode knew the terms and agreed to be there. How is it Krishnan's fault.

Krishnan Guru-Murthy is a cunt of the highest order and deserves to die a long and painful death.

can't handle the british newscaster bantz m8

Krishnan practically reduced Richard's identity to being black rather than an entertainer. He was in the wrong.

>B-but you are a BLACK MAN (not mixed race) in ENTERTAINMENT and you went to CAMBRIDGE and you have been SUCCESSFUL
*Fizzing sounds*
*Head explodes*
Unbelievably one dimensional attempt at an interview by this tosser, shows how shallow his line of questioning was that once it was derailed by ayoade he had nothing to fall back on.

You know. I've never even paid attention to ayoade being black and always skipped right to his crazy hair and nazal voice. Maybe it's because he couldn't give a fuck about his own blackness that I don't really pay attention to it either.