Stop baneposting

Stop baneposting

Other urls found in this thread:

>post varg

Varg posters are the worst. He's a faggot who got jailed for like murder. He didn't do shit. Brevik posting is where its at.

yargghh big eye 4 meeee!!!
?hot head hot bed?

Stop breathing, Varg.


Brevik is a faggot, literally only innocent killed white Christian's while bitching about Muslims and Jews

Doesn't make any sense

Stop pooping.

Will i reach my final form mister CIA?

Stop burning churches and worshiping meme gods.

Was *blub blub* part of your *blub blub*?


Will I do well on my finals next week?

Who is this guy? Someone explain the "stop x" meme


He killed literally future generation of leftists and socialists kids those who would grow up to be politicians and would let muslims fuck you in the ass.

That island he went berserk was holding a Workers Youth League.


CIA will kek cure the cancer i got from too much shitposting?


>varg has been part of Sup Forums longer than 90% of its current userbase


Kill yourself cuck.

Baneposting is for fags


What's the essential norse kino?

>Doesn't even know how to properly link to other boards

Spotted the redditor.



hey reddit

what did he mean by this?

what's up reddit?


when I got into black metal, if they told be the some day Varg would've become a youtuber for edgy impressionable teens I would have got into into county instead

>what did he mean by this?

roll roll roll

Dr. Pavel, we're CIA.

Is Gaston meme going to get revived?

Is Orcposting getting revived?

Will this image of Data become a meme?

>blue pilled christfag

nice meem, bruh, that really rustled by nordic runes