Perfectly casted roles

Perfectly casted roles

it's cast not casted you level 1 intelligence troglodyte

Am I the only one who wanted to fuck Jesse while watching this

So pic not related I guess.

No. Jesse is cute. CUTE!

Objectively the worst part of the movie

you first, OP

Love his dialogues

he really grew on me. at first i couldnt stand his shit, but after watching the EC hes alright.


Two birds in one picture

This. I think I was just hating on him because I was being a sheep and it was the cool thing to do. People would agree and it would seem like we were patricians of cinema... But the truth is we were being plebs, and Jesse was a great Lex Luthor who redefined the role and who Lex is. Now I can't imagine a bald headed big huge linebacker as being Lex Luthor, it seems so stupid, we were so stupid. Jesse Eisenberg is Lex Luthor, boys.

Horrible Julius Caesar.

He wasn't good in Game of Thrones either.

I unironicly thought he was good in the role, it's just he wasn't what people expected, and he didn't have a great script to work with.

Take it back buster

That scene was brilliant lex' theme is fucking awesome

fucking underrated

here is a You

I thought that was one of the good parts. Superman, the farmboy from kansas, versus Mark Cheeseburger, the privileged smartass. Couldn't have been more different.

I nutted when the violins kicked in.

I was very skeptical but he pulled the role off well.

Cybernetic molars need roles too you know.

That's what the Lex/Supes dynamic has always been about, rich vs poor.

Fun fact, "the American way" was tacked on to "Truth and Justice" because of the commies.

I know he doesn't look much like Stannis in the book but, he really nailed the role.

I fucking HATE when people fuck this meme up. It's "a" cute. Not just cute. You fucking cunt. You filthy gangrene scabby twat. I will facefuck you to death you bitch.

Your post should've read:

>No. Jesse is a cute. A CUTE!

Who gives a fuck about bookfags ot whatever those shitty books say he "looks" like. The television show is its own thing and has nothing to do with the books besides sharing some plot lines and world features. The dude nailed Stannis down perfectly. There is no "what Stannis is suppose to look like" bullshit.


I mean, he is. They wanted a manic zany Lex. I can't imagine an actor better for that role. Imagine how terrible it would be if they cast Dave Franco.



a cute what?

end your life. shit meme. old meme. normie meme