Holy crap people love their cgi kids movies

Holy crap people love their cgi kids movies

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It amazing how few in the audience understand 3 act structure and yet the top grossing movies always adhere to it strictly.

You don't have to understand it for it to be efficient to most people

In fact, if you understand it, you will probably be trying to notice it and its failures and will not enjoy it as much

>few in the audience understand 3 act structure
speak for yourself

Are you suggesting that the majority of the casual movie going public understands 3 act structure?
>speak for yourself
Why would I bring it up if I didn't get it?

>Are you suggesting that the majority of the casual movie going public understands 3 act structure?
Yea, most went to school and didnt forget the basic storytelling structure

I bet the human mind would perceive a 3-act pattern in many movies that lack it entirely.

Seems like they like Finding Dory too



Literally, not even joking, one of the earliest things I can remember learning.

Start -> Mid -> End
Setup -> Confront -> Conclusion

Have been picking this aspect of film making since the start, and this is the first time I have heard 3 act structure.

It's literally humans and story telling 101.

Show me any story which doesn't have a setup, confrontation and a conclusion.

I see a lot of mice.

>I bet the human mind would perceive a 3-act pattern in many movies that lack it entirely.

>Start -> Mid -> End
>Pleb understanding of 3 act structure
Every story has a beginning middle and end that is not what I am talking about.


Most animated movies are better than 90% of live action films today

prove me wrong

rising action
falling action
rise climax/ resolution

How's that autism working out for you? How are you missing the point this badly?

There's only like two good animated movies

You're dumb

>being this mad he learnt something so fucking basic only recently.

lel you niglet


really makes you think


Get on the same page. This is what we are talking about.


Yeah, art is dead, mindless consumption is what it's all about now

>12 minutes

god DAMN

Yes. Not only does the target audience pay for it, but so does their chaperones.

Zootopia is the only movie out of all of them that I could honestly say I'd like to see again and I didn't forget 80% of it's plot. Not even a furfag either. It was a genuinely decent movie.

I don't think people care that much about patterns tbqh

I noticed a 4 act pattern

Just trying to get you on the level kid. There is a lot more to it than Beg Mid End.

This is some absolutely next level digits. I don't even have a meme to capture to moment...

That Act 1 analysis is very true but it can also fuck up the tone of your film if you're not careful.

For example: I felt that Doctor Strange fucked EVERYTHING up by having that fantastical reveal at the very beginning.

It turned what could have been a solid 8/10 movie into a 5/10.

Don't blow your wad at the beginning just to set up your audience. Nuance was needed. Also better set up and writing. Not shitting on his analysis though.

It's pretty much correct but some movies just need to move slow before you have your protag going into metaphysical multi-dimensional scenes.

I can picture the studio being screened the movie and saying "hey why isn't everything bendy and Inception-like yet? Our audience came for THAT. Make it in the first 10 minutes of the film."

I completely agree in regards to Strange.
I think it is more effective in the kids movies. Which dominated the box office according to OP's screenshot.

All disney.

All me.

This is fucking pathetic. Star Wars will gross a ton of $ as well. Frankly I am depressed and ashamed. Assembly line movies are killing film.

Holy shit why did CW only gross 1k?

Oh please. Directors and actors still get their passion projects done after doing some blockbusters.

Basically, it's like a handjob. Edge, edge, and edge, right until the climax, where you release everything.

No one likes a premature ejaculator

>3-act pattern
>not 4-act
If youre gonna use a script get it fucking right, retard.

It's not surprising why these movies make a lot of money

>saturday afternoon
>only time of week when everyone in the family is free
>decide to go to movies because what the hell else are you gonna do
>can't watch an adult movie because of your dumb kids
>kids keep wanting to watch these CGI things because the ads are always on tv
>the reviews are pretty good and I know the stars so what the hell, fun for the whole family
>family of 5 gives the theater $100+ to watch the movie
>repeat a million times

Don't forget $$ from dvds and streaming, merchandise and toys.