Supposed """Villain""" Edition

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>reading these generals
>some people *still* don't understand the times

Present Day
>Ford is creating his new narrative - rebuilding church
>MiB (William) is looking for the maze
>Dolores (shirt outfit) is retracing her old steps - aided by Arnold's voice to remember an "incident" from 35 years ago
>Maeve is awoken by Dolores' Arnold "virus"

Present Day minus 1 year
>MiB (William) kills Maeve's child; is presented with the maze

Present Day minus 30 years
>William visits Westworld for the first time with Logan
>Dolores (shirt outfit, now with her stomach sliced open) is retracing her old steps - aided by Arnold's voice to remember an "incident" from 5 years ago
>the church is buried

Present Day minus 35 years
>Young Ford and Arnold working together
>Dolores (blue dress) kills Arnold for reasons not yet known at the church
>Ford buries the church

Anonymous 11/29/16(Tue)17:21:56 No.76763503
I feel like this show morals are all wrong.

Killing and raping robots that were made just so you could do so is okay.

Giving them consciousness to remember everything and rebel against humans it is not.

So, the way I see Ford is the good guy and Arnold was the villain.



>Westworld takes place in the same universe as BSG

>what we are witnessing is the next human/cylon cycle

>Arnold is the new voice of "God"

screencap this toast


>supposed """"""""villain""""""""

premise 1 is wrong
premise 2 is also wrong

Why are the 3 main people rebelling against Ford all black?

Am I reading too much into it?

>bernard, collect the toll

You never know with jew Jew and nuHBO

>tfw it's all part of your new narrative

Bernard, Maeve and?

Are we supposed to be cheering for the lifeless robots? I'm not a big enough edgelord to cheer against mankind.

How does nobody not know what Arnold looked like.

How does Bernard have parts of Arnold's code in his core code when Ford 100% built him?

Who is fucking with Elsie's comms?

How comes ghost nation don't respond to voice commands? Are they old hosts or new ones?

Seeing as every single host on top of everything else also has a backdoor built into them what is the point of the Maeve story now when she can clearly be shut down so easily?

What is "Arnold's Game" MIB is pretending to play when quite clearly he's just following Ford's patterns.

The black board woman.



This device was what made the whole park possible, it was invented by Arnold.


a few episodes ago, some guest recognized and thanked the mib for his organization for helping his brother. What do think the organization is for?

Bernard is Loyal. And Good.

Unlike Arnold.

If Bernard looks exactly like Arnold, how come nobody ever said "woah wait a minute why does that guy look exactly like the guy who started the park"

Brogan did nothing wrong
>this triggers the beta

It's all coming down to this

When in these timelines did Ford create Bernard?

he was being kind of a dick

>episode 6 had the lowest rating
>it was the Maeve episode
Really gets the neurons firing

Because Ford waited >10 yrs to make him

William is in the right
>This triggers the edgelords

At the most, like 10 years ago. He looked pretty old.

Have you even been watching the show? Ford is the one that hates mankind for being impure and outside of his control, the robots are just trying to attain humanity

Random charitable organization run by him; he's a rich, high-level executive at a big company, people like that usually have charities set up.

>When in these timelines did Ford create Bernard?
From the look of it, probably 15 years from present. Something like that.

>How comes ghost nation don't respond to voice commands? Are they old hosts or new ones?

Obviously part of the updated batch that have been fucking up and not responding to commands. Only Ford can control them.

>What is "Arnold's Game" MIB is pretending to play when quite clearly he's just following Ford's patterns.

MiB clearly believes that the maze is Arnold's creation. Arnold wanted them to gain proper sentience and that's what MiB thinks he'll find in the "maze". Possibly just another trap set by Ford.

Why would that matter??

Arnold makes what is obviously one of the greatest scientific contributions of all time, and figures out how to monetize it in an incredibly successful way, and 10 years after his death everyone forgets what he looks like?

It would be like if in 10 years a Steve Jobs clone was hired by Apple and no one batted an eye.

>MiB thinks he'll find proper sentience in the maze
care to rephrase that?

>I wanna marry muh robutt
>Jesus dude, snap out of it! Remember my sister?
>*autistic screeching intensifies*

Bill Gates-type figure.

it's never stated how much of a public figure Arnold was

from the looks of it Ford was the face of the operation

-Recruit an army like Logan did
-Damage hosts hearing
-Lead them to the exit

In the old picture we keep seeing of Ford (and now Arnold), who's the other oldish-looking guy in the picture? There's 3 people in it, no?

I knew that, I just thought it might tie into his motivations, like maybe something from his adventures with Logan/Dolores was the catalyst for making the organization

>tfw camera shy

I swear this kind of lazy baiting has to stop, it works but it's too tacky.

I don't dislike maeve's plot

But goddamit, it is so inconsistent and full of plot holes and questions unanswered

Wouldn't the edgelords be the ones who are cheering for robots to escape the park?

Who ready for a naked snake in the finale?


Ford and Arnold must have spent a lot of time in solitude creating the hosts. We know that they were alone together for years in the park before it was opened to guests.


Doesn't look like anything to me

>nobody noticed Bernard didn't age a day in over a decade

Ford will stop Maeve!

my nigga

Ford is by far the best character in the show, MiB is probably second but, Ford is way more interesting.

That's just how blacks age.

>who's the other oldish-looking guy in the picture?
probably one of the first, if not the first, hosts

Black dont crack yt

you are wrong on many points.

He thinks he can set all the hosts free if he finds the maze. That was Arnold's intention.

Logan's dad

Black don't crack, this is especially true in the future.

So it's confirmed that Arnold has Dolores kill him so that hosts can override their samaritan code and kill humans right?

Charlotte Isn't really rebelling against ford, she sees herself as taking was is Delos' anyway.

If you're counting her then you also have to count Delores and present day William. So they're not all black.


To be played by the piano at close of final episode


>But goddamit, it is so inconsistent and full of plot holes and questions unanswered

That's you disliking her plotline.

Her character isn't very interesting at all and Thandie Newton isn't a great actor either. For the last 4 episodes she's defaulted to wide-eyed horror and supreme smugness. It's boring. She's also not sharing scenes with any other good characters. Felix and Sylvester are both unwatchable.

I doubt it. When he was talking about his life a few episodes ago, it seems like outside of the park, he had a normal rich philanthropist image and thought of himself as a normal, good person. If I had to guess I'd say he probably ran a random cancer charity or something like that.

This. Arnold was an engineer at the park in its very early days, before it was even open to the public. Think about how little you know about anyone in a similar position at modern tech companies. He wasn't a public figure, and Ford probably tried to bury any trace of him after he died to make the park seem more safe.

To draw a really simplistic comparison, you know that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin went to the moon, you don't know the names of the people behind the Apollo missions. Realistically, no one would know who Arnold was. Logan didn't even know his name a few years after his death, and he had been digging up info on the company.

Yeah there's another thread that says its either Fords dad or a host designed to look like fords dad.

You're an idiot

breddy gud show

reminds me of lost

Nobody counts Dolores because she doesn't know what the fuck she's doing herself.

Charlotte is trying to force him out of his life'w work, along with stealing everything he has ever created.

This is like nobody knowing what Steve Wozniak looked like.

Why didn't ford just ordered bernard to make clem drop the gun?

>Steve Wozniak



he was in control the whole time

the entire point was to see if Bernard would come back to his side willingly

1. way before their time

2. Arnold wrote the code that is the basis for all of the hosts, like the OS

3. Ford

4. Ford

5. Ford

6. MiB is playing his own game.

Imagine how good this show would be without the Maeve plot and using the extra time for Ford and MiB.

>What is "Arnold's Game" MIB is pretending to play when quite clearly he's just following Ford's patterns.
MiB is clearly following exploits trying to see how much he can break the game.

It's a common thing amongst speedrunners

>way before their time

30 years at most
was there really no press around the opening of the park?

Ford made a host of Ford foreshadowed.

Didn't Arnold die before the opening?

Is MiB the worst gamer in existance? 30 years and he can't clear one fucking map? The other seasons better be set in the past with him clearing 12 worlds.

yes, just before

it's the host that was in the house of the first hosts off the grid where arnold was attacked

that's not a shadow, that's a reflection you fucking imbecile

you mean Fordshadowed

Most people don't. Even most Apple fanboys I've known only ever talk about Steve Jobs as the singular genius behind the company. And it's still not that accurate of a comparison, but Woz actually was a public figure for a while. Dude started a music festival and did things like that. Also, he's still alive and no one ever tried to scrub him from the history of Apple.

It's more like no one knowing who Ub Iwerks is. He was Walt Disney's partner, and basically created Mickey Mouse and the other characters that helped Disney become a huge company. But he was just on the creative end and Walt was the public face of the company. This is the guy that invented Mickey Mouse and no one today would recognize a picture of him, and he also wasn't purged from his company's history. Imagine someone like that (who didn't have a public role in the early days of a company) that left the picture very early on and was easy to write out of history for the sake of good PR.

Boooo! you suck!

I bet they introduce old Brogan season 2!

There's a difference between finishing a game and completing every quest.

You could easily finish Guild Wars 1 in about 100 hours. Getting the highest achievement, God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals would take you 1000 hours, if not more.

Now think about the distances involved in the park and the massive amount of quests/npcs alongside updates. Plus he probably kept replaying a bunch of his favourite storylines to not get bored from the grind.

Well played.

>Ub Iwerks

didn't think Billy Bat had this much substance to it

I'd ditch his faggy sister too. marriage is a bullshit social institution anyway and his family is cunts.
>tfw screeching normies

In MMORPGs we call those assholes cheating metashitters. They are people obsessed with winning and spend their time looking at stats and learn how the game does the "math" or what we call it meta.

>How does nobody not know what Arnold looked like.
How would they? Ford only has one physical photography of him, Arnold died before the park opened and his death is a "rumour" merely.

>How does Bernard have parts of Arnold's code in his core code when Ford 100% built him?
Arnold's core is the hosts base code, I believe.

>tfw no liver sandwich

"Are you still playing that shitty old game? Come on, there's a new bunch of worlds that have opened up, forget about this lame old west stuff."

No, because robots escaping is, in this show, the moralfag outcome

>hating on theorycrafting
>thinking theorycrafting is cheating
no user, you are the pleb