Why he is always so wrong?


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So what he's basically is that moonlight is a movie that is a very immersive experience. He's trying to hard to sound smart, what a bigger

>being so foreign to excellence that when faced to a movie that does what actual directors have been mastering for decades it is no a movie "per se"


>he cant write movies that are good immersive emotional experiences
>he doesnt have kino
Also those suck.

He is the most confident insecure person I've ever seen. Behind maybe Lena Duhnam.

Whats up with his stupid GG Allin shit haircut?

>same for Arrival, it's about how it FEELS
>thinking Arrival is some impressionist arthouse movie
Everything this guy has ever written or been a part of has been terrible. I don't know why you guys give him any attention, he's a fucking idiot and clearly doesn't know much about movies pre-1980. Fuck this faggot.

I saw through all of his shit waiting for one good moment.



Arrival is a hundred times better than anything this faggot will ever make.


hes shit but so is arrival you amy adamsfag

His dad got away with murdering three people, he's not wrong to feel he can get away with shit opinions


lol wtf film is the left?


wow, women are so powerful :o

>Him being this much of a contrarian.

He is no doubt Sup Forums

>American Ultra is better than Arrival

Pure Cinema

>it's a Max Landis shits on a good movie episode
The most annoying thing about these episodes is Max is an absolutely horrible screenwriter/director. Chronicle is the best thing he has ever written and it's just a slightly above average Akira knockoff.

>Chronicle is the best thing he has ever written
It's the only good thing he's ever been a part of, and let's be honest, Trank really carried it.

Amy Adams is trash on a stick

holy shit. fuck him so hard.

Why has no one knocked this fucking cunt out yet? He says the most absurd, dumb shit thinking he's a visionary or some shit. His hair is also ridiculous.

>it's a Max Landis' father was directly responsible for the deaths of 2 children and movie star Vic Murrow episode

Is he retarded?

>it's not a movie it's a flick
Whats wrong here?


and it wasn't even a fucking twist, you knew he was her daughters father when he gave her the "zero sum" answer. it was all revealed to you as i went along. and also, they were two professional adults. did we need to see them passionately making out in the rain, staring longingly into each others eyes, expressing their feelings to each other in the most literal way possible? sometimes, people are just drawn to each other, and it just happens. it's no wonder he makes such blunt, inorganic, trite garbage. he has no sense for subtlety or style or expression through any means other than the self indulgent dialogue he writes.

mods, ban this fag, please.

I agree with you, but it was a bit weird that Renner asks her to have a baby with him when you don't see much romantic tension. To me, it just felt like they respected each others work. Maybe because I picked up he was the father half way through the film I was a little more picky on looking for signs of romance, but it was a bit weird.

Either way, the film isn't about romance so it's a moot point.

The original concept was actually much better, the love shit was shoehorned in later.

>In the first drafts of the script, the "gifts" to humanity were meant to be different pieces of technology given to each landing site, with the U.S. receiving plans for a spaceship capable of faster than light travel, China receiving a design that revolutionizes life support, Peru getting the key to manipulating gravity, Japan receiving a way of creating water from air, Britain receiving the formula to build a composite hull that is impervious to cosmic radiation, and Saudi Arabia getting celestial coordinates. However, this was all changed when Denis Villeneuve saw Interstellar (2014) and told the screenwriter to change the "gifts" to something else, in order to avoid similarities between the two films.

I love Max Landis and he is almost always right.

pathetic bait. not even trying/10

So immersive emotional experiences aren't movies? What the fuck. Fuck this retarded asshole

They're film, cinema, sometimes even kino.

I think this picture perfectly captures western culture at this point in time.

Go away, Max.

That's true but that doesn't make Arrival good.

>immersive emotional experience

>being so petty that you compare your films to other new films and how more progressive your films are

fuck you stokloser

why is that negro lookin like he about to fuck that kid?

why are you faggots all about the twist of arrival?


I like how he played Mike and Jay and used their platform to get more exposure and has since left them high and dry, with Mike desperately holding out hope that Max will hook him up with his Hollywood connections someday.

He's right, people who like Arrival are the same as capeshitter.

>comparing Arrival to capeshit
Kill yourself immediately. It's a slow paced sci-fi drama that has original ideas. It isn't a bloated action flick full of cliches.

>It's a slow paced

You can make it as slow as you want it's poorly written.

You pleb fuck.

One of the dumbest, most nonsensical comparisons I've seen on here in a long time. Arrival has nothing in common with capeshit.

>original ideas

Whoops, that was supposed to be a response to

Why did the aliens go through all that hassle when they can see the future?

The twist makes no sense getting that information in the good timeline.

The aliens know human language, why didn't they clearly explain themselves?

Meme responses aren't real counter arguments, user. Show me a sci-fi film that has aliens that look just like the ones in Arrival. Show me a sci-fi film that centers around alien language. Show me a sci-fi film where learning some weird alien language gives you the power to perceive all of time at once. You can shit on Arrival all you want but you can't deny it has some unique ideas, especially compared to the vast majority of modern films.

You didnt get it.

You could ask the same about Amy Adams and her doomed kid. Its almost like the movie had a THEME.

This was also stupid, yes. Even worse the flick doesn't portray her as the cunt she is for doing that.

>Need to keep that feel good moment.


But go ahead, keep insisting that people who understood the movies are the ones who are plebs. Keep agreeing with a manchild hack who has never written a good film.

Arrival is pretty bad but it's slow enough to make dumb people feel smart. It should be loved here.

They both openly admit to being useless romantically. If you've ever spent any time around academics you'd understand quickly...I had a professor in college who focused entirely on Ukraine because the university paid for him to go there and he would bang 9/10 Ukrainian girls who will sleep with any white American without question. Stateside he couldn't pull a landwhale.

>Even worse the flick doesn't portray her as the cunt she is for doing that.
What? She's a cunt for having a doomed child? Wow, you really did completely miss the entire theme of the movie.

I believe user is saying why have the child if you know it's going to die young and painfully. Keep up.

uh I'm not sure its entirely portrayed as a feel good moment. I mean, a character we are made to like and sympathize with is repulsed by her decision to have the baby anyways...I dont think it forces us to make a judgment on whether having the daughter was good or bad morally.

Arrival is very Slaughterhouse V with the "time is a mountain range" stuff, and that is obvious. But the more subtle Vonnegut parallel is how the moral preachiness is done so unsubtly that you begin to question how earnest its meant to be.

The aliens were pretty stupid to give humans the ability to see the future, the is no situation where that doesn't lead to MAJOR problems.

How the fuck would you know? Can you see the future?

It's dumb sci-fi but it's about the FEELS.... or something.

Just turn your brain off.

>How the fuck would you know?

Human history.

And I'm saying his complaint shows he completely missed the point of the movie. You're the one who needs to keep up.

Yea all the times throughout history where alien lifeforms have bursted into our atmosphere, granted humans the ability to see the future and caused MAJOR problems. Happens all the time...never ends well.

People who like arrival really are this stupid.....

>still doesn't understand the point of the movie at all
ayy lmao, it sounds like you've never turned your brain on.

What? You said giving humans the ability to see the future never ends well. And to back it up you cited "human history".

Give me one moment in human history where aliens granted humans the ability to see into the future.
>inb4 bizarre conspiracy nonsense

American Ultra was the best thing he's done thus far. That's how fucking poor Chronicle is. Chronicle was so fucking bad dudes, the knockoffery was beyond out of control, I don't know what the fuck your problems are.

>you just don't get it reeeeeee

He's kind of correct but the movie was still good.

Agreed. Imagine if Hitler had the foresight to spot D-Day.

All movies give an "emotional experience"

>People think the development of their relationship was really relevant

Keep shitposting, Max. Maybe someday you'll get lucky and you'll be able to make a movie that's slightly better than Chronicle.

Why was the cgi so bad in Arrival?

They didn't have a massive budget. Although I thought most of the CGI worked. There were a handful of scenes where it was shit but that's a problem with 99% of movies that use a ton of CGI. Most of the time the CGI was average and some of it even looked good.

Non-zero-sum game.

because hes a hipster and they are always wrong

OKAY Thread Re-aligner here:

What has Max Landis actually accomplished? Does he have any scripts under his belt worth discussing? Or is he just in the business because his actual murderer father did alright during his career?

The worst thing about Moonlight is that it's pure Oscar bait. The niggers are going to steal all the Oscars this year because of the leftover white guilt from last year, and also the extra white guilt for Trump being elected president.

Moonlight will sweep the Oscars. It's going to get best picture, best original screenplay, best director, best lead/supporting actors, at least.

It won't win any award.

>Japan receiving a way of creating water from air

we can already do this lmao

China and SA got cucked also with that life support/co-ordinates shit



the one that made it to the final product is a far superior narrative device and makes more sense in setting.

I feel like the internet and this site in particular would not pay a nanosecond of attention to Landis if it weren't for the BotW episode.

Holy shit max Landis is our boy

The aliens have already seen what happens when they give humans the ability to see the future tho

The aliens have already proven to be stupid with that ability as one of them got itself killed despite being able to avoid it.

These are some dumb aliens desu senpai

Moonlight isn't Oscar bait at all, it's actually a really great movie. There's a lot of Oscar bait about black people this season as a response to the whole Oscars So White bullshit (ie. Birth of a Nation, Hidden Figures, Queen of Katwe, Fences) but Moonlight is very much not that.