Post films that were filmed near your home
This was filmed down the street from my house.

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What the fuck is this shit OP

they show old cops episodes from boynton beach sometimes

They only film pure kino in my hometown.

They filmed a scene from this movie in my house, while I was living there

The original RoboCop.

S U N R I S E??

Manos: The Hands of Fate
El Topo
Dune outdoors shots

Is it true what they say about Torgo?

Lake Worth/ WPB

I'm on Sunrise Blvd right now though ironically enough.

Palm Beach is gutter as fuck. I'd rather get lost in Miami Gardens/OpaLocka than Palm Beach

Jupiter is comfy though.


say what?

what up yall boys 561 represent. i never knew how black florida really was until i got outside of it. they said lake worth is one of the worst cities in florida, but im alive. i bet i know you

Lying faggot.
did you smell any of the chairs afterwards?[/spoilers]

I live about a quarter of a mile from this chinese restaurant.

The entirety of the first car chase in Terminator 1 was shot in various location in Downtown, LA. It actually still looks the same in most parts..

Ocean's Eleven
The Hangover

954 here
My big bro used to chill with Spro and Suave Smooth.
OP kinda hit me in the feels hes doing a bid up in the panhandle.

But yea, South Florida is black as shit. I was sin such a culture shock when I visited Massachusetts and saw 0 black people for like 3 days.

Florida and Ohio are by far the worst states of the nation.

Groundhog's Day.

Fuck you Michigan exist we keep it real down here in SoFlo

American Hustle. I saw them shooting from the highway but decided not to go and see up close.

>i missed my one chance to smell Amy Adams


Same guy. They also filmed some outdoor scenes for "Shooter" at a friends parents acreage.

Ann Arbor unfucks what Detroit and Flint does.

I live in Brooklyn, there's too many to bother listing.

Fuck off.

The mall section was filmed at a mall I live somewhat nearby, the Water park scene was at a water park near me that still exists and same with the bowling alley.

Best part is the Circle K they are at when they meet Rufus is the same Circle K I go to on a regular basis.

this along with a few other places have been filmed in my area. Freaked out when i saw it.
I would have been like 3 at the time though


The new Goosebumps movie was filmed in my small town lol

They filmed the World War Z laboratory scenes in the town next to mine and also in this town the Son of Rambo had a scene in it
An epsiode of Only Fools and Horses was filmed in my home town which is next to the current town i live in
Some show called Humans apparently filmed in my town

Suburbicon in Fullerton.

>tfw live in gabagoolland

Filmed like a mile from my house because if you took away the modern cars from the driveways and removed the satellite dishes from the houses, the neighborhood would look like something straight outta 1964.

USS Alabama, Mobile, AL, they filmed Under Siege on it and my mom was manager of the gift shop. I met him when I was super young at a party.