Xenokino incoming

xenokino incoming

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>So, I think we need to talk about the bonus situation

I hope he says this and brings the entire franchise full circle.

>danny mcbride

I'll see the movie, but I know it won't be kino with mr. Not-Stoned Seth Rogan in it.

another reboot
>more money,durrrr
>durrr,lets milk this cow one more time >durr,there's nothing left
>durrrr,milk it anyway


>May 19th




its a sequel to prometheus..



Literally the same wit as the op.

OP has been trying to make "xenokino" a thing since April


Noomi Rapace is going to be the villain in this

also, expect a surprise announcement of a secret castmember next week

he's playing a space trucker you mong

literally perfect casting

Childhood is saying xenokino

Adulthood is realizing kinomorph makes more sense

So all of the xeno are Shaw's fault?

>secret castmember
Not really a secret.

why not? she can't come to terms that there is no loving god and no grand meaning for human existence. david understands that humans were made just because the engineers could, but when he tries to convince her to go home she's just all "lol you don't get it because you're just a robot, it's what i choose to believe." we last saw her in a ship filled with bioweapons heading off towards a planet populated by beings that don't like humans, see themselves as better than humans, and tried to turn humans into horrible penis monsters

shaw is only setting herself for, at best, more disappointment and at worst total disaster

kinomorph is more clever, but xenokino works better in a sentence.

>danny mcbride as a space trucker

lemme guess, he'll make raunchy comments and refer to girls as "hun" and "toots", and say "WHAT THE FUCK" when an alien bursts.

That's his contribution.



minimalist poster, looks promising

Where's the director's cut of Prometheus

Yes, at first it was called Paradise, then it was Alien: Paradise Lost and now it's Alien: Covenant. David and Shaw return, and the film directly builds upon the themes and lore introduced in Prometheus. We get to see a whole planet fucked up by the programmable evolutionary accelerant commonly referred to as "black goo," and it seems that a whole planets' worth of Engineer corpses are strwen around the place.

Fox's plan seems to be to alternate a trilogy of Prometheus sequels with Blomkamp's Alien3\Resurrection-retconning Newt movies

I really hope the Blomkamp movies actually happen. Kind of worried about how much time Scott has left to direct in all honestly as well, he's not getting any younger sadly.

The Alien: From Egg To Adult By Smell

Earthy, like sniffing a fungus growing on some moist dirt... until it opens.

Once opened, you would smell the most wretched fart. Not like a normal fart. The fart of an emaciated old lady wandering the halls of an old folk's home. Spoiled, boiled cabbage. The fart that tells you something's wrong with a person.

This little guy still reeks of the egg for awhile, but it's own enzymes quickly clean it, giving way to a musky smell.

If dead & dry, it would smell much like the closed egg. If still alive & lubricated, more like patchouli & machine oil.

Now of course the Chestburster is going to smell pungent & coppery when it's freshly birthed, being covered in the blood of whatever.

Shortly after though you would find that it smelled much farty like the inside of the egg. Maybe not as bad, probably like a freshly opened bag of BBQ potato chips. This is true of course until it begins shedding it's skin, at which point it would gradually give way to -

The adult Xenomorph is constantly excreting lubricant from it's hide & drool from it's mouth which allows it to be a silent killer, a well oiled machine. The scent of the adult Xenomorph will vary slightly depending on it's environment & the amount and type of particulates it can absorb into it's body through the tubes on it's back.

Being biomechanical in nature I would imagine the adult Xenomorph has a very subtle scent if any, & that it would, if anything, smell faintly of machine oil or sex lubricant. If one were to encounter a cold, dry Alien that had been exposed to the vacuum of space for a brief period you might catch a wiff of motel room air conditioner just before it huffs it's pharyngeal jaw deep into your cranium.

When he's not covered in guts, the adult Xenomorph smells like the guy that changes your oil & is sleeping with his boss' wife. Start living right, Joe.

Is Isolation canon?

Haven't played it so I don't what it's deal is.

Will there be a panty scene in covenant?


lol, that's even worse.

>and say "WHAT THE FUCK" when an alien bursts
I just imagined that happening and I honestly lost it.

Nah, sjws would call it sexism. There'd be a million clickbait thinkpieces and probably a twitter hashtag too.

There are a few ancillary sources that say it is, but nothing official from Fox or Creative Assembly about whether it is canon or not. Fox probably wanted to avoid marketing a game as canon after Colonial Marines (which was supposedly canon) blew up in their face. Isolation's creative lead was asked in an interview with the official Playstation website if the game was canon and he danced around it.

While it hasn't been declared canon, there's nothing saying it isn't canon, either. It's worth noting that Seegson, created for the game, has been mentioned in a few EU comics.

I'm less interested in Blomkamp's Aliens fanfiction than the Prometheus sequels, but there's no way in hell I'd deny Sigouney Weaver one last outing as Ripley and the return of Newt.

Also, I'm pretty sure Scott is rich enough to put his brain in a robot body, the dude will never stop making movies. He's a machine independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/features/is-ridley-scott-the-most-macho-man-in-movies-7782369.html

This is what Prometheus was missing.

I think it was canon. Can't say for sure. Didn't you control Ripley's daughter?


pure kinomorph


fox, sega and creative assembly have gone out of their way to avoid declaring it canon or not canon

Is there a more overrated movie monster than Alien?

>muh acid
>muh double mouth

Is there a more overrated movie franchise than Alien?

>muh fear of unknown
>muh combat sequel

First movie was a solid 9/10, Aliens was 5/10, the rest doesn't even reach the 2. Why are you dwelling over this boring franchise?

Why do you care? Fuck off loser

You always say right, you know that?

The Alien is a very good movie monster - in the first movie. After that it's an insect.

here i made it better and less cringe

Much better.

How is the word run cringy you fucking sperg

are you serious?
that's the best they could come up with? of course you're gonna run from a xenomorph. no shit. So dumb and cliché. better to have nothing and let your imagination run loose with just a picture of the monster than
fuckin stupid


tasteless pleb



What did it mean by this?

>The discipline taught him efficiency: he rarely shoots more than three takes of any scene ("Anybody who does 90 takes has a problem"), and he's proud of his capacity to create blockbusters on modest budgets. He brought in Gladiator, for instance, at $106m (£66.5m). "Some people would have spent $250m (£157m), in a heartbeat. Just by sheer inefficiency. Unbelievable. Shocking."
That's actually a pretty cool outlook in general since he recognizes the fact a bloated budget doesn't make a good movie.

but user, it's pottery with Alien '79's teaser tagline

There's a great bit in the director's commentary for Legend where he talks about an effect that would be $200,000 of CGI today just cost him some fishing line and a little lightbulb (relevant bit starts at 1:10 but the whole clip is great)

If Katherine Waterston is going to be as the lead, there wont be any panties.

This should be said at the end of the trailer when the movie title appears in view.

eww this is why I'm gay

is Ridley /ourguy/?

I still have hope for humanity and want you to realize this franchise sucks balls, but I'm sure deep down you know it, you're just choosing to live in the matrix.

>from a xeno
the movie is already shit

What if you see the xeno through a telescope


I don't get it.
They're keeping the stupid characters.
Did anyone really want more of Shaw and her bullshit of speccing into both Science and Religion?

They're gonna force her into an awkward space amazon queen role just because Ripley and Sarah Conner did it in their sequels and it's going to fucking blow.

Noomi Rapace hasn't been confirmed for returning for A:C, the only returning character is Fassbender.

Good job ranting about shit that isn't happening.

Yes she has they are done filming already

wait, are they making separate timelines?

That is the plan for bloomkamps movie in that timeline there will be no 3 or resurrection newt hicks still alive.

She's still not a main character

Are you a retard?

Well all that's returning is Elizabeth and David. Elizabeth is only going to have 10 minutes tops so probably a flashback or intro. David has a heavy role though there's another David (William?) that doesn't trust him.

Are you? They've said Rapace's character is only in the movie briefly as a cameo.

I'm more interested in the new Predator movie.

>I really hope the Blomkamp movies actually happen
I guess a Halo wannabe movie would appeal to a pleb like you.
Kill yourself, Sup Forumstard.

Pretty good

If anything it should have stuck to the classic tag line and said "SCREAM"

I apologize you were right. I totally forgot about the shit storm she kicked up. I hope she is strung up on the wall of the nest for her cameo the filthy slut

This getting into shill territories now. We get it, Ridley is milking the franchise to death, no need to make repeated threads about it to manufacture artificial hype.

>in space no one can hear you run

>there are alien fans old enough who will be starting to worry whether they will die before they get to see the entire story

Covenant sounds like The Tempest

now this is advanced fartposting


I would pay a lot shekels to see Danny Mcbride being eaten by the Alien.

Post movies or television shows where the xenos win.

Are you serious? I'd actually watch this if he's in it.

Can someone make an edit of this poster with le bonus man's face?

Avatar is Cameron doing a inversion of Aliens.

Is Blomkanp Alien movie really happening?

so funny

might not be our guy, but he's one of my guys now. never knew he could give any good patter

I didn't think much of it till your post, but imagining him getting a quick shot and acting like a dude weed lmao character in the original chestburster scene is actually a funny mental image

Yes, it's on hold until Covenant is made, because Ridley is gonna be producer on the film.



Better link, senpai x

I thought that was Jenny Murray from the vampire weekend video
I need my eyes checked




Shit storm? Her shiting on the fass right?
Link full story?

>Noomi Rapace hasn't been confirmed for returning for A:C
She literally filmed for a few weeks and is confirmed to return.

Shits gonna be fucking retarded trash just like Prometheus, and Daniels is gonna be a Ripley rip-off that we can meme to death calling a Ripley-off for years so at least there's that.



Wait wasn't this supposed to be about Rapace and the android's head travelling to the engineers' home planet? I WANT THAT MOVIE FUCK THIS SHIT REEEEEEEEEEEE

It'll be another remake of the same story they have been doing since 1979.
>find ayylmao
>ayllmao picks off crew members one by one, a la ten little indians
>final girl kills alien off and escapes in an escape pod or something
The fact that it's being directed by Neil "From the Director of District 9" Blomkampf does not give me any more confidence. One trick pony.

>humans penetrating aliens, killing them, and taking the features of xenos as their own
I thought that was Steven Universe.