What's the last show you dropped and how far in and why?

What's the last show you dropped and how far in and why?

For me Westworld episode 2 because no characters were interesting or worth caring about and too many questions were put forth that I didn't care about the answers.

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What's your endgame here, OP? Usually around here when someone says they don't like something popular they pretend it's because they are somehow to superior. You are basically saying you don't like something popular because it's literally 2depp4OP.

I don't get it.

You're insinuating a whole lot from me saying I didn't like the characters on a show.

And if you think a show is deep because they obfuscate half the ideas presented then you have issues.

I'm still watching it just because I want to know what happens, but I agree. There are still no characters I care about, and some that I'm meant to that I absolutely can't stand because I've been given no reason to. I don't get why there are nuggets on this board saying this is a contrarian opinion when it's such a common critique of the show.

What it has going for it is a cool concept, high production value, and intrigue, and I believe this is why it's popular. At least it's why I'm still hanging in there.

>hey guys I'm a contrarian piece of shit, the thread.
nice blog post. What do you want?

Look at Mr. Word-a-Day calendar over here.
If you weren't completely hooked in after this you should just kill your fucking self.

"Cool" OP, your taste is like, so discerning and unique.

Here's a (You) and you know what, another: (You)

Westworld just keeps making the stupidest decisions they could make.

Obfuscation is a term you should understand by the fifth grade you dipshit

Oh I know what it means, using it and "insinuating" are just very transparent attempts to save face after you made yourself look like an idiot.

insinuating is a big word? Are you fucking retarded? You look like the biggest idiot in this thread.

Why are Westworld fags so goddamn insecure? I don't like your show, I'm not even shitting on it, I just don't like it, this is not a personal attack on your (wo)manhood.

It's an overly formal word for a Taiwanese sock puppet board.
If you don't understand why writing like that makes you look like a colossal fedora tipper then you should gather up your autism and take it back to r*dit.

didn't even make it past the first episode.

Dude, just fuck off. Here, I'm saying this for that guy. In very simple terms, so your monkey taiwanese sock puppet board brain can understand. You're not cool for intentionally trying to sound stupid.

Speaking in common vernacular makes you look smarter than trying to sound smart and not pulling it off.

>not pulling it off
both words you bitched about were used appropriately. I'm done arguing with your stupid ass, enjoy your meme show retard

Don't hurt your wrist tipping fedoras. Enjoy your word-a-day calendar.

Don't use the word "vernacular". It's an overly formal word for a Taiwanese sock puppet board. If you don't understand why writing like that makes you look like a colossal fedora tipper then you should gather up your autism and take it back to r*dit.


There isn't a simpler word for vernacular. No one says "insinuate" on Sup Forums, we say imply. no one on earth says "obfuscate" they say "being vague"

Yes there is. You could have said "speaking like a normal person", or "using simple language" or used guttural grunts while pointing.

Here's a word for you, "shibboleth" figure out what it means, try to find where you made one and then go back.

Battlestar Galactica near the end of season 3.

It got really stupid and most of the characters were annoying the shit out of me.

Fuck this thread got retarded

OP here, it was my bad. I shouldn't have started writing like a twat.

I was gonna stick around until you openly admit to being a faggot, so I guess I can leave now.

I hope you get cancer

Baiting himself this hard.......