This show is a fucking mess

This show is a fucking mess
It's like they have no idea what made the original movies good and decided to go the same route shitty CW's Supernatural did, topped with unfunny jokes.
I'm not talking about Ash's one liners and the slapstick, that's always welcome to evil dead, of course

>Last episode
Pablo dies

>Two episodes from now
the official synopsis straight up says Pablos is alive and well
I know it's supposed to tell you what the episode is about but seriously? Not that anyone was expecting them to keep that permanent, but still.

Other urls found in this thread:

Evil Dead has always been fucking lame

I knew Pablo dies going into it because the actor was tweeting about it right after it aired for some fucking reason

but as I was watching it, it looked like Ash was gonna be the one to cause that, and I was atleast like "cool, I'd like to see how Ash handles this when he gets his sanity back, that'll be interesting"
But nah, they didnt do that.

Evil dead is supposed to be about ash and ash is supposed to be bruce campbell.

Evil dead is not supposed to be about a woman ash. Evil dead is not supposed to have forty sidekicks.

What made Evil Dead great was how it was contained, and simple, but yet unique.
But now they added all these generic characters, with base humor and have it down to a predictable formula, with all this contrived bullshit running around it.

bruce has been doing this kind of campy shit ever since army of darkness. I don't know why everyone goes along with it but as long as they're having fun I guess it's ok. It's not for me though. I watched all of season one and ep1s2 hoping it would pick up but it's the same lame jokes, a few special effects and bad acting every episode.

There not enough meat there for a tv series if you take the sidekicks away. The show can't be non stop Ash monologues, possessed hands, amd windmill scenes. Ash needs others to play off of.

If there isn't adequate content for ten episodes without necessitating filler, why not do fewer episodes?

Oh I forgot, America

I was kind of worried by how corny it is, but then I realized that was kind of the point.

I mean, I don't think it's great, but I do love Bruce.

Kelly is legit terrible though, not even funny bad. I do like Pablo, though.

I realize that, but that doesn't mean they had to go with the most painfully generic/obvious route they went with

Or make it a kino. I believe what Raimi has done to ash's character is spot on. Ash is exactly the person I would expect him to become 20 years after the events of Evil Dead/2 and Army of Darkness.

There are plenty of good ideas shown in the tv show, and some new lore which is nice.

I completely disagree, it's my favorite currently airing show. Bruce Campbell is still awesome and there's tons of great gore. The main sidekicks are kinda generic but I like Pablo and the minor characters like Chet and Brock are great.
>Evil dead is not supposed to be about a woman ash.
What the fuck are you talking about? Bruce Campbell is Ash in the show and he's the main focus of the show. Every once in a blue moon an episode will mainly focus on other characters but most of the time Ash dominates over half of the screentime of an episode.
>Evil dead is not supposed to be about a woman ash. Evil dead is not supposed to have forty sidekicks.
You can't do a TV show that focuses around a single character unless the show is a miniseries or some shit like that. Ash needs other characters to bounce off of otherwise they would completely run out of material after a few episodes.

Are you watching season 2? It's legitimately one of the best shows this year.

>mfw when some guy digestposts at me

Only discrete responses get yous.

>Deadites are barely a threat anymore.
>Deadite appearences have no variety. They all look the same now, unlike in the other movies, how gnarly they looked varied. It wasn't formulaic like everything in this show.
>Ted Raimi's over acting
>New love interest is named Linda for some reason? Why would they choose THAT name if it's not Linda from the original movies?
>Linda is just ready to leave her dick of a husband for a supposed serial killer she hasnt seen in 30 years because they had a fling?
>Supernatural characters that just look like normal humans
>That black cop from the first season that was so obsessed with kill Ash falls in love with him out of NOWHERE
>2 different "LOL TRANNY HOOKER" jokes 2 episodes in a row
>Deadite Linda didn't play dead in front of the angry mob to make Ash look like a murderer for some reason. She kept getting up and just let Ash shoot her a couple times until he cut her head off.
>They revealed what the camera demon looks like for some reason, it was just an underwhelming cloud of smoke
>Humor is focused on Ash being a dirty old perverted man rather than occasional one liners and slapstick.
>The book talking when it was inside the possessed car was like some Thankskilling tier shit (look it up)

The list goes on, this show is garbage. I keep watching it only because I do still love Bruce and Evil Dead, but it's just awful to watch them tear apart something I love. I enjoy the practical effects, and monster designs. Like baal's skinless form, and eglios... Ruby's kids are okay I guess. Not great but could be worse. I also liked the Rami directed parts, even if the cgi in that first episode was terrible. It's a tv budget so that's forgivable.

I dont like the show as a whole, but the atmosphere/aesthetic is definitely a step up from season 1

>Deadite Linda


Oh look, it's another 'lets slag off a popular show that gets rave reviews' knobhead contrarian thread

>>Deadites are barely a threat anymore.
Been that way ever since Army of Darkness. Did you forget all of the parts where Ash easily beats deadites?
>>Deadite appearences have no variety.
There has been some great gore and a variety of unique demon designs though. Plus they're working on a TV budget so they can't have every deadite look unique.
>>Ted Raimi's over acting
One of the best parts of season 2.
>>New love interest is named Linda for some reason? Why would they choose THAT name if it's not Linda from the original movies?
The joke is every woman Ash ever got serious with was named Linda.
>>Deadite Linda didn't play dead in front of the angry mob to make Ash look like a murderer for some reason. She kept getting up and just let Ash shoot her a couple times until he cut her head off.
You're asking for logic from The Evil Fucking Dead. In every movie there were opportunities where a deadite could've killed Ash but every time they tormented him instead of going for the kill.
>>They revealed what the camera demon looks like for some reason, it was just an underwhelming cloud of smoke
Okay, I'll admit that is a legit complaint. They shouldn't have revealed the camera demon.
>>Humor is focused on Ash being a dirty old perverted man rather than occasional one liners and slapstick.
What? There are tons of one liners. And what did you expect? Of course Ash is gonna be a dirty old perverted man. Ever since AoD he has been a total heel.


This. I was hoping for this too. Would've finally given this show some much needed weight. I still love it though.

'Ashy Slashy' as a villain was a really cool concept they only teased.

You're like one of the few autists that have a problem with the show. The world doesn't center around you buddy.

>it's a puppet episode

>>>They revealed what the camera demon looks like for some reason, it was just an underwhelming cloud of smoke
>Okay, I'll admit that is a legit complaint. They shouldn't have revealed the camera demon.
They revealed what it looked like in EVIL DEAD II

>only a few people have a problem with the show
what? where have you been?

I have literally never seen any complaints about the show besides here and at BloodyDisgusting, which has shit taste anyway. Everyone I've talked to in person loves the show.

>at BloodyDisgusting
Do the staff writers give it shit?

Kek, I forgot. Guess I was wrong to say that user had a legit complaint.

>hear about this shitty show, give it a shot cause new evil dead movie was aight
>tell my sister we should give it a try
>first 10 mins some long ass sex scene

goddamn that was embarrasing, she probably thought i was trying to bang her

>give it a shot cause new evil dead movie was aight
Please don't tell me you're a pleb who has never watched the original movies. The remake is good but the original movies are fantastic.

nah i tried watching the first one on netflix and the efects, costumes and makeup were god awful

I can't wait for them to do something with Army, they finally got the rights back


>You can't do a TV show that focuses around a single character unless the show is a miniseries or some shit like that

It's almost as the Evil Dead franchise is an extremely poor fit for television and watching a tv series based on it is like someone trying to jam a round peg into a square hole.