This is one of the most terryfing horror movies of all time...

This is one of the most terryfing horror movies of all time, and i bet that most than half of Sup Forums haven't saw it yet and will probably go see first the remake by Hollywood that will release next year.

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it had a couple good scenes

jesus that poster is gorgeous

>I just saw Suspiria and now i'm bragging and chastising the rest of you. Give me good boy points!

It's a great and beautiful film, undoubtedly Argento's best. It's slightly too obscure for a modern remake though, Hollywood studios want brand recognition

>most terrifying horror movies of all time
holy shit no, and this is coming from someone who loved the movie. It isn't scary, but it's an aesthetic achievement to be sure.

Argento's sets/use of color is unparalleled. Have you seen Inferno?

It's pretty fucking stylish.

It aged badly and now looks camp, plus Goblin's score is pure cringe

Pretty much this. Been there, done that IRL. Enjoy your 20s OP.

>Argento's sets/use of color is unparalleled
Unparalleled by all except one Mario Bava, who taught Argento everything he knew

Argento isn't obscure. He's probably the most famous Italitan horror filmmaker. He's the only Giallo director anyone has ever heard of.

>It aged badly
how to spot a pleb in one statement


Eh, young people always get excited when they discover a cool old movie. A least it won't get forgotten.

that's why I used the word "slightly," believe it or not most Americans have no fucking clue who he is, especially since he hasn't made a memorable film in decades

The Goblin score makes the movie

Without it its nothing

Who really cares, man? Yeah it's a great movie, yeah a lot of people will see the remake perhaps not even knowing it's a remake, but it doesn't matter. If anything the remake whether it's good or bad might get other people to want to go back and watch the original.

Listen, I love Mario Bava too. I just think Argento's lighting/color was superior, if only by a hair. I don't even like comparing them; I like them both so much.

>Goblin's score is pure cringe

Pleb detected.

yeah this is the scariest movie ive ever seen

delete this

Check out some of Sergio Martino's flicks. He's got some great Giallo.

starting point?

I went through a phase that I was obsessed with Giallo for a while, most of them are horrible but fun in a cheesy b-movie way and had cool soundtracks and lots of tits.

>Goblin's score is pure cringe

nice chart but why skip inferno?

saved btw, thanks

I have no problem comparing them, Bava is so much better than anyone else it's not even a contest. The man was the master of mise-en-scène and as talented as Argento was he doesn't come close

Your Vice is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key, it was my first Martino and it blew me away

You do realize that they're working on a modern remake, right?

Hmmm well perhaps you're right; I'll watch more of Bava's films. What's your favorite scene he does?

Argento and Bava are hacks, the actors don't even speak proper English.

Fuck Italy.

Only now that you've mentioned it. It will be an Italian remake though from what I just read, so my point still stands about Hollywood.

Why bother remaking it when The Neon Demon has released

Neon Demon was too american, the Italians would have shown Elle getting raped by a tiger for 20 minutes.

Is the remake finally out of limbo?

Honestly any of his indoor scenes are just gorgeous. He's a perfectionist who has to control everything, which is why in any outdoor scene there's an obvious drop in quality because you can't control nature

I'd have to say his most beautifully shot film is probably The Whip and the Body

It was fun for me, not terrifying.

This is really fun by the way.

Because they're different movies.

>2 Lucio Fulci mentions
this pleases me, he's not half as bad as people say

Do you like Kobayashi? seems up your alley in terms of set design

I can't say I've ever really explored Japanese cinema, but I've added his name to my list. What is it about him that made you think to recommend him? Any others you'd think I'd like?

great list

>not liking the Goblin

hang yourself. the Goblin spices up every movie

funny how this doesn't mention the film that basically invented giallo, The Girl Who Knew Too Much

though I guess it is a prototypical example

posting best girl

>le scary movie about witches with terrible acting

Teah, nah. The first half is alright, second half has some laughably bad scenes, if you find this movie scary you need to man the fuck up

if you find any movie scary you're a pussy

unless of course you're spun, sleep-deprived, stoned, or on acid/shrooms

you have to go back

how new are you?

You see, this is a common template on Sup Forums. To use le ironically as part of the post to imply that OP has bad taste.

Glad i can help newfriend

until it became overused and the backlash started where if you typed "le" people would call you reddit

then that passed and solidified itself as part of the chan lingo

I lost my virginity after watching it. Kinda sucks, though, as I really can't remember anything about the film.

What I'd like to know is why they were credited as The Goblins in just about every movie they did the soundtrack for in the 70s and 80s.

you couldn't find a better quality shot?

Literally no. She's always talking and in the next scene she has that ridiculous hairstyle.

it's alright

Got way more scared by Insidious.

Nice pseudo-cineast try though, OP.

so good. why did eva bartok just stop acting after this?