I just finished watching the two kitchen nightmares shows (US and UK), why does he gives away POS, cars...

I just finished watching the two kitchen nightmares shows (US and UK), why does he gives away POS, cars, whole kitchens and other stuff in the US one and he just gives advices on the UK one?

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because uk is a poor 3rd world country

Sponsorship, americans dont care that companies are promoting their products on the backs of failing restaurants.


childhood is idolizing Gordon Ramsey
adulthood is realizing the pizza was good

if the uk were poor then surely they'd be the ones needing the free shit? Fucking moron.

nah americans can afford giving free shit to people, uk needs those money to fund pakis and their muslim mayor lmao

OP here, he also seems to love the food from the UK restaurants while he hates all the food from the US ones (the only one I recall him liking are the desserts from one woman).

I do like how the UK one focus more on the actual restaurant than on relationships and drama, gordon really seems to have a good time in the UK one.

US food is haram for muslims so of course he loves halal british food.

childhood is caring about the pizza
adulthood is realizing the waitress is a qt

That one was Amy's Baking Company. And didn't she actually not make the desserts herself?

No, I was talking about other restaurant with 2 girls as owners, there was an old woman who baked desserts for them that bailed to make her own desserts shop after gordon left.

lmao 60%

The black soul restaurant?

>That one was Amy's Baking Company
No, there was one episode, where he hated all the other food, but liked the desert that had been made by an older woman. I think she was actually head waitress, but baked in her spare time.

>this is considered thin crust in america

americans need more excitement to tune into tv shows, just like how their nature documentaries have slow mo instant replays like its a wrestling show

this one


The black soul one's also had Gordon loving the owner mother's pies.
Talking about non-introductory dishes he liked the burger someone made "doing his best" and the dishes a couple of chefs did while the owners though it was Ramsay.

>and the dishes a couple of chefs did while the owners though it was Ramsay.
I remember that one. Where the owners were limiting their chefs to a shitty menu.

americans are easily pleased and entertained with material posessions. British shows have to be dumbed down as much as possible and made more childlike to be able to crossover

this most of the american reality stuff is all about getting big prizes, vs just getting to be on tv