Do you think his character will have more screentime in the second half of S7?

Do you think his character will have more screentime in the second half of S7?

She's cute, what's her name?

Shirley Riggs.

I hope not, his hair is terrible and he has shitty teenage voice

i would crawl through a mile of rusty nails and salt to fuck his boypussy

>his hair is terrible
it's not

page 10 save rave

And yet you can't spell it correctly

it's boipucci lad



When will he chop off his dick and become a girl?

>When will he chop off his dick and become a girl?
Cutting off your dick is no longer necessary at this stage of that feminisation process .

Good. I like when women have a feminine penis

He's so dreamy. If only they could teach him to act.

I fucking hope not. His acting is terrible.

At least with shit episodes like last week with bad acting, we got THICC for 45 minutes. That kid offers nothing

I wanna fuck this child

Fuck off, Chandler

>these are the same degenerates who then bitch and sperg out when sjw defend traps
Absolutely fucking disgusting, subhuman genocide when?

I want to tickle Carl untill he pees himself! :3

Is he the Finn Wolfhard of the last generation?

He is the John to Finn Wolfhard's Jesus