Why is this flick beloved, remind me?

Why is this flick beloved, remind me?

>the planet from the first movie is conveniently inhabited now, although for some reason NOT on the place where the Engineer's ship is, but close enough for some happy-go-lucky hippie couple to discover it
>the colony conveniently gets BTFO at the same time Ripley is found by the jews
>Ripley actually trusts the scoundrel jew when he tells her it's a "seek & destroy" mission
>space marines are fucking terrible
>Vasquez is literally the cringest character ever
>bad, outdated jokes and bootcamp music in a sci-fi movie, let that sink in
>"illegal alien" joke (DUDE ____ LMAO)
>everything is rushed, some shots are nifty but Cameron doesn't let it last for too long, no, we must suffer the presence of MUH MARINES and shitty action
>again, every death is an on-screen death, everything is "jump scare + cut", fuck that
>almost every male is either weak or bad at his job
>terrible effects during shootouts
>xenos and just big bugs now, as referenced multiple times during the build-up
>they only sent like 10ish marines to fight the aliens, lmao
>little girl conveniently survived the xeno mayhem because Ripley needs someone to compensate the loss of her daughter
>the film just isn't scary

This movie is even worse than Terminator 2. You need your heads checked if you unironically love Aliens and/or find it a good movie.

Other urls found in this thread:


it's a good movie

all of the suspense was taken out of the first one, we know how the xeno life cycle works

I'll refute your 5 best points, don't green text them

>all of the suspense was taken out of the first one, we know how the xeno life cycle works

That's a cheap cop-out, true filmmakers would try their very best to keep suspense and horror instead of making a 'Nam movie in space loaded with cliches and generic tropes.

You sound like you're in your teens, trying to impress Sup Forums with your dismissive, too-cool-for-skool points.
You just posted a list of things you thought you could spin in a negative way. Can't you do something better with your time?

I'm not a teenager, thank you very much. But you are kind of dumb for defending this stupid movie without trying to argue even one thing. Pleb.

but what does that accomplish?

people went into alien with a blank slate, they didn't know about the facehugger, they didn't know what the xeno looked like

I like that aliens didn't just follow every horror franchise, and redo the first story, and then have 8 other sequels

Fox already wanted to take it in another direction before Cameron was involved

I like Aliens better than Alien

Alien was boring as fuck

alot of your points go down to dramatic effect desu, if you wanted realism about a film science fiction film where people fight aliens, then you will never be satisfied

It needs no defending. Especially not from someone like you.

>>Vasquez is literally the cringest character ever
>>"illegal alien" joke (DUDE ____ LMAO)
Of course you are a teenager. And if you really are in fact older then I must say it's rather sad that these points represent the peak of your argumentative rhethoric.

You know how Prometheus was Scott's shitty prequel to Alien?

I hope one day Cameron makes a good prequel to Aliens.

I can see how some of your viewpoints, but I think one important factor that you seem to miss out is that this film was came upin 1986, that is 30 years ago. Many of the things in this movie were at the time very new, but today everything original in this movie has been reused and recycled so much in other movies and in video games, that the originality in Aliens is lost on, I'd say, most people today.

For instance, the whole space marines gig, is that prior to Aliens, the depiction of soldiers in sci-fi was closer to Flash Gordon and zapping guns, rather than the more realistic and gritty style that the marines in Aliens have.

Huge Alien fan, but Aliens was complete shit

Cameron's a hack

lol he's too busy making 3 more avatar movies.

By the time he's done with that he's retiring

I really like how the short film about the David android (look it up on youtube) is way better than the entire Pormetheus film (at least the cinematic version).

>The company knew the alien ship was on that planet, they settled it in hopes of finding it but the distress beacon had been turned off by this point

>No idea where it was until they got the data recorder from Ripleys lifepod, they copied the data then erased it so during her trial she had no evidence to back up most of her story

>The unprofessional space marines, and their rookie officer where specifically chosen for the mission so they would fail

The company wanted to see if they would be viable weapons against unruly colonies and armed soldiers

The company didn't count on the marines smuggling in armour peircing ammo inside a fusion reactor

>3 more avatar movies

I really like how the short film about Peter Weyland (look it up on youtube) is way better than the entire Pormetheus film (at least the cinematic version).

>This movie is even worse than Terminator 2
people are actually responding to this thread seriously, lol

Aliens is fucking trash and so is James Cameron

Reminder that
aliens>alien>terminator 1>terminator 2
If you disagree you need to get the fuck off my board

I thought you were lying. Just checked google, absolute madman

Never seen a more attention seeking post. Even a trip is on

aliens is literally the worst movie on that list, faggot numale

Alien > Terminator > T2 > Aliens

I never really got that idea about the soldiers' behaviour. I just thought that the marines being "space cowboys" was some sort of commentary on how the military of the US is essentially just people who are in it for the money and do not really care about the assignments or greater scheme of the military's operations. I mean, the first line that is uttered by any of the privates aboard the Sulaco is "They don't pay us enough for this shit.", when the hypersleep is deactivated.

Aliens = T2 > T1 > Alien

Alien is overrated.


Aliens = T1 > T2

Alien is terrible

you realize they weren't sent there to kill the xenos, but to have a soldier be a host and then frozen?

they're seen as just petri dishes, why should they care?

Hi! I'm OP and I'll will critizice this 30 years old movie on 2016's standards!

I can totally see that, but I always thought at it was initially Burke who came up with the idea about getting the xenomorph back to a lab, but that it wasn't him that arranged the ENTIRE thing with the soldiers. Rather I thought that he was some lower level manager at Weyland-Yutani that finally saw an opportunity to back it big.

Are Pandorum and Cargo good?

>tfw you read the aliens: engineer script and it was 10x better than that shit Prometheus movie

What the fuck was RIdley Scott thinking?

That script was perfect for an Alien prequel yet he decided to ruin everything

pandorum is bretty good, worth a watch


you're an idiot

>short film about Peter Weyland
the TED one?

I've watched Pandorum, I thought that it wasn't good.
I liked the idea behind the movie, but the entire plot is played out as if the script was pieced together from various bits found in the trash bins around the shared office of screnwriters.
There is a little bit of this, of that and of other, but not enough of one thing or theme, which I though hurt the overall experience.

no, the Nolan one

>the planet from the first movie is conveniently inhabited now, although for some reason NOT on the place where the Engineer's ship is, but close enough for some happy-go-lucky hippie couple to discover it
>the colony conveniently gets BTFO at the same time Ripley is found by the jews

I don't know if you realize, but planets are generally pretty big.

It's also thoroughly explained in the movie that Burke sent Newt's family to the ship based on the information Ripley gave him

he deliberately caused the alien outbreak because he wanted to bring one back to corporate

The "Aliens dosnt have suspense" meme was never true or funny.


Pandorum isn't good. Story is good enough, but it has really bad production values. It looks more like a scifi channel movie than a 30 million one, studio that did it went broke.

No, this one:

>dumb stupid retarded OP is trying to trash on a 30 year old classic action movie

It's not as good as Alien but it's still a fine flick for its time

I see what you did there...
The TED one is good too, but I really like the one about David.

do you know the story behind it?
the writer wanted to make a movie about prisoners on a space ship losing their humanityon no budget, somehow word spread and the director merged his different story about astronauts with amnesia into it.

fuck off pleb

That explains alot about the movie, but the result is bad none the less.

>Cameron will never direct the Battle Angel Alita Trilogy

it hurts...

The biggest problem is, literally every scene in Aliens serves as a plot-mover, fucking hack Cameron didn't know how to sacrifice few scenes here and there to create a more horrorlike atmosphere. Hacks don't realize not every fucking scene must serve as a plot-mover.

That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard.

You're a troll

How old are you? Genuine question, not trying to bait you or make fun of you. How old are you?

That's because you're an idiot. James Cameron = Michael Bay.

>scenes irrelevant for plot
>Sup Forums complains
>scenes relevant for plot
>Sup Forums complains
i'm not even surprised anymore

Just click on the post number to reply, cockfool

concerning your first point, the movie takes place some 200 or so years after the first one. WY did become aware of the alien's presence through plundered logs from where they found Ripley idly floating through space.
Vazquez is pretty cool.
The movie shows you the jew is evil, it should always be named and left to die because of its own trickery.
You're right that it's not scary, but it's still one of the greatest action/horror films ever made.

Mid-20s. I'm also The Thingfag, if that helps. I love Alien but dislike Aliens.

>the movie takes place some 200 or so years after the first one

Nope, 57 years.

Loved Alien, really didn't care for Aliens even a tiny bit.

>I don't know if you realize, but planets are generally pretty big.

But not big enough to make the colony on the other side of the planet instead of close to Engineer's ship.

shit, you're right. anyway, that's still enough time for a colony to be established

>Using memes to criticize a film
I found a nice cozy spot for your opinion.

>trying to impress Sup Forums

But why on that planet?

I saw the movie in 1996 and still wasn't impressed. And why? Because by that point I had already watched tons of war movies. This one just happened to have some bigass bugs in it.

consult with weyland-yutani, i don't know. wasn't the purpose of that colony for it to become infected anyway?

Just started reading it. At page 14 now. Feels like this is gonna make me mad. Should I read on user?

>OP's found footage

So many other works have copied it or been inspired by it that unless you saw it within the first few years of release, it's not going to seem as impressive to you.

Starcraft and Halo for example. Two huge franchises in gaming, and both heavily inspired Aliens.

I haven't watched either 3 or Ressurection, are they worth the time Sup Forums?

If you like the series I'd say watch them. They're definitely a step down, but they're not downright awful.

3 is probably the weakest, but it is a little closer to the first film, as there's only one xeno.