Season 4 part B begins today and no thread.. I'll fix that

What are you most looking forward to this season? Do you think Ragnar will still be king? Is Ragnar really going to forgive Rollo again? Is Ivar going to be a badass cripple?

Wonder how they'll make more cringey battle sequences

But keen for the cripple chariot.

More hyped than 10 hype men. Last episode was pretty brutal though, I've been rooting for Ragnar and he's just a massive crack fiend now, i guess two wongs don't make you alright

>complaining about the battle sequences
It's the main reason why we watch right? At least they have battle scenes on a regular basis, unlike in GOT where you get about 1 a season, although admittedly a fantastic one. Vikings does well with its smaller budget.

>What are you most looking forward to this season?
Lagertha and her lesbo army wrecking Au-slag's shit

desu he's probably given up the habit in the decade or so that passed after they lost to Rollo's ships

I've got a feeling Ragnar might die at the end of this season, I'm positive he'll die at some point. I hope not though, it wouldn't be the same without him.

I'm hoping for lagaffa titties, full nipple

Why did they divide the season like that? production problems?

her and Judith

To be hip like other popular shows

>tfw I still miss Athelstan
He never should have been killed off

Because all other seasons were 10 episodes only and this is 20 episodes.

Perhaps they call it one season for tax benefits or something.

I'm most looking forward to sexy Lagertha's leg tattoos all the way up her upper thigh they're showing.

if dubs it must be true

f to pay respects to ragnar. also I'd pop a bollock with that godess. anyone secretly backing Trollo and fit french waifu?

Yeah I'm not liking the whole "making ragnar look bad" thing, to be honest if he dies I think I'll just drop the show, it's no fun without him

Cool implant scar

>vagina armpit

>fit french waifu

best girl


His new show stinks.

It will never stop hurting


top tier taste lads, you guys are alright. (chekd)

Ragnar Loki bromance was carrying it loads, without a charming leader they're fked man. anyone catching up on the earlier season?



I beat my meat to the scene where she was getting her ear cut off. I hate that character, especially so in this latest season.


like this?

If only it was as good as GoT

If it had the same budget as GoT it would be better

>ywn cuck that cuck prince