Let's make a comprehensive list of top 10 tv approved movies

Let's make a comprehensive list of top 10 tv approved movies.
Post one movie that you think should be in the list.The 10 most recurring movies would be included in a straw poll where you can vote for your favourite movie.
List would be made based on the amount of votes.

Lawrence of Arabia.

I'll make these threads maybe once each week at different time so we have sufficient data and a broad range of choices.

Out There (1995)

Winter Light


Laserblast (1978)

Problem Child 2

The Walking Dead

Lawrence of Arabia

punch-drunk love

upvote me if you agree or if you love alice

The Dark Knight Rises

No Country for Old Men

Burn after Reading

Posting one movie makes no sense for lists.

My picks for Sup Forums essentials

>The Conversation
>The Hunt
>Assassination of Jesse James
>In Bruges
>The Vanishing
>Memories of Murder
>No Country for Old Men
>12 Angry Men
>The Thing


Keaton's the General

Not being a dick but Heat would really be in contention with Collateral for Michael Mann kino.

This has been done already

The Dark Knight Rises

It would be difficult to make strawpoll if everyone gives their own Top 10.Hence asked for a single movie.

Batman v Superman

>Angel Heart
>Sky High
>High and Low
>The Hunt
>Max Manus: Man of War

Extra one
>Inland Empire

Did I miss them, or are there seriously no Coen films on the list?

Id assume this one is old.Lot of New folks here since that list.

meant for

The Thing
Conan the Barbarian
Blade Runner
Big trouble in Little China
The Good the Bad and the Ugly
Evil Dead 2: Dead by dawn
They Live
First Blood


The Dark Knight
The Matrix
V for Vendetta
Fight Club
Batman vs Superman
Boondock Saints

Coming to America.

The Holy Mountain
The Dark Knight
The Avengers
The Force Awakens
Problem Child 2

Good Will Hunting

I'd make a few changes here and there but otherwise solid list.

Master and commander

If only, like more than 1% of Sup Forums has seen it

Most accurate list itt unfortunately


The thing
The terminator

oy vey

Pretentious faggots, you aren't impressing anyone with all those bullshit movies literally no one enjoys, let me post some real suggestions

Shawshank Redemption
Forrest Gump