Why is it always about feminism? She didn't wear a corset because she's already skin and bones

Why is it always about feminism? She didn't wear a corset because she's already skin and bones

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Are we gonna have all fat casts in movies someday soon? What movie should get a fat remake?

Her tranny ass neeeded the corset desu

>no corset


The Warriors.

>What movie should get a fat remake?

She did it to win points from obese and mentally ill internet women.

>its feminsism for wearing no clothes
>its feminism for wearing some clothes
>its feminism for wearing normal amount of clothes
>its feminism for wearing full fledge muslim burqas

Everything is feminism i guess.

Saving Private Ryan

>a female actress refuses to commit to a role, gets paid millions
Viva la feminism

Does this mean that Emma Watson has become fat?

>make a movie about a girl who is literally a personification of inner and external beauty
>literally named after the French word for it
>cast a 4.5/10 britgoblin

What did Disney mean by this?

Heavy Weights... make them even fatter


oh wait! they already made that.

it'll bomb anyway

I really hate this world.

>it's important

Fuck these idiots.

I thought she fucking quit acting?

What a stupid cunt.

A little more than today, but always a token fatass. Even in apocalypse movies, there'll be a fatass survivor.

She's going to regret it later on when she's looking at herself in mirror. Ain't no ideology patting you on the back then, only self-doubt.

Really stretching the meaning of important.

>belle is bookworm
>we need a popular actress who is also bookworm
>I gotchu fampai
>cast hermione bookworm granger

It's all these clickbait sites have, really.

She's not just a bookworm in the live action movie. She's a bookworm, flawless, super genius inventor.

Holy shit I had a dream last hight that I was making love to Leslie Jones.


would be so funny actually

I bet watson forced the disney execs to add all that stuff or she'd refuse to sign on.


Probably but who cares really.

It's not going to change the original fairy tale, it will just tarnish this version.

cool runnings

But corsets were the style at the time in which the movie is set

Fuck off

They could even add a scene, where they struggle to pull the squad members out of the bob. Also would Candy's character be even fatter in the fat remake, or would he be about as fat as before?

>There are people who unironically waifu this ugly broad

wow this is truly an important issue
who cares if people are starving in africa
american women should be allowed to be as fat as they want

when i heard about this movie i tought 'hey, wasn't emma watson all about feminism? what the hell is she doing in a fucking princess movie?'

>Had a crush on Emma Watson
>hear her talk about literally anything
>no longer have crush

Hello Emma, it's Disney, would you like a few million dollars to be in our shitty movie? No, we don't care what you bring to the role, just turn up. Cheers, then! What a dumbass she is.

>motivated and driven
>is using her power and influence for good
>one of the better feminists
People only dislike Emma because she's broadly associated with a group they disagree with.


No, it can be a lot of things but important is not one of them.

even fatter ofc

so fat he only ever appears in the background

At least Beast is white

Imagine if Beast were black

That's like having a white guy play the main dude in Mulan


>Imagine if Beast were black

Seems to be all these threads talk about so far and it's fucking annoying.

Slugheads. Also, her acting never fails to annoy me. She's tolerable in the first Harry Potter movies, but by the time the 3rd comes, she starts ruining the movies for me.

actually this

No, that was Chloe Moretz.

>Imagine if Beast were black
It's a fairy tale. What's the big deal? Hell, showing Black people that they have a place in stories that were originally from Europe is nothing but a good thing. It helps unify both our cultures together.

Serious? Now that pisses me off. Make him black. They need to go all the way. I'm not watching this crap anyway.

why sjws are so obssessed with words like 'important'?

Wait, do you actually believe Emma Watson is such a huge superstar actress that she doesn't have to audition for her roles anymore and just waits for calls? Kek.

> Rocco Siffredi refusing to wash his ballz for anal depravation 4 is important

is Emma too thicc for a corset?
can I hope...

>thinks the wage gap is real

Given how incredibly average of an actor she is, yes, I do. Because she wouldn't get through an interview process.

"social issues"

when will this end?

Emma is great.

Also she wears a corset in ballet shoes

>he thinks the wage gap isn't real
It's been proven to exist, just not for the reasons that feminists tend to espouse.

Because they know they're fighting over meager shit that even normies don't give a fuck about. We however, eat it up and give them fuel.

You're a dumb cunt she filmed three films last year including leading a tom hanks dystopian movie and singing in this.

They should be more like the alt right and say corsets are genocide instead of an "important" issue, then maybe Sup ForumsSJWs would take them more seriously, amirite?

I love the lack of awareness in these Sup ForumsSJW whine circle jerk threads, gets me every time.

Why should it? Films have the ability to influence people and to make them consider or take on new ideas. Cinema needs to be bound by ethics.

Stop it user. Historical accuracy is less important than muh feefees.

Wait, do you actually believe that auditions count for anything these days? They know who Watson is in China, that's all that fucking matters.

So what's the social issue here? Millions of young princesses around the world are still forced to wear corsets when attending ballroom dances with the nobility?

I wish they would just fuck and get it over with. But the whole point of the exercise is a smoke screen to keep idiots tied up with non issues.

>Historical accuracy
>In a fucking fairytale
I didn't know renaissance France had 7 foot tall beastmen wandering about.

>I didn't know renaissance France had 7 foot tall beastmen wandering about.
You should read a book sometime user.

>It's a fairy tale. What's the big deal?

The big deal is this is based off a cartoon movie so it should do things to a T from the thing it's based on. Why is it such a massive deal that you NEED black people in every fucking movie? Are you really so fucking racist to where you can't sympathize with a white character?

Yeah, they should just give Gaston an assault rifle and call it a day.

Complete opposite for me. I hate to think who you like

Disney had about 20+ young actresses who are known in China in the closer selection and amongst those, their first choice is to cast the super famous A-lister and if they aren't available, the B-Lister who did the best job during the audition.

shut the fuck up feminist cunt

Western culture is fucking cancer.

>So what's the social issue here?
Emma Watson is a female icon for a lot of young women around the world. A lot of young women who dislike the importance placed on unachievable body types and unrealistic beauty standards. Emma herself is on the cusp of being medically underweight, making her appear more so is pretty unethical, especially when people will look to that as being an ideal body.

The setting being grounded in reality is what makes the fantastic stand out even more. Why are there so many idiots who do not understand this concept?

>le horseshoe theory man has appeared

Of all the people you are talking about, Sup Forumsacks, SJWs and even genociders.
You are truly the worst.
If you would finally get the courage to kill yourself everyone would be happy.
I know you are suicidal. People who come to Sup Forums to tell everyone they are better than them truly aren't.

Your post is feminism.

That's all 90% of these "feminist articles" do. Point at things and say "feminism."

How that is supposed to be helping anyone I have no idea, but I suspect there are a lot of brains rotting away from being exposed to this tripe.

>the moment they jump out of the boats and the resulting tidal wave kills all the Nazis on the beach

> Sup Forumstards whine on the internet
> sjws literally run countries (worst korea)

>So what's the social issue here?

Body image issues/self esteem. Are you really so retarded that you can't figure that out on your own? It's sort of trivial, but it's more legitimate and real than literally anything Sup Forums shills infesting this site like rats tantrum about on a minutely basis.

>emma watson

The point of a corset isn't to make you thinner, it's to make your body appear more like an hourglass.

Given padding in the correct places, she could appear to be a healthy weight.

>Cinema needs to be bound by ethics

Emma doing gods work triggering all the fags. Castlekino incoming.

It's actually based off of a fairy tale from the 1740s, a time when France was experiencing a major social and political upheaval. The theme of a woman choosing her partner and looking beyond the superficial would work well with someone whose race might be against the norm.

>Why is it such a massive deal that you NEED black people..
I don't though. I just said it would be a good idea. You made the first post complaining about something that doesn't even exist, remember?

The Belle that Emma portrays is an inventor who has made a pretty unrealistic machine given the time period. I don't think a tool based on a machine gun would be that amiss actually. The Puckle gun was invented a few decades prior, so why not?


>being grounded in reality
Except most fairy tales are just loosely based on reality often with characters being over exaggerated. It sounds like you're thinking of certain types of fantasy instead. Also does Emma not wearing a corset really conflict with your immersion? Of course not.

See, this is my problem, my default mental state is to actually see women as equals, so the thought of them being in any way mentally affected by a girl wearing a corset in a movie was completely beyond me. Now that you said it, it totally makes sense though.

I didn't get a chance to ask because a shitpost("reddit weather") derailed your meme but since you're a neet, does your mother pay for your pizza or do you get autism buxs?

>someone is attacking my sjw allies
>quick, make it about how bad Sup Forums is instead!

>it's to make your body appear more like an hourglass
By pressing in at your hips and letting out at your chest. It's a pretty unrealistic standard of beauty anyway you look at it.

>she could appear to be a healthy weight
A healthy weight sure, but a hard to achieve figure for any woman unwilling to wear a corset. Regardless, the point is more about feeling comfortable in your body - assuming you're healthy. Why change what isn't broken?

>one of the biggest cultural influences in the 21st century shouldn't be bound by ethics
Notice how I said ethics and not laws.

>Ackshually its about effics in the movie industry

Gotta love that irony.

Image issues like this affect men just as much as they affect women, men just admit to having them less frequently because concern for one's appearance is considered to be unmasculine. In this anonymous place, for example, you can see that men are constantly gossiping on and on about appearance, where they're safe from being judged for it.

>it's to make your body appear more like an hourglass.
By making your abdomen look thinner.

>image deleted
Do females still trigger the free team unless its a shilled meme actress from capeshit or star wars?

>but it's more legitimate and real than literally anything Sup Forums shills infesting this site like rats tantrum about on a minutely basis.
yeah it's a real important issue
good job also bringing up Sup Forums for no reason
dont let those stormfronters sneak past you

The user asked about social issues, so yes of course it's about ethics in the movie industry.

Or, you know, it's just hilarious to see a bunch of alt right Sup ForumsSJWs criticizing this when they spend all day being outraged at more trivial shit, and instead of calling those things "important" they call them "genocide." If you don't see the hilarity in that then you clearly are who I'm talking about. Stay triggered, fatlus.

Thinner relative to your bust. Nobodies getting offended by women making their breasts look larger, which achieves to same net effect.

It's not just women who are effected though, men are too. If a guy sees a pretty woman on TV he likely won't consider that she's been photoshopped or that she's had work done. When he sees that as a standard for how women should look, it places a lot of pressure on ordinary females to compete and seek approval.