How many of these have you watched? Be honest

How many of these have you watched? Be honest

>BvS isn't on the list

You really should check out Bullet Ballet my kino friend, one of the most underrated and under-watched films of all time in my honest opinion


alright, I've been meaning to marathon Woman in the Dunes and Repulsion before next year but I'll add Bullet Ballet to the list



All but we the living


Got into Asian films kinda late in the game, still catching up.

I'm sorry you had to go through some of that too

Where the fuck is Paul Blart?

There is only entry level and mid level on that pic

Not high level

21. A lot of these are really obscure even for an art film lover.

All of list one but demon in the desert and 13 from list 2, mostly missing the more recent ones.

a few of the mid level maybe, but the entry level ones are almost all pretty basic criterion fare.

Didn't really dislike any of them but that "New New wave" film wasn't an enjoyable experience
Same with Roes room


literally never heard of anything there but Stalker and Seven Samurai

Well it's never too late to change your ways

same but also un lac was objectively terrible, nice shots tho

>Three Colors Bleu
>not Red or White

Only 6 thus far, but I watched Cobra last night so I'm on the right path

17 on the left, 1 on the right

It isn't as horrid as some of his other films

Yeah. Left side is easy to find. I've only seen one of the films on the right, the Bergman one.

That's pretty embarrassing honestly. Almost everything on the left side is extremely entry level.

110-120 iq is the average redditor iq, also the same IQ range that the big bang theory shoots for

to me all hours of my time i'll never get back, Grandieux is the epitome of a hack

20, most recent watch was Innocence. pretty good if you like little girls

I agree on that
What was your favorite from the chart though?

Just the one about the samuris.
It's a nice movie to be honest.

Didn't know La Haine or Le Samourai was considered art house.

OPs autistic image assumes all artistic or old films are "art house"

Anything foreign or black and white is art house.

Art house has a broad definition, and both of those films are considered art house. Look it up, retard.

>Kurosawa's composition and visual storytelling
>not arthouse

>what's an art house movie
>oh, uhhh... its just gook movies with strange titles

Only seven samurai

thought I was patrician until I got to the right side

they're all pretty decent but honestly I wouldn't call any all times favorites except for Stalker and Visitor of a museum, what about you?

Art house refers to actual art house cinemas which showed classics, foreign, and indie films aimed towards niche audiences, as opposed to megaplex move theaters which show only "big" movies aimed at general audiences. It doesn't mean literally "arty," it has a wider definition.

Spirit of the beehive, but it's been my favorite for a lot of time
Visitor to a museum is a favorite of mine as well

Cleo from 5 to 7 is a favorite of mine.

21. Most of those on the left and a couple on the right.

Whoops. 25, missed a column.

>tfw shitty online tests put me at 115

Shitty online tests put me at 125-130 when in reality I'm probably right around 100.


At 27

If I had more free time I'd finish it out. Only really need those on the right

Last watched Repulsion which was nicely done. Those rape scenes were horrifying

Next target is Eden and After or Bullet Ballet

I've seen 9.

As a rapist I can tell you the rape scenes are really good.




A few minutes of Seventh Seal

They're all on the left side though

27. Am I a patrician?

You shut your whore mouth before I rape you too

Instructions for a light and sound machine was shit

Red I've watched and blue I've got downloaded & ready to go.

That pleb feeleriino.

14, 1 on the right.

Possession is the GOAT.

I have tokyo story ready to go, anything on the right side you guys recommend? (or would advise against)

recommend eros + massacre, through a glass darkly, meshes of the afternoon, bullet ballet


19 left, 0 right.

I've seen chungking express and 30 minutes of 7 Samurai. How hopeless am I?

there is nothing stopping you from watching the films on that list. Just do it. Ascend to patrician

I enjoyed Valerie and Her Week of Wonders and Funeral Parade of Roses.

shouldn't be hard to guess which ones
stalker and seven samurai