
black dick

It shrinks?

like a frightened turtle

>that gyno


>big tits, little dick

George...had a hard life.

what can I say, he was a big guy

I don't know how you walk around with those things.

He still managed to bang a good amount of women.

And cry right afterwards

>tfw gyming but still have heavy gyno and child bearing hips
its not fair

man, why do so many men have child bearing hips nowadays? where's all the fucking estrogen coming from?

that was the thing that made no sense to me. i can understand jerry getting dates since he was a comedian but george consistently dated and slept with attractive women. he was a short, fat, bald guy with poor career prospects for much of the show. if he was a real person he might have gotten laid like 3 times over the 9 seasons the show was on air.

the writers made this so because they didn't want jason alexander to feel bad about being constanza and kill himself

he was funny and charismatic tho

>tfw mine looks like I've been in the pool
>tfw I'm never in the pool

I think we had the real George Constanza in an episode of friends.

>American women

He's just fat.

>Seinfeld bassline plays

I fucking lost it holy shit

I was in the POOOOOOL

he was sociable, constantly out with friends, and willing to lie on the spot to get what he wants

>tfw undressing in front of my girlfriend for the first time worried she'd make fun of my tiny flaccid cock
>tfw she said every lady knows about shrinkage and it's not a big deal

Also I'm a grower, not a shower so that's always a constant fear.

I was Marv El

baby penis detected

I've been told by many women they like my large ass.
I need to lose this gut tho
tfw Costanza is in better shape than you

what's your size flaccid and hard? asking for gf

in western countries its probably shitloads of estrogen in the drinking water since that does not get filtrated out of the water-treatment plants when its reused, women flush shittons of contraceptives into the toilet which still contains the estrogen when you drink it when its been purified, in third world countries its probably the shitload of chemicals that the food is sprayed with and the lack of proper health regulations for food but this is just an autistic theory

Everyone says they're a grower

hormones in food and water. also pcbs in plastic lead to an increase in estrogen levels as well.

That always bothered me. Who the hell looks at their hard dick and says "nah, guess I'm a shower"

yeah obviously everybody grows so the phrase "grower not a shower" is pretty stupid but it is true that some guys don't grow much from their flaccid state while others look like they have baby dicks flaccid and end up having 7 or 8 inches when all is said and done.

i know i'm self conscious as fuck about getting naked in front of people like at a nude beach or skinny dipping because it looks tiny when i'm flaccid but when i'm erect it's over 7 inches.


3 inches soft, six and a half fully hard. Never gave me problems.

anyone can get laid if you have the right charisma and can lie. Alot of women care less about things than you think. Elaine was fucking around with some weird guys in the show too if you remember.

It's a true statement though. If my cock isn't fully engorged him blood flow it's just a lump of skin. I've had past girlfriends like the surprise when it gets hard. As long as I'm aroused it'll stay big so it's something for them to work for.

When will they learn?

never gave you any benefits either

that's average for you

Having a silver tongue is a great thing. It'll do you wonders if you are lacking in physic or good looks. Women respond to a smooth talking guy or at least a guy who can hold a real conversation. I've hit out of my league a couple of times on the pure fact that I wasn't a boring unfunny faggot who only relied on his body to get him laid.

I'll settle for average, I don't need a mandingo dick to satisfy a woman. I've got sexual experience on my side so I use it.

>It's an OP starts a Seinfeld thread so he can talk about cocks

We'd just talk about them anyway.

>it's a "user unknowingly letting everyone know about his small penis" episode

Is this RLM?


>tfw really small when soft
>tfw 7.5 inches hard

Only solution is to undress with a boner in case someone walks in.

6.5 is above average.

>a little over 6.5
>was happy with it but I know it's not porn star level or anything
>get a girlfriend in college
>apparently she told all her friends i have a "massive" dick

>child bearing hips
just work on your back muscles breh

>she said every lady knows about shrinkage

Thanks to Seinfeld

he was a great liar, he states this on the show like every second episode

also the girls he got, always had legitimate issues unlike Jerrys