Why should I consider any director to be the "greatest" if he hasn't mastered multiple styles and genres? Surely...

Why should I consider any director to be the "greatest" if he hasn't mastered multiple styles and genres? Surely, someone who is legitimately "the greatest of all time" is competent at all types of film.

That's stupid. Being the best at something requires a lot of study and practice at that specific thing. You wouldn't expect the world's greatest painter to also be the worlds greatest sprinter, and you wouldn't expect the world's greatest barber to also be the world's greatest fisherman. Making horror movies and making comedies are completely different disciplines.

So the "greatest" musician ever should be able to make complex symphonies and hard trap 808 bangers aswell?

I agree with your premise. I nominate Roberto Rossellini for that reason.

There was film before Rossellini and film after Rossellini.

Also the Neorealistic Trilogy is the GOAT trilogy ever fucking fite me

The Shinning
2001, A Clockwork Orange
Fullmetal Jacket, Paths of War
Dr. Strangelove
Barry Lyndon
Eyes Wide Shut

those are all just thrillers

you're just stupid

jack of all trades

yeah, pass

sup reddit

Problem with Kubrick is,he is a movie maker.He's like a Nolan but better in every way.They won't effect you.

Kubrick never did a pure experimental film or a musical.

I disagree with OP, but I also disagree with you. Different genres aren't different media.

So no fantasy, western, epic, musical, crime, adventure or animated?

Guess Kubrick is a hack after all.

>the meaning of words is defined by my personal arbitrary standards alone

textbook autism

Chapters from 2001 are both. Checkmate.


A single scene set to music isn't a musical, btw

>experimental film
>a musical
Clockwork Orange: Singing in the Rain


You are an faggot

No, there is no musical sequence in 2001 in the genre sense. The experimental sequence is not purely experimental, as it couches its imagery in a realistic 'explanation'.

No, people singing doesn't = a musical. 2001 having a sequence that uses experimental techniques to convey an odd experience within the reality of the narrative doesn't = an experimental film.

a true master doesn't make genre films.

What would be an example of a master who made absolutely no genre films?

What about Footloose?

Sup 9FAG

is 9gag even still relevant? Seems like such an outdated insult at this point.

genres don't exist lmao
>can't compare the two they're different genres
pic related

Are you still relevant? Probably not.