
I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here

No one else better make a thread edition

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Everyones obviously going to be watching The Missing tonight senpai

Larry has actually gone insane

Will Scarlett make it back to Whoville before Christmas?


Watching new Big Bang on E4 why.


What shit taste

Seriously consider ending your life

>It's all about to Kick Off Tonight

>break after 8 minutes


Larry ftw

First appearance since when?

Tfw will never get to be inside Sam like that bug

Is this shown in aus?

So this is what a padded bra can do

The fuck do you do when the Elder Breaks down?
Have King Martin Rule in his place?

I can't help that it's comfy pals I'm still here in spirit.

Hopefully we get some more vintage punished Martin tonight, /ourguy/ was trying to be nice yesterday and it backfired(nobody voted for him, in fact he probably clung on last night off the strength of a couple Sup Forums votes).

I think so, there has to be some reason they censor everything even after the watershed.

Who /alreadyvoted5timesforMartin/ here

Well from the Preview there will FINALLY be a Breakdown
After 2 Weeks of lovey dovey happy happyland


Did it last night after the episode ended.

Looked like he was jumping on a fish.

Adam will be the next to face Martin's wrath

He's lost his talcum powder.

There will be no mercy for the others.

Who do you guys sincerely think will win?

All bias aside, who do you think the public will vote for?

Is there a way to see who the public has been voting for?

Kek Martin is actually autistic

Love it

>Martin and Adam romance breaking down

Scarlet or Larry maybe.

Scarlet probably.


in a minute
joel 2bh. it will definitely be between him, scarlett and adam. maybe check twitter mentions


check my 2

Martin needs to go ape and kill everyone. What a bunch of weird angry cunts they are.

I hope Sam doesn't go deaf

Between Scarlett and Adam for winner in the end

Unless meme magic is on our side for Martin

larry blew it after talking shit about martin

>It's a Martin jumps on Larry's Fish to establish Dominance Episode

Easier to fug tho

who here /can'twaitforchristmas/


>It's a Martin has killed Dr Bob and taken his place as Dr episode

I didn't consider it before but now you're scaring me lads. Anyone but Scarlett.


Thanks, guys.

Putting £1000 on Scarlett on skybet

lad she's an olympian hockey player

she'd kill you with her bare hands.

well cold today

Armstrong gets that comfy Pointless gig and Miller has to degrade himself with supermarket deals. Disgusting.

>The Patrician choice is Martin
>The smart choice is Adam
>The normie pleb choice is scarlett
Pls God 2016 continue to be Based and don't let the annoying pudgie slag win, literally anyone but her

>look how hard I work XD XD
>she says in her office job making children movies.

fuck off

you're probably better off putting £500 on joel


Since I don't know where else to discuss midday British TV, what does everyone think of Tenable hosted by the midget?I quite like putting things into lists being the autist I am, I think I'd smash it if I was on there.


Nah he won't win.

Who do you think the next elimination will be? Carol? Or are too many men jacking off too her?


>What does everyone think of Tenable hosted by the mifget
>Putting things into lists
That is one of the strangest sentences I've read all day, and this is a Weird Year.
Kinda want to watch it now.

Hopefully Adam

I want Sam "The Terror Of Tel Aviv" to publicly Execute you on Live TV now, autist.

Looking forward to the Championship next year, lad?

It's essential NEET midday viewing.Way better than Tipping Point anyway.

>Big Laffs Adam
I'd want Sam or scarlett to go next.

but he'll make it to the final so just cash out when his odds shorten. and i reckon sam's going out. idk how she survived last night 2bh

why is this soundtrack so perfect bros?


Fucking hell lads time commanders is back. Hosted by Gregg Wallace but it's fucking back.

>190,000 KG
>This fat fuck is still craving for (you)'s

Bruh get laid

grow up

Larry will not make top 3

I wonder if they'll have the same military historian back now that he's a she.

Tipping point is infuriating.



Listen to boy.

Who were in the final two last night?

Is there anyone who has been in the final two on multiple occasion who is there tonight?


Are they going to be hungry for the first time this series?

Day 345:
Joel has still yet to make anyone in my household laugh.

/ourguy/ was there
We were almost on suicide watch

Ben is such a terrible host(tries to play the bad boy, slightly smug quizmaster when everyone knows he's not like that) and the game is completely luck based.

martin was in the final two last night, but i think carol has been in it most. apparently the other person in the final two is random though. according to some user last night

I wanna gargle his sperm so I don't care

>damage control

Sam is best girl now Ola left

not if you know how to control the machine

Nuclear Martin is coming back lads

Holy fucking shit, lads.

I know you don't want to hear this but I am sweating.

Should I put £10 on Adam, Martin, Carol or Sam?


Fuck me!

Ben got sent off in that charity football match. He's bad to the bone.

Oh yeah boi that show was the shit!

Do you do anything but spout shitty bait posts that are under a sentence long?

Adam is going to win imho, so not worth it. Worth a cheeky tenner on Joel though.


But she still has to go after scarlett and before any of the lads


Martin is so hot lads, I think I have a mancrush on him.

The guy exists to shitposts. What can you expect from a guy who supports a Welsh team?

I knew he was a peng ting day one

These Aunty Bessy ads are painfully unfunny