What is Sup Forums's opinion on Tucker Carlson's new show?

What is Sup Forums's opinion on Tucker Carlson's new show?

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It's my favorite news show. Love it. Really like how sharp Carlson is.

It's started off really strong, but the only issue I have is the quality of his opponents for the debate section. He destroys leftists, sure, but they also are stupid to begin with.

If it keeps picking up steam, I can imagine more prolific people will come on his show.

Wait, he still gets work after Jon Stewart metaphorically pulled his pants down?

top kek

He just got his own show on Fox last week

Cucker tarlson

He's on track to explode into popularity. Him and his friend that plays devil's advocate have the best chemistry.

Remember when he talked about his fetish for yoga pants on on Red Eye?

This. People apparently have really short memories as he showed himself to be an incompetent ass way back when.

Kino 2bh


>12 years ago he called out John Leibowitz for being biased and Leibowitz responded with "my show is a joke. It's on comedy central"
wow so incompetent

You can't cuck the Tuck.

He's a dishonest, mediocre faggot.

Masonic shill.

Sup Forums will love him, they're always follow the wrong path.

Can't cuck the tuck


Is it true this guy denied the holocaust?

wow. what's next, denying santa claus?

Can't cuck the tuck

He is pretty based. Love the new show.

It's pretty good

This cuck needs to be gassed.

He will only be remembered by when he got cucked by Stewart

He should have Jon Stewart on.

every idiot loves to use the word satire

comedy is used all the time to influence political views

He's based and gained a loyal follower in me for putting cucks in their place.

I love tucker but he should talk more about the (((globalists))) instead of the brain damaged SJW puppets
god I am glad that "stewart" is gone

He's been murdering liberals left and right, it really feels good.

About time that a show relates to my interests.