So, how is she going to defeat Darth Vader?

So, how is she going to defeat Darth Vader?

In a lightsaber fight?

Other urls found in this thread:

She doesn't. The Rogue One team manages to transmit the Death Star plans but are captured in the process. They get broken and forcibly augmented to eventually become the Knights of Ren.

Wait, is this true? That's pretty depressing.

she rebels

Disney has to have a reason Rogue One never shows up in the original trilogy but simply saying they died is lazy.

This is actually pretty neat of Disney to do.

If anything she evades Vader or her Dad sacrifices himself to help her escape with the plans.

Clearly DV is in ANH so he isn't defeated. I personally hope everyone except Mon Mothma dies in this movie.

It's a fucking Game Theory video

Donny Chen's character dies, so no.
it's probably a ruse.

>Clearly DV is in ANH so he isn't defeated
Vader got pretty fucking defeated at the end of ROTS and that didn't stop him from coming back

pretty sure they are all killed by Vader at the end unless they did reshoots and it just ends with them escaping

Wouldn't that be like 30+ years after?

I would think they would be too old and useless by then.

by being a strong female lead in disney's ridiculous idea of a film franchise.

we still don't have an old republic film, at least disney won't get their jew paws on one good thing.

If this movie ends in any way other than Vader massacring everyone I will be disappointed

>inb4 they all escape all live happily ever after


Don't read if you don't want to be spoiled

They transmit the plans by the end of the second act. This is a feint, the finale of the movie is the crew trying to survive Vader.

Horror movie by the end?

There's absolutely 0 chance they kill off more than 2 of these characters.

The girl is safe, shes strong and determined
The sand nigger is safe, he's the current type of diversity in current year
The short gook is safe, he's not a clean looking Asian, therefore he is also the correct type of diversity
The spic is probably safe too, he would never let the girl down

Donnie Yen is too upper-class Asian looking, fucking gone
The nigger is dead

She's already a master lightsaber dualist

Rogue One actually feels like one of those WW2 commando/espionage films within a science fantasy setting. I have a feeling that it's gonna be like the Dirty Dozen; maybe 1 or 2 survivors while the rest are killed or tortured to death.

This is what is seriously missing in the prequels and the Force Awakens. The original trilogy emulated WW2 films in its scope between the Rebels vs the Empire. The attack on the Death Star in A New Hope took inspiration from The Dam Busters and Mosquito Squadron 633.

That is fucking awesome. Darth is legitimately the scariest and most dangerous slasher to chase after you since he can read minds and will just toy with his prey.

Too bad EA did.

they will though, for the same reason the old republic and prequel republic era were 100x more used in canon rather than the years before ANH.

>unlimited Jedi
>unlimited sith
>this is the origin story of mos eisly, you member mos eisley right?

they'll completely destroy the patrician atmosphere of the old republic, which is what really makes me angry.

they had no issue killing a 39 year old character so it's not like they would bat an eye at murdering the whole cast

we don't talk about this

Harrison Ford was not coming back unless they killed him

by the power of the almighty vagina

Nope. They're going to successfully transmit the plans and then be killed by overwhelming Imperial forces.

Vader's going to have like 2 minutes of screen time. His first appearance will be early in the movie where he'll demand an update on the Death Star. The final scene will be him choking the villain to death for his failure and then him saying "I will retrieve these plans myself" or something like that.

>parroting a theory as fact
You need to be 18+ to post here.

Like this

still, they could had killed him in a different way

This is a blue board dumb ass.

>read minds
nigga u crazy

>they had no issue killing a 39 year old character
>still, they could had killed him in a different way

i don't know who first called her moe sizlack but that shit is the truth

you have to be over 18 to post any board, "dumb ass"


doesn't apply to blue boards

Jesus Christ, you're retarded. And underaged.

Quads, it must be true.

>get BTFO
>y-you're underaged!

Holyshit, Nick Kroll's disguises are so fucking good mate.

but you were objectively wrong user, how'd you "blow him the fuck out"?

im sorry i had a long day and im just shitposting for fun. ill stop

>having a bunch of 70-year-olds as "knights"

Sure thing buddy

To expand:

Jyn and Cassian are the only survivors of the crew
K-2SO "dies" but is implied to be repaired by the end, similar to Groot
Vader uses the force to "implode" his chest
Vader kills Krennic (with his lightsaber, not force choking) after consulting with Tarkin about his testing
This is a follow up to Vader's first appearance in the film, where he warns Krennic about testing the Death Star too early and signposting the project
Tarkin only appears in one scene and is a hologram, he is digital
Tarkin is in charge of the Death Star's construction and doesn't like Krennic's disobedience and power play
Vader is slightly apathetic, but respects Tarkin enough to
get Krennic in line

This next part is from the original and was changed in reshoots, but including it anyway:

Krennic is killed by Galen
Vader kills Galen
Jyn tries to weaponize her lightsaber crystal, as this is the same material the Death Star's lazer is made from
Bohdi assists, but the crystal is too powerful for handheld and they instead implement it into the U-Wing, still disguised as Imperials
Vader kills Bohdi as scramble to escape the Death Star
The U-wing is pulled in by a tractor beam, similar to the beat in the original Star Wars
Jyn and Cassian test their lazer by destroying the hangar and freeing themselves
Vader pursues in an Empire Strikes Back-esque chase sequence, this is the climax
Jyn and Cassian transmit the plans at this point
Vader is called off by Tarkin (voice only), is ordered to follow the transmission

The reshoots added Vader's lightsaber and created more stunt suits, but he is still not active until the end

The film originally ended with Vader boarding Tantive IV, but now ends with Jyn accepting another mission from Mon Mothma after a time jump

Jyn was never going to die, the movie is projected to perform well enough for a sequel but she will also appear in a sub series from Del ray, currently under Alexander Freed and John Jackson Miller

when did all these leaks happen? or has it just been released already to some places

Not him but probably test screenings

The film wrapped a week ago I think, if you google Rogue One there's a Hollywood Reporter article up about how Tony Gilroy handled post production and got positive test screenings

Making Star Wars is probably where most of the leaks come from though. They had the entire plot of Force Awakens up months before the movie came out

yeah i remember that. i read a pretty long synopsis on here for the next one that went into a little more detail beyond the "force tree" it was probably fake but id like to see it again

I'm an EUfag, sorry

The Force tree came from a comic bok called "Shattered Empire"

In the last issue, Shara Bey, Poe's mother, helps Luke retrieve two Force-seensitive trees from the Empire

Luke gives her one and she plants it in her home on Yavin, where Poe grows up

There is basically some speculation that Poe may have been influenced by the tree somehow, and that his piloting skills come from the Force

im an extremely casual sw fan but i love seeing EUfags in threads because theyve always got something interesting from the EU to add

don't you mean
>like this