What happened to children's TV showers...

What happened to children's TV showers? How did we go from classics such as Arthur and (old) Spongebob to shit like Stephen Universe and Adventure Time?

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>who is to blame for the downfall of the family unit and modern degeneracy!?

>not liking adventure time

>inb4 reddit
fuck you, i like it

>children's TV showers

Who has a TV in their shower?

By nitpicking like a cancerous faggot.

>What happened to children's TV showers?

I didn't know children had TV showers.
I didn't as a kid.

White melennial hipsters are to blame, faggot. Stop blaming kikes for everything whites have done

Spot the poorfag

Adventure Time is shit. Even regular show is more entertaining

Were you poor when you were growing up or something? All the rich kids had that

yeah sure thing kike

weve all seen entourage

Animation quality has also gone SIGNIFICANTLY down too. Cartoon shows used to be beautifully hand drawn by a team of artists.

Now you just have flash animation or simplistic, effortless art like Stephen Universe

Adventure time is pretty good though

>Cartoons spanned over decades compared to one
Weeeew laddie

>Arthur and (old) Spongebob
those were shit already too kiddo

I enjoy SU.

Not AT though, that shit is terrible since like 3 seasons ago

>Not AT though, that shit is terrible since like 3 seasons ago

You w08? Arthur is based.

Arthur is childhood cartoon kino.

Just because you grew up doesn't mean Arthur sucks.

>Jon k


AT was good back when it was about goofy one-off adventures and not relationshit drama.

The latest season of AT has went back to the old formula instead of making the show about drama. I dropped it for a long time, but it's been decent

I grew up on shit like Trapdoor.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Sharkey And George.

Not animated, but Dinosaurs was fucking amazing... NOT THE MOMMA!

>Adventure time
>stephen universe
>rick and morty
>regular show
>bojack horsemen
>teen titans GO
>we bare bears

Same exact art style

Face it, cartoons have gone to shit. Animators are just trying to appeal to the minds of normie millennial kids, redditors, and "le epic meme XD" kids

But who was the ones who socially engineered those white millenials, its the guys who control the entertainment media AKA JEWS.

because children don't watch TV anylonger.

They use smartphones and tablets to watch cartoons and they mostly watch youtube videos.

My wife's son uses my tablet to watch cartoons on youtube and he always watches them before going to sleep.
Plus they usually watch those spiderman-elsa bullshit.

tl:dr Studios don't get any profit of cartoons and children's shows anylonger

I'm just waiting for Finn to fuck Princess Bubblegum, Marceline the Vampire Queen and Flame Princess.

Blue-haired Hillary voters and Berniebots, while the Jews are for sure funding it, it is the artschool graduates making the propaganda.

The only thing all those have in common is they use thin outlines. Gumball uses various art styles through out the show. Also even if that were the case it's not anything new, in the 70s there were endless Hanna Barbera shows, and clones of their style, same with Jon K's after Ren and Stimpy were popular in the 90s

They can blame themselves and the change/evolution of human artistic tastes

People who have differing tastes and born in a generation (like us) will always be disgusted by the tastes of the new generation. It's an ongoing cycle, faggot.

Elvis and The Beatles back in the day were hated as much as pop groups today

Continuing on, the cartoon shows of the 80s/90s were probably just seen as "Jewish propaganda" tools by the people born before that era. And so on

bullshit my dad loved spongebob

cartoon industry decline is directly related to the crisis in the toy industry
it was the toy industry that financed cartoons through advertisement; children advertisement is heavily cracked down for being evil, manipulative or whatever.
also both they cannot compete with the video game industry.

that's how you end up with cheap crap like this:

>he doesnt enjoy 4k widescreen animated kino while showering

Pleb af. Get out.

>Arthur and (old) Spongebob

>jews dindu nuffin
>its your fault goyim
>even though we were the ones that made the programs to control your mind from a young age

>(old) Spongebob

shit was gay tbqh. I thing you meant Hey Arnold


>my wife's son
Ya baited me matey!

>implying the first 3 seasons of spongebob aren't cartoon kino at its finest

Alex Jones isn't a jew tho

Seasons 1-13 are the genuine arthur animations by the original studio if not mistaken? I havent watched beyond on that because i cant bear to watch shitty flash animation.

Isn't Hanna-Barbera well known for shitty animation or something?

this sure is one reddity post, partner.

He's can't spell good.

Probably a NEET.



>Animation quality has also gone SIGNIFICANTLY down too. Cartoon shows used to be beautifully hand drawn by a team of artists.
The well animated Looney Tunes shorts have been recycled and replayed for 50 years, and Hanna-Barbera cartoons were always complete garbage

>that jarring quality difference between the old Arthur opening and the new episode animation


why is this so good
why is it still stuck in my head seventeen years later

We got old, faggot.

Yes, they were horribly cheap and ruined the limited animation aesthetic forever

>durr the world is falling apart because the animators are lazy episode
>literally just using sketches and the storyboards because le quirky
>proof of good animation

Step aside kid, here's the real reality bending animation kino:
