We want to use the climb to highlight the gender inequalities faced today by women in sport

>We want to use the climb to highlight the gender inequalities faced today by women in sport
>Women have fewer opportunities to play sport
>Get paid less when they do
>And don’t get the same coverage or respect in the media.
>I don’t want to be having this same discussion with my future children, achieving gender equality is a daily challenge, says the Equal Playing Field co-founder Lara Youngson
>A brave group of women climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa's highest peak, and played the highest altitude game of football in history to push a powerful message


Ladha thicc as fuck g

Who here lifelong /ladha/?

I can play soccer anywhere too. Its not an accomplishment. If climbing a mountain then kicking a ball around means i should be paid millions then I'm in. Until then, no one is interested in watching women's sports. Not even other women. I don't understand why they think they deserve this pay. The pay comes from the fans wallets. No fans no money.

I'd be more concerned about the girl next to her that wears a veil which is almost surely an antifa thing

Your what's wrong with the world

Say it with me

That's why we need to change the mentality of the fans to make them watch womens sports, internalized mysogyny and marginalized sexism are responsible for creating this prejudiced bigoted fascist society that doesn't want to watch strong and proud women compete
The patriarchy being in the control of the media and not broadcasting/advertising womens sports is a major reason behind all of this, nazism was yesterday, progress must be today because we have no time for tomorrow!

How is it my problem women don't like women's sports? I wish I could make millions playing football. But turns out I can't play at a high enough level to make the big bucks. Guess I should start a protest and demand someone pay me millions to play sports at a mediocre level.

> diversity and being different is good
> If we just forced everyone to think exactly like me the world would be great.

Holy shit are liberals fucking stupid

>liberals are fucking stupid
You could've noticed that a long time ago

Probably the height of the stupidity of the "pay gap" debate here was in 2014 when it was honestly wondered by some why the women's world cup winner got paid far less then men. The fact that the men's world cup is the biggest sporting event in the world by far and the women's is a complete joke that was only national news here for a few days and quickly forgotten about because "USA! USA!" either didn't occur to them or it somehow didn't matter.

Why does Armenia have gay pride for a flag

Because you can't find a single pride flag anywhere in this country contrary to the land of the """free"""

If at least 22 women can do it, how is it brave?

>wearing a scarf when you're cold is antifa


there are rapists living in the mountains

>Ladha fat as fuck g

>head not covered, just a veil
>black and red colors

>I'd be more concerned with antifa

you know antifa is a thing for like 20 years right?

it is not an american thing.

you might as well say "i will be concerned with that bald guy over there because he is a skinhead"

gender equality in sports is the biggest nonsense one could ever hear
gender equality in real life is the first step towards societal distruction

Well, at this rate there will be no tomorrow.