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it shrinks?

like a frightened turtle


poor George

do women honestly not know how inconsistent the size of a flaccid penis is?

Women can't even accurately estimate the size of an errect penis.

only six inches?

women dont know shit about dicks

they don't know dick about shit

Remember when pictures of Orlando Bloom completely naked paddleboarding on a lake came out? And women were all laughing at his small penis?

They literally have no idea what they're talking about

it looked pretty big for a flaccid dick too desu
I bet he's got a solid 7 inches

whitebois on suicide watch


My 4 yr old has a bigger penis.

Is George the best character ever?

No, it only feels bigger cause you have a small mouth.


Cosmo is the best.


Why would they, especially before the Internet?

>only six inches?

don't they ever look at their own penises?

Why is no one talking about his titties?

yeah they don't know anything. In fact, most women, before the internet, assume erect dicks to be smaller than the average

it's normal for men to have breasts up to a B cup


>he's a tits guy

i thought they were at the beach

>Seinfeld bassline plays

Nah George's better

Even funnier, because the black guy would never be in the pool.

this desu

The dynamics are unpredictable if you've never owned a penis.

Tbh the revenge concept was pretty dumb and far-fetched. Who the fugg takes pride in never eating lobster? And it's not even close to equal to her telling your gf you have a little dick. There's no recovery from that other than rape.

Settle down dicklet, men are talking.

>muh real life logic doesn't fit in tv comedy

Kramer establishes that it's a big deal. She'll get special favor from god according to the show logic.

>Who the fugg takes pride in never eating lobster?

jews don't eat shellfish


Which episode is this?

The absolute best thing about this episode was Kramer's reaction to seeing the baby.


Can we agree that George did nothing wrong in this episode?

>ooh I'm vegetarian and don't want to eat some lobster
shouldn't have blabbed about George's dick

>Can we agree that George did nothing wrong in the entire series?

Yes. Yes, we can.


George was wrong in nearly ever episode.



>>ooh I'm vegetarian and don't want to eat some lobster
pretty sure this is b8 but does no one remember that she's a jew


The Hamptons

What show?

Jews and Misunderstanding in the City

Home Improvement

My Tiny Penis and Me

Curb Your Judaism

Attack of the Shoah

reminder that women are right


>i cant feel a 6 incher
no shit, roastie

>bitches knowing the size of a dick

she couldnt accurate estimate the size of a piece of paper if it was infront of her

be a lot of guys get triggered by this

it's fake

>george will never make you scrambled eggs

shoving a bunch of kids and an old lady over to escape a small fire was pretty wrong.

>muh morals

Why is it wrong to protect oneself?

Fuck you slut, roasties and children will be BTFO on the next titanic

He was just clearing the way for everyone to escape.

>once full body doing exercises with weighted balls
>moving around, sweating, all of the sudden
>dick pulls in and tightens drastically,
>i thought it was going to go all the way inside

said no women ever

first inch of this hole is the sensitive part, if they mean by feeling, hitting the other end maybe

>when you're exercising so your body thinks it's in flight or fight mode and makes the dick and balls as small as possible so that you can run without genital obstruction or can fight without the enemy attacking your genitals

but then you have a hot shower and it seems to grow pretty big once it knows youre safe and manly


>he should have raped her

Arrested Development

>said the increasingly nervous man for the nth time

>first inch of this hole is the sensitive part


Settle down dicklet, men are talking.

What the fuck was his problem?

It's funny because only dudes will little dicks say shit like this.

>I-I'm a grower, not a shower!

it's true though
you can have a 1 inch dick flaccid and 8 inches erect

kek keep telling yourself that dicklet

Women cant into numbers. They are dumb as fuck

>he's never had an erection before

some guys dont really grow when they have an erection, so they think everyone is like that

tfw genuinely below average penis

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.

>samebabydicking this hard

>I make up a ridiculous and unrealistic size like 1 inch flaccid and 8 inch erect to prove a point

women can't into numbers because guys lie about their tiny dicks all the time, yea bro, that 8 incher you said you have is really just 6 inches.

I have actually had my dick shrink so much that it looked like I had a foreskin (and I'm jewcumcized). I'm only about 6 and a half erect.

i remember, but only because I've had the show on reruns for the past year

fuck, I had an image before of a guy who had a 1 inch flaccid cock and it grew to like 8 inches when erect
i think i deleted it

itt: dicklets justifying their condition

tru dat
8.8" master race

How do you have 8/10 of a dick?

eh, the joke isn't making me laugh user

post proof

Try looking in the mirror

>it's a "6 inch dicklet who thinks anything longer than 7.5 inches doesn't exist" episode

just stop user

I use to watch shows like Moesha, Seinfeld, Frasier, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air without even noticing the actors races now I have to be conscious of how all four Seinfeld characters are white.

Thanks social justice.

Fucking destroyed.

Only one of them is White, the other three are Semites.

>that guy who's 5 inches flaccid and 5 inches erect

thanks for this
laughing nude women while still nude are incredibly rare pics to find.