ITT: Christkino

ITT: Christkino

Other urls found in this thread:'s_list_of_films

Fuck Pope Francis.

>ITT: Grown men who believe in 2000 year old fairy tales and play dress up

>being so much of a pleb that you miss out on the best kino of the year just because god isn't real


how can one pope be so based

Why is Castro supporting a capitalist multinational corporation?

first post best pope

Castro never really cared about capitalism and communism, he was always a Cuban nationalist who just liked to talk about ideology to suit his own purposes. After carrying out his revolution against Batista (with American help-funny how that never gets mentioned), one of the first things he did was fly to Washington to meet with Eisenhower. But Eisenhower told him to fuck off, he went to Moscow instead, and magically discovered the glorious truth of socialism at the same time that the Soviets started sending him money and oil.

who is this? i´m sorry i don´t watch reddit core shows

Francis is ok. It's very annoying how he's being presented in the media though, I've seen quotes from him taken out of context implying that he supports abortion and gay marriage.

you just outed yourself as protoredditor. congratulations.

agreed. fucking commie. John Paul is spinning in his grave.

worst pope in ages, if there's a hell he's gonna burn in there side by side with fidel.

don´t talk shit about the dead you nigger

He's not bad, the media has just drastically distorted his statements.

Francis: People who abort babies can still repent and seek forgiveness
Francis: Gays deserve god's love

fuck off neo tv you show is shit

there are many reasons why this pope is one of the worst
one of them is his clear bias and affection towards socialist politicians in latin america, like evo morales, fidel castro, kirchner, dilma, and clear distaste of any remotely non-socialist politician (macri, temer, uribe, etc).
another is, he wants to be an eclectic pope, this is a corrupt project of the papacy of regaining relevancy by becoming some sort of broad religious leadership, that can come forward and speak in the name of other religions. for that reason he has to be extremely politically correct regarding anything islam.
See, for instance, in this interview:
>It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest.

or this:
>when I hear talk of the Christian roots of Europe, I sometimes dread the tone, which can seem triumphalist or even vengeful. It then takes on colonialist overtones.

If they were talking about "European roots of Christianity", I'd understand, but it's the opposite, and he gets all delicate.

>movies that made you become Catholic
>pic related

Yep. The media is pretty clueless on Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular, so it's no surprise that they report Francis as saying what they want him to say.

>Bergolio says that "gay marriage is Satan's work to destroy God's plan"
>Media: omg guys gay pope!!111

>when I hear talk of the Christian roots of Europe, I sometimes dread the tone, which can seem triumphalist or even vengeful. It then takes on colonialist overtones.

>even the pope is a commie now

while I think Francis is borderline commie, that picture was NOT happy about it. He said no to it, with a very concerned face, because he understands that it is fucking retarded to accept a cross with a hammer and sickle. He has also said very solid things on the family being destroyed so he is not completely there.

>picture replaced w/ he

Forgot pic related's_list_of_films

plus there is a lot more that arent so obvious. all good tho.

>while I think Francis is borderline commie

Nah, he's been more lowkey than John Paul II or Benedict XVI but he's not a Marxist. Catholicism isn't compatible with Marxism and I imagine Pope Francis gets that.

pope cuck desu

he's a peronist like nearly every dumbass argie

Yeah, I'd rather he just not talk about economics because whenever he does it just ends up taking the form of "well obviously Marxism isn't good but what about *evil caricature of capitalism*"

Tbch it would be great if he got someone to articulately present Catholic social teaching on what is and isn't part of a just economy.

literally would be shocked if any one else on this gay reddit board watched this great film

Tied with Whiplash for my favourite film of 2014

I wish there were more protestant themed films.

or at least christain films with more of a wasp bent.

There are plenty of shitty evangelical films that are just created to make money, but when it comes to mainstream Protestants I feel like most of the films are more generically Christian than representative of any particular group.