Star Wars Rogue One cringe

Did they actually think this was cool? "You almost got me!"

and why is it so multi cultural-- no offense?

There's a Godzilla reference? who green lighted this shit show?

cringe is at 1:22

>cut to beginning of A New Hope
>Every Rebel fighter is a WHITE MALE

Bravo, Disney.



way to go OP

>You almost got me!
>You're welcome

damn this really is gonna be shit

>it's another "spouting jokes and silly lines while killing people" action movie

banter is fine, it's just shit

After playing KOTOR 2, I honestly can't bring myself to enjoy these new sw movies. The cringe and pandering is just too much

what was the godzilla reference?

or is having asians in main roles enough to count?

So why is Donnie Yen casted in this movie again? As shitty and corny the new Vin Diesel movie is going to be at least he fits in there.

The plan to steal the Death Star plans was pretty much a suicide mission. Why waste the white males on that?

not people, white supremacists

>mfw Sup Forums goes in with such low expectations they come out of the movie pleasantly surprised

>why are the rebels multicultural

I've never understood this complaint as in the original movies they were supposed to be multiciltural because the empire was "muh humans first." Unless you mean people of color which is a silly thing to throw a fit over. Not that any sort of skin color would save it from being another by the books quipfest.

>TFW you actually thought this was going to be gritty war film
Fuck, why does Disney ruin everything

click the link

Godzilla posters in a room they go into

>donnie yen won't be a miralukan
>no duros, bothan, rodian, mon calamari or any other species
>continues the quirky robot companion shtick

I mean why even bother using the Star Wars IP if you aren't going to involve aliens?

They're going to make so many spinoffs that nobody is even going to care by the time Episode VIII comes out. Do kikes understand market saturation? Same problem with Marvel, this whole thing is going to collapse once people finally get tired of endless comic sequels (ie soon), and since Marvel/Star Wars are the only profitable films anymore, we will be left with zero market for films in general.

RIP Hollywood. Maybe the retarded Avatar sequels can keep you afloat though the 2020's.

this pretty fucking ironic due to the way Disney seems to have made this movie a SJWfest: The empire in universe isn't actually white supremacist like the one producer on twitter claimed - its actually a xenophobic institution that discriminates heavily against non-human species (which is why Thrawn was such a big deal in the EU). So the lack of aliens in favor of a racially diverse, all human cast actually makes the comparison null as it means both the rebels and the empires discriminate equally against aliens

why do non jedis trust the force so much now?

they are just fucking rebells did they had any training in the force

rebels indoctrinated them

>empire was "muh humans first."
>its actually a xenophobic institution that discriminates heavily against non-human species

no it wasn't.

>no duros, bothan, rodian, mon calamari or any other species

>no it wasn't.

really compelling argument/evidence you have there

>no it wasn't.
>literally no aliens in the empire aside from slaves and that one blue guy EUfags constantly fellate

>not 99 impressed


Oh, they'll milk this shit for many years. They're turning each movie into a cliff hanger, "tune in next week to see who Captain America's new team-member will be!"

If you haven't noticed, Star Wars is leaving a lot of shit open for speculation, allowing all sorts of theories to be able to take hold of the internet. Like "who is Snoke" or "who are Rey's parents" or "is Finn force sensitive". It gets people talking about the films, therefor excited to go see them when the movie comes out.

>all these assblasted Sup Forums fags
it's getting sad really.

>Oh, they'll milk this shit for many years.
Yeah, but how many more years can it possibly last? Not very long, I think. Marvel is already spending more/making less on each sequel they produce. Market forces will collide soon.

>There's a Godzilla reference? who green lighted this shit show?

If people pay for shit, they will make more shit to them.

It's always been sad. I'm going to cry tears of joy when these faggots get blown out opening day.

Ben Mendelsohn is already the most likeable character in the whole movie, aside from those new alien rebels.

Catalyst made him even more likeable given how unstable he is. Especially with Tarkin

I know there's going to be some aliens but there's no aliens among the main crew just humans and a robot

I already hate the meme robot

>meme robot
What the fuck does this even mean? By this logic you would call Han Solo a meme character since his sole characterization in ANH is to make quips and challenge Luke.


That's what this movie is about?? That means Kyle Katarn is in it, right?

why the fuck did you trust Disney to deliver anything above milquetoast family friendly popcorn flicks?

That's literally their entire brand

Who cares about this gay Star Wars shit?

we president now

That has never happened

Is it the same user that makes variations of this exact thread 50 times a day and the same 4 anons who post the exact same responses every time?

I sweat to christ I've seen this exact image accompany this exact joke in 10 Rogue One threads today: