What did Sup Forums think of Atlanta?

What did Sup Forums think of Atlanta?

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I enjoyed it.
I think having an all black writing staff definitely helped it because it ended up being pretty honest, funny and quite complex at times.

SJW propaganda baka

It was really good, they should probably try to make it more about Paperboi though.

It's pretty good but the second half of the show was pretty sloppy, overall it's a solid 8/10

Really good, especially the Juneteenth episode but I'd like the show to be just a little more sequential with storylines.

Niggers are deep the show
Honestly who watched this garbage

>I only saw half the trailer before hating it because it only had black people

triggered cuck

Was pretty comfy

>I only know how to respond in memes and buzzwords

go back to your safespace

>Getting this triggered by the existence of blacks.

Is this the alt-right ubermensch?

struck a nerve didn't I :)

I thought it was going to be a lot funnier

The base story is really uninteresting. Also I can't relate to it at all

> more buzzwords

You're not a bright boy, are you

damn :(



damn you sure showed me

>i though this was a show about how bad whit people is
>ended up being a show about how bad black people can be
i'm latino and nobody likes me so i'm not triggered about black/white bullshit
anyway pretty good show, i'm ery hyped for season 2

its lazy

>how bad black people can be
They already are

was alright

Pretty good. Great direction, some funny ideas, good characterization. A little.. too much at points, some restraint or clarity would be nice but very impressive.

Here's what's refreshing, as he's a black creator he can show flawed black characters which fucking finally. White and jewish writers are afraid to write blacks as anything but noble, funny, brave, kind, the stud, the smarter one, BORING, rather than flawed, complex PEOPLE like any other race. So it's cool they get to show the quirks and flaws of black characters.

It is fuckin SJW liberal Shillary propaganda

>muh blacks dindu nuffin
>muh evil white ppl
>muh violent rappers portraited as big shots

Really hope someone will ban this crap, it's getting more and more worrysome, people around me are scared

also, hiro murai is a fucking genius, i love his work

there's like 2 "bad" white guys an tons of terrible black dudes in this, so, i think you didn't watched it

>implying greentexting is an argument

I'm not sure how to say this without hurting you greatly, but.

Its not a conspiracy. Black people don't act the same way around white people (and to them, jews are white) as they do around each other. Thus, the only thing people with white skin see of black people are the simple funny/noble/brave/kind/studly/smart acts, rather than any sort of complexity.

question for the people who lives in Atlanta
is it really that comfy?

I don't watch niggerdom

Thanks for correcting the record :)

If hell were real, it would be just like this board. Listening to extremely dumb people whine about identity politics. Forever.

How dense are the fucking mods here? Perma ban anyone who has posted on Sup Forums within 24 hours. Congratulations, you just tripled the average intelligence and post quality here.

Oh shit, didnt make the connection to this Earl video which i liked- i gotta watch the rest of his stuff now



any place where you aren't treated with hostility is pretty comfortable, yes.

go back to your safe space libtard, this isn't the place for you

>implying this isn't hell

Sup Forums isn't anyone's place.

I'm a racist straight privileged white male, why the fuck would I watch this show?

Never seen it

How the fuck can you rate a whole show by just watching the first season?

because its a sitcom with no real plan or direction, which means all characters will flandardize instantly?

I was blown away by how good it was.Its not whiny or preachy Donald Glover has really come in to his own in a more mature way than what he has done before.

You judge the season as the whole. It was original and had mostly good episodes.

A musician trying to get rich and be famous and slam pussy. Not so difficult to understand unless the social commentary episodes flew by you

I wish Donald would die

His comedy is pretentious and forced.
Fuck him in the mouth.


fuck off Donald, die in a fire

>what's happening ITT

hes right tho in this very board is multiply people calling the show SJW when the show makes fun of black people in both a positive and negative light they're only looking at the skin color of the cast




cause you are interpreting it as a white devil show when in reality the show is about black stereotypes and how right they are and how black people arent angels or devils that they're people and some are better some are worse its not a white devil show nigga oh and you would watch it because its entertainment

It's sad to see what's become of Sup Forums this image says it all



>If hell were real, it would be just like this board. Listening to extremely dumb people whine about identity politics. Forever.

I agree. At first it was funny, but now it's like anytime a show features a woman or minority, there's accusations of Jews, SJWs, forced diversity, niggers, etc. no matter the context of the characters. Just Jesus Christ, who honestly cares?

I thought it was pretty good. It felt more honest and genuine than most other media centered on black people. It wasn't trying to show how the man put them down, or do some blaxploitationesque "them niggers are silly" kind of deal.

It really wasn't that great. It's pretty much type casting at this point which sucks because he look liked he would have some range.

Hopefully he can break out of that typecast and do something dark role to break it. Least he always be that snarky ''I'm more intelligent than you'' actor.

This is the perfect infographic for this dumb fucking board

Yeah this board is full of fucking retard Sup Forumstards.

I wish Sup Forums was more like Sup Forums actually. We would have more discussions and less reddit accusations.

Other way around friendo
Getting sick of the leftist invasion
It's like SRS is literally trying to take over this board with their fucking cancerous ideology

This is literally Sup Forums

>he still doesn't get it
And you wonder why people say leftists are nothing but useful idiots

Great direction. Honestly, his direction is the best thing about the show

Fucking lmao
I've lived in a black neighborhood for years and they do not act different around white people, they are always 100% nigger
Upper-middle-class white liberals don't live with blacks so they only pay attention to the good ones

I get it, you fucking retard. And I'm not a leftist.

triggered much faggot you had to bring out the infographic kek

Yet here you are replying

implying its not

its actually redpilled as fuck

Nigga you gay as hell

t. white man

go back to your Sup Forums hugbox then faggot

Why, am I invading yours? Do you not feel safe right now? Can you even? ughh?

>niggers niggering
No thanks, op. I like art, not propaganda.