New Plot Details From 'Escape From New York' Remake

>Plissken in the previous two “Escape” films didn’t have a name, but now he does: He’s Colonel Robert “Snake” Plissken.
>Our bad guy won’t be the Duke of New York. Instead, he’s the lean, intensely charismatic Thomas Newton, the playboy heir to an agrochemical and biotech corporation.
>The role originated by Lee Van Cleef will now be played by a woman.

Other urls found in this thread:

I thought he was dead

>no link
i don't want to believe this and wlil stay ignorant until someone proves it


>In the reboot, New York is breathtakingly lovely. Manhattan is the island we know, but with more towering glass structures and a high, undulating glass wall. The sky is alive with drones as serene as bees, and artificial intelligence controls all in the form of an ethnically ambiguous, cheery young woman called April. A small staff of technicians and researchers known as “Seers” monitor all.
>Globally, one in every seventy five human begins is now either a refugee, internally displaced, or seeking asylum.
>A hurricane is coming. It’s called Superstorm Ellery.
>April’s security won’t be as good as everyone hoped. That will make the whole city vulnerable.
>Snake has only eleven hours to complete his mission.



is carpenter still directing? If so then the details are irrelevant. If not, it's gonna be shit.

see was still posting more info

He is producing

Bob Plissken nice to meet ya


Won't be as good as Carpenter
The completely changed the plot and characters
There is no resemblance to the original series and what it was about
This is a hot fucking pike of shit, who did this? Sony?

tell me when this releases so I can kill myself beforehand


>>In the reboot, New York is breathtakingly lovely. Manhattan is the island we know, but with more towering glass structures and a high, undulating glass wall. The sky is alive with drones as serene as bees, and artificial intelligence controls all in the form of an ethnically ambiguous, cheery young woman called April. A small staff of technicians and researchers known as “Seers” monitor all.
What's the fucking point then?
It was supposed to be a walled city prison.

Top this faggets

Did the writers and producers all get together and say "OK how do we take almost everything that was good and memorable about the movie and replace it with shit"?

Sounds terrible. Just using the name.

I'm so confused. This is absolutely nothing like EFNY. Not even thematically.

What the fuck.

>welcome to the human race
fucking based Carpenter


>furfag are
noun is singular but the verb is plural
>their legion span the internets. It defiles
Again, either change "span" to "spans" for a singular "legion", or change "it" to "they"
>it's fantasies
"its" is the possessive pronoun; no apostrophe

looks like they're going with a modern interpretation. The old idea of a prison state is no longer relevant. Now the prison is *is* the state

yeah, sounds pretty interesting tbhq i'm sure they will fuck it up

this. fuck the british

>Globally, one in every seventy five human begins is now either a refugee, internally displaced, or seeking asylum.

is that a better rate than our planet now

I thought John Carpenter owned the rights to this.

Makes sense but then again the original wasn't a sophisticated analysis on prison structure, it was a B-Movie with a guy doing an impersonation of a throat cancer patient while wearing a black eyepatch.

I refuse to watch this unless they get Carpenter to do the score. EFNY without John Carpenter's music would be awful. The only reason I can excuse it without John directing is because he hasn't exactly directed a good movie in the last few years.

You called


escape from LA was already a "remake"

Carpenter also has to pay bills and doesn't give the slightiest fuck about his "cult classics", in fact when interviewed about The Thing status as a cult movie all he could say was "What good can do that to me NOW?"
He doesn't give a fuck.


>>Our bad guy won’t be the Duke of New York. Instead, he’s the lean, intensely charismatic Thomas Newton, the playboy heir to an agrochemical and biotech corporation.
>the bad guy is a rich white man instead of a black super pimp
Wow, this garbage reeks of politically correct bullshit and I say this as someone who didn't mind Rey in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

And Lockout was a remake of it to

they got rid of hayter so he actually sounded good in MGS5

That is honestly disappointing

I disagree but I also didn't hate sutherland

>Carpenter, who also directed classics including “Halloween” and “Assault on Precinct 13,” will serve as an executive producer on the remake

In other words
>John Carpenter will show up on set one day, say hello to the cast, go home and cash his paycheck.
I love Johnny but he doesn't care about filmmaking anymore. He'll happily slap his name on something as long as he gets a paycheck.

true, I saw that then I literally forgot totally about it

Good, you people have to understand that most of the time your "heroes" like directors and actors just think of their work just as that, as a job.
They don't feel this huge sentimental link to their works because they already have lives themselves.

>Makes sense but then again the original wasn't a sophisticated analysis on prison structure

Excuse me? The original is one of the best kinos of all time. It was a masterful and artistic take on society. You must be some kind of beta cuck redditor if you don't think it was a great kino.

Top 5:

1) Escape from NY
2) The Thing
3) Batman v Superman
4) The Tree of Life
5) Blue is the Warmest Color

you think you have better tastes than me, faggot? try me.

Carpenter even sued the makers of Lockout and won

>He is producing

Have a (You)

>it's a "we're just interested in the brand name, the content can be whatever, so we'll put it together from half a dozen unrelated scripts" episode

>the Escape from New York remake is finally happening
Kill me. I hope it fucking bombs because if it does well then a They Live remake will be right around the corner.

What's the worst way they could fuck up a They Live remake in todays PC, SJW world?

That's what it sounds like happened. They bought an IP and already had a script that has the most tenuous ties to the original.

>Uh generic sci fi genetics drones hacking
>it's in NYC where evil guberment/coporation watches them so that's like a prison right?
>snake will be Star Lord mixed with every sci fi average joe military guy ever played by Tom Cruise
>the female side kick will be a scientist or hacker or something and she'll be pretty but not know it and argue with the lead over technical language because ENGLISH PLS lololol
>the ending will be them stopping a nuke or doomsday tech thing at the last second and then falling in love but not kissing because too many movies subvert the cliche and now that's what's cliche
>obligatory black friend/sidekick
>maybe a dog for good measure

trailer has a low tempo and depressing remix of an 80's song.

it was a parody

The original picked on Regan's "Morning in America" thing. So I can see them doing it to Trump. The left is perfectly okay with being anti-consumerism.

doesn't matter, Rowdy Roddy isn't here to suffer

Here's how I imagine the remake would go
>everything is grimdark and "realistic"
>main character is a black guy and the movie makes a big deal out of this
>unnecessary love interest
>tons of heavy handed bullshit that tells the audience "THE ALIENS REPRESENT THE REPUBLICANS AND THE PATRIARCHY!"

The heroes are actually Trump voting villains and humanity must embrace globalism under the leadership of the peaceful aliens for a brighter future.

Arrival basically.

>I love Johnny but he doesn't care about filmmaking anymore.
Probably because he cares more about making music

Man you must have to be on 10 levels of Sup Forums to pull globalist propaganda out of Arrival

That was his name in the original, too. The part in OP about his being nameless is bullshit. When Van Cleef reads his information, he refers to him a Lieutenant S.D "Bob" Plissken.

As far as the other stuff goes, they're changing a bunch of shit, but I'm not that worried. Carpenter is still involved, and he's a bitter old bastard. I can see him being demanding enough to make sure that it's at least watchable.

Why the fuck does every movie made nowadays have a rich white man as the villain? I can't think of a single fucking one that came out recently that doesn't have a rich white male villain.

The original They Live was an anti-Republican movie about how rich people fuck over the poor and brainwash them into going along with it. Carper has said tons of times the movie was taking the piss out of Reagan. It's not a conservative movie.

A remake set in the modern day would probably be exactly the same and also make fun of the right.

Miss Peregrines Home For Peculiar Children

>In an interview with The Wall Street Journal the highly-held horror helmer, John Carpenter, revealed that he has yet to speak with the (Big Trouble in Little China) remake’s prospective star Dwayne Johnson, noting that it’s still early in the process. However, pressed on whether he would consider joining the project, he seemed rather dismissive. According to Carpenter: "I’m ambivalent about a remake. On the other hand, it depends on how much they pay me."

>While Johnson has commented on his intent to get Carpenter involved with the project out of respect, his apparent enthusiasm is also mitigated by the realistic possibility that the script could fall flat. As Johnson told EW earlier this week: "Let’s see what feels good, what we can come up with and then go from there. And as we write it, if the whole thing starts to stink up, then we thank everybody for their efforts and accept this just couldn’t make it."

What year did they stop putting non-white villains into films?

Wasn't his name Bob? Cause I swear they called him Bob in the film.

user, you're not Tim and Eric.

Why do they remake 2.5/4 movies that no one cares about

NO. I don't like leftist propaganda. I like kinos. So this has to be a kino. This movie is about a lone wolf aryan who is tired of seeing his society taken over by jews and he shoots up a bank and TV station to save his country. He also has a black friend who he helps redpill and proves he's not really racists even though shillary voters keep saying so.

Plebbit calls you back.

>"What good can do that to me NOW?"
That makes a lot of sense in relation to The Thing, though. When it came out, it bombed and critics hated it. And a lot of the bad reviews were weirdly personal about John Carpenter, saying things like he fucked up a classic and that his career was over.

He was shit on, and his career took a big hit because no one liked it. He probably views all the praise now as kind of an insult. Yeah, that praise is good now, but it does no good, since the shitty reception it got at the time is what he had to deal with. It doesn't have anything to do with him not caring about it, it's just him being bitter.

>It's not a conservative movie.
Considering who the wealthy elite supported in our last election (hint: it wasn't a republican) and what the left wing has mutated into over the years They Live is most definitely a conservative movie now.

He thought it was his best movie, probably still does. But yeah, it was shit on pretty much across the board and so his career took a different turn and he had to work on things he didn't really care that much about, like the next movie he made, Christine.

Which is funny since SJWs had a hissy fit over that.

>Considering who the wealthy elite supported in our last election (hint: it wasn't a republican)

But the republican WAS wealthy elite. where the fuck do you guys come from?

carpenter rolling in his grave

Oh god, no! Please! What is that? Don't tell me!

Kingsman had a gay black tech CEO antagonist (Samuel L Jackson) that tried to kill off 99% of the population to stop global warming.

He wasn't gay, just squeamish about violence

>gets impaled and pukes at the sight of his own blood


>Carpenter also has to pay bills

I'm fully aware Carpenter is a liberal and They Live isn't a conservative movie. However, since the film never overtly references Reagan you can project your own political views onto the film. I've seen some elaborate theories about They Live that make perfect sense if you ignore Carpenter's politics.

>But the republican WAS wealthy elite
The wealthy elite support the Democrats now because of how corrupt they've become. The wealthy elite wanted Trump to die in this election so their horrid cunt monster Hillary could win. It doesn't matter what Carpenter thought of Reagan or the Republicans at the time because the roles have very firmly reversed and They Live is just as much a conservative movie TODAY than it was a liberal movie when it first came out.

What a great counterargument. There's nothing overtly globalist in Arrival.

Kill yourself. Escape from New York is a masterpiece that many people love.

You're the baby that brought pol up out of nowhere.

Ah yes. Really activates my almonds.

>You're the baby that brought pol up out of nowhere.
I'm not

Escape From New York Will Be A PREQUEL

>There are new details surfacing behind Twentieth Century Fox reboot of John Carpenter‘s 1981 cult-classic Escape From New York, but there are two very important elements that are missing from the reports.
>First, and more importantly, it’s going to act as a prequel to Carpenter’s film, while the second, which could be changed by the time filming begins, is that Snake Plissken will not have eye eyepatch

>The original They Live was an anti-Republican movie about how rich people fuck over the poor and brainwash them into going along with it.
Art can be interpreted in many different ways. There are fascists that are convinced the movie is about Jews destroying the white man.
>Carper has said tons of times the movie was taking the piss out of Reagan.
Death of the author.
>A remake set in the modern day would probably be exactly the same and also make fun of the right.
And it would suck. The fun of the original They Live is it never explicitly says "REPUBLICANS BAD" so you can come up with your own interpretation. A remake would be heavy handed bullshit.

>Now the prison is *is* the state
kinda felt like they addressed that somewhat in Escape from LA, with the USA being a totalitarian state and all...


Somebody screenshot this for later reference, this guy's laying down some truth

I'm gonna enjoy when this flops.

what is funny about this is that trump will fuck over his constituency just like he has been fucking over people his entire life

come again?

>Arrival basically.
But none of what you described happened in Arrival. The villains weren't Trump voters and the aliens didn't become the leaders of a peaceful globalist world.

>something something brainwashed build wall
>something something alt-right

Yes all those celebrities and bankers putting their weight behind hillary were all poor, transsexual POCs

It's been that way for 20 years

They used to have a jewy looking good guy, but it's now usually a POC

Is Tom Hardy the new Snake Plissken?


Rated PG-13

Honestly, I would be fine with an Escape from New York sequel where Emily Blunt plays Snake's daughter. But that isn't going to happen. Instead we're getting some shitty remake/prequel.

>Dwayne Johnson,
I'm done