Movie tickets for me and my girlfriend $26.75

>movie tickets for me and my girlfriend $26.75

>Concession stand food cost for me and my girlfriend $650.22

I don't think that's accurate

I don't think that's accurate

Me? I'd serve crab legs.



that picture right there is almost $20 worth of theater food
why are you buying it and not just sneaking in food

They search people like hell now at the movies, the only place they haven't searched yet is my ass crack.

Just for a pop and slice of za' it costs $20. Fucking ridiculous.

>white people not taking food in the theater lmao!!!

>That will be $35.99 plus tip sir
What do you do Sup Forums?

>sneak in lobster claws
>forget the butter
>that'll be $239.99 plus tax


>me and my girlfriend

That's more unrealistic than those prices


>implying Orville Redenbacher would be rolling in his grave after dying like a boss in his hot tub with several bitches at age 88


he can do so much better than her tbqh

>buying concessions

But what about your girlfriend's African-American son?

He stayed at home with my girlfriend's husband.

just wrap up messy food with plastic wrap and put in pocket

Not sure why you buy that overpriced nonsense when you could do what I do and sneak food into the theatre.
1.) Fifteen potato salad sandwiches on Hawaiian rolls.
2.) Six hard boiled eggs (unpeeled until the show begins to preserve flavor)
3.) Two large Tupperware containers (one for the wife) filled to the brim with Mac and cheese and a little bit of hotdog (plus Tabasco for that kick)

Robert, you swole

>want to see the newest kino film, passengers
>have to find way to bypass no singles policy at local cinema
>buy inflatable girlfriend from walmart and blow it up
>guard ACTUALLY thinks its my girlfriend
>get free concessions for being the cutest couple

feels pretty good man




don't spend so much time on Sup Forums and watching porn white girls don't actually like black guys very much
that guy isn't a particularly attractive one anyways

Imax at least?
Tickets here are $7 at AMC and the local chain, $9 at Landmark.

Landmark will sell you a Goose Island for $3.

>mfw I dump my one free refill XL popcorn and remaining drink on the floor every single time and nobody can do anything about it

Do you not see anything about that woman other than the fact that she's white?


What a dick.

>that guy

If you do this at a movie theater, fuck you. There is a trash can on the way out the door. Sincerely, the person cleaning up your mess